Goalgreen First Blockchain Project Asia

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)


With the development over times, human progress. We turn from the countryside into the city, from the huts into high-rise buildings. Trees are being cut down, and the smoke emitted by the industrial area is growing. Greenhouse effect, glacier melting, air and water are also under serious pollution. The earth is facing an unprecedented crisis, what can we do?GoalGreen has launched a series of environmental campaigns, calling everyone to love the earth together. Not only all the warriors who are involved in environmental protection are able to profit and increase theirincome.So, how does it work?First, what is carbon credit? Carbon credit is a trade that balances carbon emissions. For example, the carbon dioxide emitted by a factory will pay for one metric ton of carbon dioxide to help the institution or government develop environmental activities. Like planting trees, installing solar power and supporting all recycling and carbon reduction activities.So, GoalGreen developed the carbon token using blockchain high-tech anti-counterfeiting system (Blockchain + Carbon Credit) which born in conjunction with carbon rights data and value.

Any green merchants who registered under GoalGreen, they are able to trade in Carbon Token. It is also electronic money, environmental protection is the future of the world’s attention. In this big situation, the value of the carbon token will rise with the market Carbon Credit (Carbon Contract) – when you use carbon token trading, you also pay some carbon credit to help you make environmental protection.

Logistic Credit – If you pay air tickets with carbon token, filling petrol, car pool, or mail courier service, you can enjoy a 5% to 10% discount.

Water Credit – your every carbon token will also support the production of clean water.

Health Credit – Any purchase of carbon token will automatically benefit from similar medical cards.

Property Credit – In the future can also use carbon token to buy property, through the block chain convenience allows you to quickly get bank approval.

What are you waiting for? Quickly join our lineup to become the rescue of the Earth’s environmental fighters.


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