The central bank for the new world currency

in blockchain •  6 years ago  (edited)

KaratCoin Bank (KCB)

Now is the time for Real Values! 

Money rules the world.

But only gold will save it.

A financial system that comes one step closer to total crash every day.
Because it is based only on debt, fiat and paper money.
Money has become a mere means of payment, which in itself has no value and is now created by banks at will - from nothing.
It is high time for real values.
For a new world currency that can perfectly combine virtues such as crisis resistance and yield strength thanks to its genuine gold cover.

It's time for the KaratGold Coin, a.k.a. KaratBankCoin (KBC)

We at KaratGold will do everything we can to turn this coin into a true global currency through perfect infrastructure.

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