Will Facebook's BLOCKCHAIN LIBRA replace STEEM?

in blockchain •  5 years ago 

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Steem Blockchain was always believed by enthusiasts to be the new determinant of social media platforms, which will empower individuals by respecting their privacy, money and time. The Blockchain technology was a key to this Utopian world, where corporations do not have any control over regular people. I think this @acidyo's gif perfectly shows the general attitude among content creators on Steem.

acidyo.gif Source

Corporations noticed this threat and decided to play our game: Facebook announced that they will create a new cryptocurrency called Libra. It seems that Steem lost its advantage - despite the fact that this Blockchain works for over three years, Steem is out of Facebook's league if it comes to massive adoption. However, do we really have something to worry about?

What is Libra?

If you take a closer look at Libra, you will probably notice that it is different from the other projects we know from the Blockchain industry. What they are primarily trying to achieve is a global financial infrastructure that will enable people to perform convenient payments. They want sending money to be as easy as sending a photo and take no longer than a few seconds.

This is definitely a noteworthy application of Blockchain technology that would probably transform the global financial system. However, Libra seems to be completely centralized.

First of all, each coin will be backed by the actual assets, thus stabilizing the price over time. This is a reasonable decision, because if Libra had a speculative nature, like Bitcoin, it would be hard to use it as a casual mean of payment. Additionally, it would be stressful and obscure for the regular people (especially from the third world) if the price fluctuated.

z24913230V,Facebook-Digital-Currency.jpg Source

As we can read on their website:

The actual assets will be a collection of low-volatility assets, including bank deposits and government securities in currencies from stable and reputable central banks

Libra seems to be completely contingent on governments, central banks and corporations. It completely denies the idea of Statoshi Nakamoto implemented in Bitcoin.

Is there a threat to Steem?

Facebook does not intend to empower individuals by rewarding content, but to create an infrastructure of simple, fast and secure payments. Steem offers exactly the same for three years already, but lacks one incredibly important thing: simplicity.

Content creators will surely not left Steem because of Libra. Many people on this platform even think that more people will get interested about Steem, but I doubt it. The longer I am on this platform, the more I think that it is way too complicated to be massively adopted. People will not take the risk of buying Steem without understanding it. The only benefit I can expect is a potential raise of Bitcoin price.

What is your opinion about Libra? Please share your view!

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Great post @neavvy. Yes, it seems that Facebook and Libra have already taken control of the crypto market. BTC on the rise only because of Libra.

Steem is the classic idea man who goes down to the businessman. Looks like the twins got dupped by Zuck again.

There are a few corporations running everything. Facebook is in the club. A stable price makes these people happy. With a third of the world already on Facebook, and with it being so easy to use, they already have in place what Steem can only dream of.

Getting paid for content creation and using Social Media really worked on Steem for a bit. I'm sure some early Steem adopters got rich quick and Powered Down.

I'm going to keep my Steem until the ship goes down. However, let me know when the Libra Air Drop starts. Ha ha . . .

Thank you for sharing your insights @cyemela!

There are a few corporations running everything. Facebook is in the club.

Yeah, interestingly there are a few more corporations behind Libra including Mastercard and Uber. Seems that the "old guard" is trying not to lose the initiative.

they already have in place what Steem can only dream of.

That's true unfortunately.

I'm sure some early Steem adopters got rich quick and Powered Down.

I think they rather collected an enormous amount of SP and are running bid bots currently making a fortune. At least I would do so :)

I'm going to keep my Steem until the ship goes down.

Apart of the jokes, do you think that this ship will go down? Recently I have such impression more and more often...

Sadly, yes. All the new coins and air drops took the value away from Steem as well. Libra will probably stay strong and not allow that to happen.

All the new coins and air drops took the value away from Steem as well.

Indeed. Steem Engine is a great project, but new tokens, for example recent Airdrop of PAL clearly leads to the drop in the value of Steem.

I think that there are two points to consider about Libra:

It will not replace steem

Since Libra will be a kind of stable coin that will be linked to the value of fiat money, it will not be possible to create value from a reward pool like steem. So users won't get rewarded for their posts. Libra will rather be a means to transfer money from one user to the other.

Steem offers exactly the same for three years already, but lacks one incredibly important thing: simplicity.

I think that you point out the most important "problem" about steem. It is simply too complicated for new users to understand and to adopt.

Crypto democratized

What we should understand however is that libra will be like an entry door for people to the crypto world. When you take all the users of facebook and instagram and that you offer them an entry door to the crypto world, this will contribute greatly to make this world accessible to them. Imagine that you can promote steem to facebook users who are already familiar with another form of cryptos (libra)....

Thank you for your comment @achim03.

Libra will rather be a means to transfer money from one user to the other.

I totally agree with you.

What we should understand however is that libra will be like an entry door for people to the crypto world.

That's right and this will surely impact Steem and generally blockchain industry in a great way. But I am really curious how many people will decide to get out of their comfort zone and try to understand blockchain.

Well, there are a lot of advantages that I could see on Libra and honestly, I am a bit alarmed with it. However, if the adaption will be a worldwide phenomenon, them somewhere, someone would have designed a cryptocurrency exchange thing down the line. So what is the difference if I have steem or libra- its plain and simple really- I can earn steem while I need to pay to get my hands on libra.

I cannot say that libra is a threatening presence right now. Why don't we wait and see how things go?

Thank you for sharing your view @nurseanne84

I cannot say that libra is a threatening presence right now. Why don't we wait and see how things go?

That's probably the best approach, but it's always pleasant to specualte :)

Facebook does not intend to empower individuals by rewarding content, but to create an infrastructure of simple, fast and secure payments. Steem offers exactly the same for three years already, but lacks one incredibly important thing: simplicity.

Yes, we do believe that the lack of simplicity is the biggest stumbling block for steem's success. The other stumbling block is the bidbots.

If a new simpler social media platform on blockchain is introduced in the future, then steem's days would be numbered. It will be like what happened to BlackBerry phones, which despite their first mover advantage lost out to their competitors.

Thank you for your comment @invest.country!

The other stumbling block is the bidbots.

Do you think that bid bots are really the biggest problem? I would personally point at resource credits. They significantly stop the development of the newbies.

Hi @neavvy

The issue Libra we must follow closely, I think it has a future, however I do not abandon steemit, but the fact that steemit does not leave does not mean that I can not turn my gaze towards pound, but we should also expect the events, since recently the congress from the United States, I request that the release of Libra be stopped.

Facebook urged to pause Libra crypto-currency project

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this particular topic with us @lanzjoseg. Have a nice day!

We often hear that Steem is chugging along with 50,000 active users. These are 50,000 people who were willing to invest time and energy figuring out how to operate their accounts. There are over one million accounts on Steem. People who signed up and decided the platform isn’t worthwhile. Some days, I think it isn’t worthwhile.

Facebook users, whatever many billion there are, may not be interested in making their social experience more complicated. Posting and upvoting is simple. The complication is the insistence on “quality content” by some purists, declaring income from your activities on Steem (most users prefer simple tax returns), dealing with downvotes and enforcement bots, hard forks, and whales. There’s a ton of nerdy unsociable stuff happening on Steem that average users don’t find interesting.

Libra will likely serve as an easier way to buy Steem, having enough volume to be on all the exchanges. It may very well help existing Steem users. However, I don’t think it will have much impact on growing our little city of 50,000 beyond that. We lament the lack of growth, yet jump up and down when people put up “shitposts” which are a majority of social media.

There is something dysfunctional about Steemit that keeps us here and puts off newcomers who don’t share that dysfunction. I can’t figure out exactly what it is. In the end, Libra won’t suddenly make the Steem community more or less functional. What is going wrong here is more than simple unfamiliarity with blockchains.

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There are over one million accounts on Steem. People who signed up and decided the platform isn’t worthwhile. Some days, I think it isn’t worthwhile.

Don't forget a large number of accounts are registered by bidbots as fake accounts to upvote the post promoters. Many of these bidbots, we believe, are run by the witnesses.

It's interesting how many newly created accounts never became active @invest.country

@neavvy, we notice many of the high ranking keywords have already been taken up but not active. Examples of such keywords are hotel, insurance, games, voice, flight, auto and maps. All these accounts are inactive.

There are thousands of such keywords already booked but not active. These are people who are speculating, hoping that one day steem blockchain will become extremely popular and this accounts can be sold for a good profit. Meanwhile the account will remain dormant.

We reckon the number of such accounts are more than 10,000.

Thank you for sharing your view with us @shainemata!

Libra will likely serve as an easier way to buy Steem, having enough volume to be on all the exchanges.

That's what I'm hoping for. Currently in my country it's really hard to buy any cryptocurrency, most likely because the government seems to be afraid of blockchain and limits it with plenty of regulations. Hopefully Libra will change that situation.

I think that cryptocurrency purists won’t really use it and avoid it while normies will find it easy to adjust as Facebook will make it native to their ecosystem!

What I would like to see is how the cash our process will be moving it to a bank or to another cryptocurrency

What would be a bonus is buying Libra will probably be cheaper and allow fair to crypto exchange really easy so we can bypass the shitty ones In our respective countries

Could be a quick way to buy crypto and then move it into an ecosystem you actually want to use!

It could also help expose the world to the greater crypto market other than that I don’t see much for a benefit for the consumer but it will be a huge money maker for Facebook and the group

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I agree. It may serve as an entrance that allows crypto users to move to other currencies much more easily. The volume would justify adding Libra to all exchanges.

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That would be awesome @shainemata. Currently it's really hard to even buy Bitcoin in my country (you need to cope with all of these regulations, complete plenty of KYC etc).

Thank you for your comment @chekohler

normies will find it easy to adjust as Facebook will make it native to their ecosystem!

Yes, I suppose Libra will be integrated with Facebook's Messenger and sending money will be literally as easy as sending photo. I'm not sure if I deserve the label of a crypto purist, but I would willingly use such system.

Could be a quick way to buy crypto and then move it into an ecosystem you actually want to use!

That's true, but only if Libra will be listed on crypto exchanges. I'm not certain about that, but if so, I expect a huge increase in Bitcoin price and trade volumen.

Hey, @neavvy... This Libra coin though it has similar name to my star Libra seems to have a totally different purpose than Steem. I know nothing of steem, but now steem having revamped is predicted to do well. Like tokens can be created in the steem blockchain and each topic has a token, for cryptos I think its @steemleo ...and steemleo has crypto communities so I heard writting articles on crypto stuff. And tokens have been airdropped to everyone in their wallets that can be checked in one link... I got some steemleo, cat and pal besides two other tokens. So, yeah steem looks serious in rewarding content makers.

Plus they have a video platform, steemspeaks or something, you can post video content that otherwise get banned in youtube. So , steem is improving and people say its price would rise(:, and I think it would grow. It are not fun, but its getting organities and forming communities.

For ex, since I have 2 cute cats, I can share it with cat community with the tag @catnet I think, similarly , creative people get one token category I think.

And Libra... some points. Its all over crypto news, that Govt. securities like bonds are giving negative yields in Europe. Their fiat not that good because of fiscal loans, so fiats could get devalued.

Plus Govt. or central banks intending to print more currencies and all, won't be liked by public, so Libra's case for next 2 years not that good. It's recession time in the world, and people may feel terrible that banks controled by Govt. policies have not managed money properly.

But I want Libra to come so to trouble my Indian Govt. , who are intent to ban cryptos, though Libra does not classify as crypto, stable coin at most. Though FB has a bad name, and it deserves it for selling off user data, its ok if they can launch Libra, it would help common man with a smart phone to transact money.

And can't blame them support banks, and central Govts deposits. Fb is always centralised, serves interests of corporations, and its easier to enter as Govts. of countries won't feel threatened I feel.

Anyway, this is the link where your other tokens would be there. https://steem-engine.com

Check it... and dear you can tag 12 topics, include @steemleo too if your writing crypto content. And check your wallet, see what tokens you got airdropped, maybe there is some technology token that got airdropped to you for your wonderful personal experience articles on AI.

Your steem username, password would open the wallet in steem engine site. Do hold on to your steem, it has bright future.

BTW I loved that graphic... its interesting.

I really don't think it will replace Steem, except if they change their mind to pay people for posting on Facebook.

Thank you for your reply @rynow

except if they change their mind to pay people for posting on Facebook.

I don't think they will ever change their mind on this topic :)

Sure...why not?
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!sbi status
you say huh, lets have some !popcorn

Hi @dynamicrypto!

  • you have 1267 units and 0 bonus units
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!popcorn is definitely a great idea @dynamicrypto :D

Sure...why not?

This regards to the question from the title @tonygreene113?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the invite.
I think Libra is "answering fire". Facebook ( as everybody else) saw the resilience of Bitcoin and the boom in blockchain now being augmented by cryptocurrencies. Slowly but surely cryptos were breaking through the "fences" which kept most of the internet users penned in. When nothing the hundreds of boffins at Facebook ( and Other Giants) did seemed to dent the growing blockchain nation, Libra was thrown at it. What damage it will do is still only speculation!

Thank you for sharing your insights with us @sarez

When nothing the hundreds of boffins at Facebook ( and Other Giants) did seemed to dent the growing blockchain nation, Libra was thrown at it.

That's true. Did you know that behind so called "Libra Association" there are a few other companies, including Uber and MasterCard?

No way! Seven77 #justpushit are steeming steem the moon ♨️🌙

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Well @roger5120, I would love to see steem price gain, but at the moment it is constantly droping :(

That’s why it’s the best time to load up on some steem.

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I'm a little bit afraid that this is just the real value of Steem. Price oscillates around this level for a few months already and despite the bull market in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies it remains constant. If Steemit team doesn't make any action, I don't believe there will be a moonshot.

When's the moonshot happening?

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Hopefully soon. We just need to be patient. It’s not a get rich quick scheme from what I heard so it’s a good thing.

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I think that people on Steem are a little bit afraid of moonshot - if Steem costed 2$, newbies wouldn't be able to buy enough Steem Power to meet their resource credits requirements.

Libra seems to be shit unless it will enable a zero fee ability to accept multiple tokens or bitcoin for transactions otherwise the rest of its functionality is nothing new with the same old censorship. As for replacing Steemit or STEEM, not possible, what blockchain has more dApps than us? Transactions daily? Daily earnings? Competition is good yet facebook is old news and should just create a coin with STEEM & jump in .

Thank you for your reply @dynamicrypto

the rest of its functionality is nothing new with the same old censorship.

When I heard about Libra for the first time I immediately thought about PayPal. They also made money transactions as simple as sending a photo, so I don't understand the purpose of creating cryptocurrency especially for that purpose.

No threat just more might get interested in cryptocurrencies but that will pass too.

Libra is a PayPal but with less trouble for the user. PayPal had its best time.

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Thank you for sharing your insights @wakeupkitty

Libra is a PayPal but with less trouble for the user. PayPal had its best time.

Yes, PayPal can be a little bit confusing.


Straight to the point haha @davidfar66 :)

With the popularity of facebook and the simplicity, it would probably easier for others to welcome libra than steemit. I have been steeming for years but still not understanding it all. I guess it comes down to educating ourselves about these things. Yet, again many will prefer the simplicity of it all.

Thanks for pointing me here to this blog. I'm learning from reading the comments.

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Thank you for sharing your opinion @leeart

it would probably easier for others to welcome libra than steemit.

Steem is super confusing, so that's very likely.

Thanks for pointing me here to this blog. I'm learning from reading the comments.

I'm glad to hear that :)

I think the threat to Steem and also the steemit platform is definitely there.

Even if the 'libra' main focus is not rewarding content creators like the steemit system is doing with the help of the steem crypto-currency. Facebook has built the biggest social network of them all, investing in new features and updates to bring more and more people in.

So now they can just introduce this new 'feature' called Libra and automatically become the biggest platform that every user on Facebook and WhatsApp can simple and conveniently out of the box use and trade it. Simplifying something that steem and other crypto tend to complicate. On top of that a lot of big brands and companies are backing this up so this is a huge move to bring more credibility and strength to the table since each part will do everything they can to make 'libra' a success.

Steemit, on the other hand, was the alternative to this with the great potential to disseminate and give more power to the steem crypto currency. Every day shows signs of struggle in order to get new people and maintain the ones that are already in here. The platform lacks new features and updates and doesn't even seem to invest in itself on upgrading...how can it ask for its users to bet on it and believe also on steem?

I really think it's time to start asking more from the platforms that backup steem to improve themselves and give the users great tools to produce the best content they can and desire. The 'editor' for example is so limited that is almost incredible anyone can even like or want to write using it much less produce a great piece.

Steemit and consequently steem can gain a lot of new users if it only starts to pay attention to this minor details they tend to ignore for so long and that other social media already figure it out.

Thank you for your amazing comment @kreesher :) I appreciate it a lot.

Steemit and consequently steem can gain a lot of new users if it only starts to pay attention to this minor details they tend to ignore for so long and that other social media already figure it out.

I fully agree with you. Unfortunately Steemit team seems not to care about these issues. They are constantly make it more complicated for new users to understand and stay on this platform. For example, resource credits are ridiculous. I don't know what would have to happen to change their mind on this topic.

Yes, I agree as well. I think they are already feeling that 'complication' on their skin with the numbers of users going down year after year.

If they don't do anything soon to improve the user experience and captivate the creators. Many of them will leave to a better platform full of resources and features like facebook libra, Typerium or others that truly want to simplify your experience and make your content shine and be the main focus. Providing all the tools to really accomplish that and not minor updates or fixes like we see in steemit for example.

If they don't do anything soon to improve the user experience and captivate the creators.

Exactly @kreesher

The trouble we have here on Steem is that just like in this post we say we are anti corporation . And then we expect the corporations to invest in steem . I mean like really.

Wether we like them or not corporations have money and power.
Libra has it all over us on that level as Facebook already has corporations attention and trust.

The other thing is they already have mass adoption and this will just be a bonus for users . People will be earning Libra without even knowing about it. Many won’t even know they have it I suspect.

I need to research it but you can bet there will be fees associated for using Libra.
Not like here on Steem where it’s free.

Also we push for good content which I feel will eventually draw attention to Steem . Where as the likes of Facebook is just spamming junk .

I know from how I started out this comment you could be forgiven for thinking I’m anti Steem.
But I think Steem will win through in the end and am having a great time learning new things and meeting new people here on Steem.

Anyways thanks for sharing,
I hope you have an awesome day!

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Thank you for your comment @mickvir

But I think Steem will win through in the end and am having a great time learning new things and meeting new people here on Steem.

Hopefully Steem will win. As you said, Facebook is just spamming junk, but I'm afraid that is what people expect. Anyway, on Steem you can meet amazing people and gain a lot of knowledge, so using this platform is always valuable.

Hi @neavvy good to hear from you buddy
So finally to decide to write about Libra ;)
Is it not ironic , first facebook bans crypto ads than takes a full circle and reslease its own crypto..
Wow that is typically a case of if you cannot beat them join them
So would it become a quasi stable coin used as a mode of payment or more needs to be seen.
What is more important is would it be decentralized.
Coming from the likes of facebook... I have my serious doubts.
Dear @crypto.piotr what do you think ?

Thank you for your comment dear @thetimetravelerz! I appreciate it a lot :)

Wow that is typically a case of if you cannot beat them join them

That's true, especially considering the fact that biggest corporations like Uber and MasterCard, which previously was against crypto are also engaged in Libra.

Hello @neavvy, sincerely Libra will have more acceptance in its beginnings as it comes from Facebook, an application with billions of users who use that platform every day for any use, now, steemit has nothing to worry about because I personally do not believe replace it, but rather that it will be another cryptocurrency more in the market but it is with many people "following" so to speak since as you say is to buy or sell products with their own currency. Libra when it comes out will be a (boom) and with the passage of time will be normal for its people as it is the steem, each platform with its people.

I used the google translator.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your comment @suanky

Libra will have more acceptance in its beginnings as it comes from Facebook, an application with billions of users who use that platform every day for any use

That's definitely an enormous advantage.

more less Libra be a competition for FIAT. as this is a centralized coin, While steem is more decentralized. LIBRA Is not a true crypto, but it could really get people talking more later on.

Thank you for sharing your insights @worldtraveller32

more less Libra be a competition for FIAT. as this is a centralized coin

Yes, that's really probable.

You got a 31.15% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @neavvy! :)

@ocdb is a non-profit bidbot for whitelisted Steemians, current max bid is 15 SBD and the equivalent amount in STEEM.
Check our website https://thegoodwhales.io/ for the whitelist, queue and delegation info. Join our Discord channel for more information.

If you like what @ocd does, consider voting for ocd-witness through SteemConnect or on the Steemit Witnesses page. :)

Thanks @ocdb!

Greetings @neavvy thanks for the invitation to give my opinion / comment in your post, first of all very accurate and simple.

Basically my thinking about Libra (without going into conspiranoid things) is that they (Facebook) are somehow trying to extend their reach in what is the market of sales of things (not as advertisers but as already action of change ) and have noticed that they are used in certain points or in some places cryptocurrencies (example of it, the Dash, ethereum, etc etc) at least here is something common to see people accept them.

And they notice that there is also gain in being part of that environment and if your conglomerate already enjoys millions and millions of active users with this they go home with full bases, I mean, they put minimum quotas for operation and in the long run the investment would be good.

As for fixing the currency to existing ones I do not know why I remember what the usurper (Nicolas Maduro) does with the petro (a coin more false than a $ 3.33 bill) but maybe they do it to try clear people's minds of what could be an abrupt change in the price of their currency, because as we know the coins can go down or up overnight and I do not think that people who just want to enter these seas be willing to that.

And is that I speak more than anything about people who do not know much about the subject but who know or have heard of the volatility of prices in cryptocurrencies.

In particular as the saying goes dawn and we will see, I'm sure that as it will bring benefits will also bring cons and more than anything by people who seek to get the accounts of others to get some money.

No more to add, thank you for reaching this part of my comment, and I do not leave without first wishing you a good day afternoon or evening, happy start of the week, God bless you.

Thank you for your amazing comment @jjqf. I appreciate it a lot.

they (Facebook) are somehow trying to extend their reach in what is the market of sales of things (not as advertisers but as already action of change )

You are right. Facebook and other big companies have noticed that there is a big market growing apart of them. It is reasonable that they are trying to take advantage.

I do not leave without first wishing you a good day afternoon or evening, happy start of the week, God bless you.

Thank you! Wish you a good day too :)

  ·  5 years ago 

Libra, it is like an electronic cryptocurrency.
Although it is using cryptocurrency technology, the route he walks is the route of electronic money, just like electronic US dollars/electronic euros...
So I think he is very difficult to be a leader, because if I want to use electronic money, then I use electronic dollars / electronic euro coins, is it better?

Thank you for sharing your insights @cloudblade

the route he walks is the route of electronic money, just like electronic US dollars/electronic euros...

Yes, it is even controlled by the biggest corporations and central banks. It has nothing to do with decentralisation.

I think it's an excellent financial strategy, very similar to the one used in the past by landlords with the working/slave class: I'm not going to give you money, I'm going to give you a ticket with which you can buy the products that I sell myself.

In the same way, Facebook will use its exchange platform so that those who have no way to buy or acquire the services and products of Facebook, now do.

Isn't that an excellent strategy?

By the way, can we buy Libra with STEEM? or vice versa?

For better or worse, I already registered my email with Calibra. We'll see how it is.

Thanks for sharing

Thank you for sharing your opinion dear @jadams2k18

I'm not going to give you money, I'm going to give you a ticket with which you can buy the products that I sell myself.

That always works :D Facebook's strategy is generally interesting, as it always has been against crypto and blocked such ads in their service. Maybe they had a plan to create Libra since long time?

By the way, can we buy Libra with STEEM? or vice versa?

I have no idea, but if Libra will be listed on major exchanges, why not?

That's the part I still don't understand, in their ads, Facebook indicates that it will be accessible to all those who don't have a bank account or credit card. So, how the hell are the people (like me) going to buy Libra? Will there be airdrops? giveaways? bounties?

To be honest, it's not just Steem but few more similar sites which are feeling the chills. But the fact is Facebook has 700 million subscribers, the size of third biggest country (if Facebook was a country) so they already have a huge customer base which will happily try out the new offering. Steem, on the other hand, just crossed one million users so it is barely comparable.

That said, Steem users are some brainy kind too who would not enjoy dumb Facebook posts. So, Steem following may continue considering its unique community. All's not lost!

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your comment @oivas

so they already have a huge customer base which will happily try out the new offering.

This is an enormous advantage.

Steem, on the other hand, just crossed one million users so it is barely comparable

Additionally, we need to consider the fact that most of these accounts are inactive. Some people estimate that there are only about 50k active accounts.

If Libra can do that, I'll leave the entire crypto world. I love steemit and I believe this platform. But I can't trust Facebook, they do not care about my privacy, so I do not support Libra.

Thank you for your comment @coinboost

But I can't trust Facebook, they do not care about my privacy, so I do not support Libra.

And that's probably the best solution :D

Hi @neavvy & @ziapase thanks for share information & this post I have resteemed & share to twitter 💕

Thank you very much @steemadi. I appreciate it a lot.

Libra is not intended to replace other cryptos, but may have the effect of creating a killer app that that pushes the rest out of the market. By providing a stable and secure means of transferring funds, it will put bitcoin and the like out of business by removing their reason for existence.

I'm assuming, of course, that Libra succeeds. It's main competition is with the mobile phone payment systems used in the third world. Libra offers the great advantage of not being tied to any mobile provider. These areas are not using crypto anyway.

Libra will not compete with special -purpose cryptocurrencies like STEEM, as the latter is currently used.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your comment @rufusfirefly. I appreciate it a lot.

By providing a stable and secure means of transferring funds, it will put bitcoin and the like out of business by removing their reason for existence.

I'm not sure about that, as people use bitcoin because of its decentralized nature. Libra will be completely centralized and dependent from the central banks, so it will loose many advantages. I personally think that current users of bitcoin will not give it up so easily.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Should Libra be used for social media the way steem is used then obviously it will affect steem. At the moment it doesn't seem to be so. But you will never know what it will be used in the future for.

Despite the assurances given by Zuckerberg, personally I do not trust him at all and do not intend to use the Libra. I also feel that people are making a mountain out of a molehill by saying all kinds of things about how successful Libra is going to be.

Having said that, I do think that Libra, if successfully launched, will provide the cryotocurrency market some level of boost, albeit not the level projected by some people.

Thank you for sharing your insights dear @devann :)

I also feel that people are making a mountain out of a molehill by saying all kinds of things about how successful Libra is going to be.

I think that people are so confident about the success of Libra because there are biggest corporations behind this project, including MasterCard and Uber. They perfectly know what they do. However, everyone sometimes fails, especially considering the fact that they don't have experience in this industry.

Great points @neavvy, thanks for sharing them.

If the success of Facebook and other centralized social media is anything to go by, it proves that the masses don't really care about decentralization of it.

And likewise about money, most people don't really care about ideology.

What they do care about is stability, ease of use and free speech.

And Libra will have both stability and ease of use, but Facebook does not really have free speech, and that is where Steem comes in.

So what needs to happen is to make Steem more easy to use, as for stability, it's pretty stable where it is, and if there comes mass adoption it will go up quite stable.

Those are my thoughts, have an awesome Sunday.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your comment @flaxz, I appreciate it a lot.

So what needs to happen is to make Steem more easy to use, as for stability, it's pretty stable where it is

I think that's the point. Recently I have been intensively thinking how Steem could become simpler and more user-friendly, but I have no idea. Perhaps it would be only possible if some serious hard fork was done, changing the whole architecture of Steem.

Yeah I do not think another hard fork will do for this, and we do need to think pragmatically anyways if we want to see some actual results.

The ease of use though is an area where I will try to focus a lot on in an upcoming project I have laying around, but I need to get another project going smoothly first called @thisisawesome, and I think that by the end of this week I will have all details pegged down.

The last 2 weeks have been pretty hard work on that, with a lot of changes and a lot of additions to make it effective, now I just need to get everything to the point where I do not have to spend 2 to 3 hours per day running it.

The upcoming one for easy Steem onboarding and a knowledge base for how to use it is called @awesomesteem, and it also has it's own Engrave domain name yourawesomesteemadventure.dblog.org, and that will soon get most of my focus, it will also include community contributions through a tokenbb powered forum once I have set that up, and you are welcme to contribute when all the details are worked out.

Stay Awesome!

Thank you for your reply @flaxz

project going smoothly first called @thisisawesome, and I think that by the end of this week I will have all details pegged down.

This project is really amazing, I seriously appreciate manual curation on this platform.

The upcoming one for easy Steem onboarding and a knowledge base for how to use it is called @awesomesteem

Wow, this looks really interestingly. Easy Steem anboarding and spreading knowledge about how this platform works is in my opinion the most important effort if we want to pump the price of Steem.

you are welcme to contribute when all the details are worked out

I would be glad to do it. How will the contributing work?

Thanks @neavvy, my idea right now is that the community can post about different aspects of the Steem blockchain in the Tokenbb forum, get rewarded on those posts since they posted them, and be included in the index for the knowledgebase.

Those index posts will be set up as different categories on the Engrave website and each category is also it's own menu item, that way everything will take place on the Steem blockchain.

I also plan to do several small ebooks that can be easily rebranded on their affiliate links, like Partiko invites and such.

There are a lot of details yet to work out, and I have so far just set up the website and made an introduction post.

That sounds really interesting. I will be glad to contribute :)


Dear neavvy:
This two sentences are so interesting but quite worrying also because it would indicate a return to Facebook and a massive migration from Steem. This is definitely a noteworthy application of Blockchain technology that would probably transform the global financial system. However, Libra seems to be completely centralized.---Many people on this platform even think that more people will get interested about Steem, but I doubt it

I would like to tell you that I think differently, but it is not like that. I agree with you. I feel that Steemit in terms of the road traveled has stalled. I am here and I will continue here, because I am a creator of content and writing is vital for me, but the return in money of the effort I have made, I do not see it.
This happens with many people who share with me the day to day on the platform. They are still here like me, because they are doing what they like to do, but ... the needs are pushing, I hope the push is not too strong.

On the other hand, the proliferation of new cryptomonedas and the competition between them, I think it can bring surprises. It will be the future that decides. I do not have the knowledge to make predictions in that sense, but depending on the luck of the fluctuations of the currencies with respect to the dollar can be a sad scenario that we have begun to live for almost two years.
I apologize for the sincerity.

I thank you, who I met through the generous action of @ crypto.piotr, for the publications, concerns and teachings in the field that have allowed me to learn more about how the blockchain acts and its relations with the external market.

Thanks a lot.


Estimado neavvy:
Estas dos oraciones son muy interesantes pero también bastante preocupantes porque indicarían un regreso a Facebook y una migración masiva de Steem. Esta es definitivamente una aplicación notable de la tecnología Blockchain que probablemente transformaría el sistema financiero global. Sin embargo, Libra parece estar completamente centralizado. Muchas personas en esta plataforma incluso piensan que más personas se interesarán por Steem, pero lo dudo.

Me gustaría decirte que pienso diferente, pero no es así. Coincido contigo. Siento que Steemit en cuanto al camino recorrido se ha estancado. Yo estoy aquí y seguiré aquí, porque soy creadora de contenido y escribir es vital para mí, pero el retorno en dinero del esfuerzo realizado no lo veo. Así sucede con muchas personas que comparten conmigo el día a día en la plataforma. Siguen aquí como yo, porque están haciendo lo que les gusta a ellos hacer, pero... las necesidades empujan, espero el empujón no sea demasiado fuerte.

Por otra parte, la proliferación de nuevas cryptomonedas y la competencia entre ellas, pienso que puede traer sorpresas. Será el futuro quien decida. Yo no tengo conocimientos para hacer predicciones en tal sentido, pero el depender de la suerte de las fluctuaciones de las monedas con respecto al dólar puede ser un triste escenario que ya comenzanos a vivir desde hace casi dos años.
Me disculpan la sinceridad.

Le agradezco a uds., a quienes conocí a través de la generosa acción de @crypto.piotr, por las publicaciones, inquietudes y enseñanzas en la materia que me han permitido irme enterando de como actúa la blockchain y sus relaciones con el mercado externo.

Wow, thank you for this amazing comment dear @mllg. Seriously appreciate it a lot.

I am here and I will continue here, because I am a creator of content and writing is vital for me, but the return in money of the effort I have made, I do not see it.

Unfortunately many users of Steem came here only for the financial benefits. And the best proof of that is significant reduction of the number of content creators, after Steem price dropped, thus decreasing the rewards.

I think LIBRA will not be a threat for Steem as the way of working is different for both the systems. Facebook is a highly centralized platform while Steem is decentralized but, the top Steem holders have a great influence on this platform. Facebook has a great social reach while Steem has confined to a few people who can afford to buy Steem. So, Steem will not be affected because of Libra. It will die because of its own failures.

Thank you for your comment dear @akdx. I appreciate it a lot.

So, Steem will not be affected because of Libra. It will die because of its own failures.

Unfortunately that's very probable, if Steemit team doesn't take any action.

You're welcome dear!

Thank you very much for sharing these interesting thoughts @neavvy, it's awesome.

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Thank you @thisisawesome


Governments and central banks are against Libra. Facebook has bad records on privacy and security. This is not a decentralized cryptocurrency too. Don't like this project.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for sharing your insights @wyp. I seriously appreciate it a lot.

Don't like this project.

Me too :) But we will see.

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Libra is centralized. There is no comparison.

Posted using Partiko Android

Not a big fan, but helps increase awareness of Blockchain. Resteemed!

Thank you for your comment @crypto.hype


I seriously appreciate it a lot :)