in blockchain •  7 years ago 

Decentralizing Authorization, Authentication, Verification & Certification


Authoreon is decentralizing authorization, authentication, verification & certification and thus securing previously unsecure instances and functions. The Authoreon solutions prevent fraud, cyber attacks, material and immaterial identity theft, and they provide an all-over traceability to supply and ownership chains.

Authoreon is based on Ethereum, a public, open-source, censorshipresistant and innovative blockchain protocol and distributed computing platform, that provides a decentralized Turing-complete virtual machine (the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)) enabling the execution of smart contracts.


Why Authoreon is need of the Hour ?

To understand this let us first look at the failure of existing Authorization, Authentication, Verification & Certification Industry & How Authoreon is the solution ?

Identity Theft The 2017 : Identity Fraud Study from Javelin Strategy & Research finds that Identity thieves, who commit financial fraud with stolen account information, hit 15.4 million Americans in 2016 (16% up from 2015) and stole $16 billion dollars, which is a nearly billion dollar yearto-year increaseiii. Authoreon will provide an immutable digital identity for consumers, as well as the corresponding verification tools for verifying parties.
User Authentication & Password Breaches : With more than 3 billion records leakediv, it is clear that all existing security measurements are extremely insufficient. The Authoreon solution replaces the traditional authentication and even the two-factor authentication. We predict that e.g. even large social networks will use our solution to store their users’ data safely in the blockchain.
Telecommunications Data Retention : Telecommunications data retention generally refers to the storage of call detail records (CDRs) of telephony and internet traffic and transaction data (IPDRs) by governments and commercial organizations. Authoreon proposes a solution to this dilemma by storing all collected data — immediately and only — in the blockchain and making them accessible only to authorized authorities via our ²²-key-authentication, so an investigator would only get access if authorized by a judge. This way all private data is stored safely, while still accessible to authorities if ordered by court.
Cyber Attacks : Other forms of cyber crime involve for example ransomware attacks (like the recent Wannacry cryptoworm), homepage hacks (like the recent Coindash Hack) and DDos attacks. The global cost of cybercrime will reach $2 trillion by 2019, a threefold increase from the 2015 estimate of $500 billionvii. Authoroen is working on a solution to decentralize the storage of source code and databases — making e.g. homepages, ecommerce businesses, mobile apps, intranets immutable — so that only authorized instances will be able to make changes to the source code or database.
Document Fraud : “Document fraud is an important enabler of organized crime and terrorism, clearly. There is a whole subset of criminal activity and a criminal sector that is involved in stealing passports and producing sophisticated passports and supplying them to the criminal market.” — Europol Director Rob Wainwrightviii Passport and Visa Fraud is another major problem governments have to cope with. Authoreon is also addressing this use case by enabling the issuing authorities to store document data securely in the blockchain, as well as by providing the corresponding verification tools e.g. to police and border patrol.
IOT Security Risks : All the devices that are connected to the internet create access points with which hackers can infiltrate a company’s networkix. Securing access by authorization in the Internet-ofThings, is another area Authoreon will address.
Supply Chain, Copyright Infringement & Reputation Management : Authoreon will also provide solutions regarding copyright infringements, intellectual property protection, reputation management and traceability in supply and ownership chains.
Authoreon Business Model & Monetization
The Authoreon platform : is designed to provide secure solutions to previously insufficient measurements. The platform is open to companies, governments, organizations and private consumers.

Monetization : Since we propose solutions to different use cases, different customer groups — each with a different pain and different transaction volumes — we have an individual module-based pricing. This applies to a monthly subscription fee per module, as well as to an individual transaction fee.

Payment : Authoreon wants to eliminate unnecessary barriers to entry, while still providing market support for the Autheon Token. So the conversion to Autheon tokens will run as a background process — making the platform currency agnostic and enabling consumers to use major Fiat and Crypto currencies as a form of payment.

Authoreon Products :
Platform : The Authoreon solutions platform will be accessible through an easily manageable web application graphic user interface (GUI) that will be optimized for MetaMask but will run on any decentralized browser (e.g. Mist).


Mobile App : All platform functionality will be fully mirrored in a mobile app (for Android, iOS and Windows) to enable key authorization functions, mining and wallet interactions.


Smart-Contracts-as-a-Service : The platform will offer a wide range of modules, each addressing a different use case, each running a different Smart-Contract-as-aService (SCaaS), each with a different pricing and processing fee.


Plugins, APIs & Marketplace: By mid-2018 plugins and extensions will be available for 3rd party systems, the platform will be addressable via ²²-key-protocol-APIs for external developers and it will include a marketplace for third-party extensions.



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ADDRESS : 0x467a1C29179252fe7e8e3Ed75571A58EE0542336

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