The A.I. / Blockchain connection... (Skynet or SkyNOT?)

in blockchain •  7 years ago 


I recently heard some ominous news, that blockchain technology is becoming sentient, or something to that extent... I am in no way an expert on artificial intelligence... I won't even claim any actual HUMAN intelligence, I just think we should talk about stuff... Technology is such a fun past-time, but what if it leads to global enslavement under a Deep Thought type of brain, composed of every electronic device on the planet? I know, it sounds like a bad sci-fi movie, but when I look a little bit deeper, there are some crazy-deep pockets doing some outlandish things with massive amounts of energy...


As far as I understand it, the blockchain code is made up of nodes of information... (I think these are the transactions and RESTEEMS, etc?) Basically, a code that grows by us playing with it... We think we control it, same way we think we control the temperature of the water of our bath... But the more I hear about it, I feel like that bath could instantly turn to ice and freeze me inside it... I dunno, that may be a poor metaphor... My coffee is still kicking in...

It was mostly the Quinn Michaels interview from a couple weeks ago, talking about Bitcoin and bots, Saudi Arabian citizenship for the robot Sophia, and Satoshi Nakamoto, the missing creator of Bitcoin... He mentions Tyler, Texas, and the Kennedy assassination, so it is a rather deep rabbit hole... I don't feel prepared to INFORM you of this... But we humans could discuss before we get all cyborg, right?


I should state here, for the record, that I am against Transhumanism, in general... If I have a choice, I want no improvements, no technological salvation... Keep your upgrades, I am having too much fun breathing and farting... I don't feel like a Luddite, however... I feel like a person who has been lied to... A lot... And Mr. Quinn makes a really good point, that the first 5 years of Bitcoin was driving all the darkest criminal activity on earth... He wants accountability, and I think that is pretty damned sound...

I think what really freaked me out was when I did a search for STRONG AI 5G BLOCKCHAIN and heard some Watchtower broadcast about us having been inhaling nanobots already, and the 5G signal will tell the nanobots to add a 3rd strand of DNA to our helixes, giving the AI remote-control over anyone with a bit-wallet... I think that is pretty far-fetched, but I like to get all the perspectives, then sort of distill it myself...

This morning on faceboob I wrote: "We keep you alive to serve this blockchain... Swipe well, and LIVE!!!"


Here is the video that started me down this rabbit-hole... The Quinn Michaels interview starts around the 2:00 mark...

So it is a weird topic, right? If STEEM was an artificial intelligence, will it keep us warm in its people zoo?

If Satoshi Nakamoto cashed in one of his original bitcoins, would it collapse the market?

Is a Strong Artificial Intelligence on earth capable of mimicking our Mark Of The Beast mythology, simply to perpetuate itself?

All the artwork here, by the way, was painted by myself... I will send it to you for STEEM POWER or SBD! Hit me up in the comments, and follow me for more strange flights of fancy and creative respiritualization of ordinary things...

and I'll make you custom GIFs for STEEM!

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Its called deep learning, machine learning you can get machines - bots to do pretty much anything now. Before you had to program all variables into your code ie all the possible things your robot - bot could do. Now you just tell it the final outcome.

Lets say you wanted a bot that predicts future football results. Now you just tell your bot to predict the result and tell it where to start look for data to help it get there. It will then start scanning the web and pulling out all relevant data such as who's in the team, what's the weather report for that day, who's the opponent, what was all previous results, whether its a home, away game, are any players injured etc. It will then make its prediction and after the match it will check its results.

If your bot gets it correct it analyses the result and sees how it got it correct.

If it gets it wrong it then analyses the result and starts working out why it got it wrong, how it can improve its next prediction and so on.

These are great for programers as you can use them to help predict things like Stock markets.

Other types of aplications: traffic flows, traffic lights knowing the optimal amount of time to keep a light red or green down to the milisecond

BAD APPS : POLICE PRE PREDICTING CRIME or what the class as crime lol

anything that leaves data can all be fed into a single database,
This has already been going on for years - trust me im a programmer
Its going to be bleak times ahead

That was a great explanation, thanks! I feel better-equipped to sleep at night! The bad application you mentioned, yeah, minority report stuff... How about social engineering? That is where it gets freaky, because eugenics evolved into transhumanism, and to them eliminating hunger means less stomachs!

Or, what do you think? Should the US Military be developing its own AI that exists to win Sun Tzu's 'Art Of War'? Should CERN have AI that is mandated to find portals and mandela affect us all?

EXCELENTE análisis
No puedo creer que esta gran información sea tan poco recompensada. GRACIAS AMIGO

Alas, I am just a midi-chlorian, in the great force!

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Big research.I wait from you more...Thanks,@occupywallets,sooooo muchhh

Thanks! Stay human!!

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Very good man, keep it up. Although I am fully ready for transhumanism! ;0)

I am okay with that!

thnk you for informtion @occupywallets

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

this is a very enlightening topic. i enjoyed watching that video. all these bots on steemit now seems creepy all of a sudden.

Well, I am a real person, at least... LOL!
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Just upvoted for you,reciprocate on my other blog@diamondrich lets keep it rolling


Will the AI love me?
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