in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is a new era created by the intervalue,intervalue is said to be the first practical blockchain infrastructure supporting massive applications in the world,intervalue is a cornerstone for building global value internet and a use friendly decentralized application development platform with high availability,also intervalue improves every aspect of blockchain technologies,efficient and secure double layer consensus mechanism,with high transaction currencies and fast confirmation.

Keys feature of intervalue

dream a humankind in InterValue that entirely behaviors and actions of inhabit connecting pay, evauation, retain, settle on the authority will be operated automatically. ancestors be able to store up their intact life’s actions in digical media.

1)seemless and a transparent cross chain communication and a multi chain merging technologies.

2)industrial common functions,satisfying different applications requirements

3)novel anti qunatum algorithms reducing threats coming from development if quantum computers

4)Totally new smart contract based on touring new languages moses,which can support off blockchain data accessing adaptively and securely.

5)communication and transation anonymity technologies

6)fair token Distribution mechanism


The InterValue project incorporates the benefit of the existing Blockchain 3.0 project by highlighting the beneƉts of IOTA and Byteball. It designs and implements a new consensus mechanism based on improved HashNet by solving this problem of existing Blockchain infrastructure by adopting an innovative two-Layer consensus mechanism, designing and using a cryptographic algorithm with anti-quantum

*Positioning as a helpful Blockchain 4.0 Infrastructure with forward-thinking technical facial appearance is beyond doubt supported by the giant adoption of Blockchain technology Blockchain 3.0 Infrastructure.

*The InterValue squad has practical matching and dissection of labor, physically powerful technological make inquiries and stage capabilities, fervent marketplace promotion knack and burly hallway capability.It ensures that INVE be able to complete countless characteristics of aim successfully.

*The attention of connect based on InterValue is advancing rapidly. At present,InterValue based circulated do platform and InterValue based inclusive distributed luggage compartment grid are at this time consciousness considered and developed. In addition,the players is even scheduling a killer bind single-mindedness with a chubby abuser center

InterValue uses the basic DAG data structure to store transaction data in its first development phase,The major DAG facts configure has been adopted in several projects (e.g. grain and Byteball) to back the long-term settled function of freely available blockchains, which proves the move forward and operation of DAG group technology. In InterValue, transaction mail are encapsulated into units (Units),and a DAG diagram is constructed by between these units.

2018 Q1-Q2: We will release InterValue 1.0 and its software kits. This version supports DAG mining, double consensus, anonymous P2P communication and smart contract.

2018 Q2-Q3: We will release InterValue 2.0 by changing the DAG graph of previous versions into HashNet, which will promote the capacity of InterValue and increase the transaction speed to hundreds of thousand TPS.

2018 Q3-Q4: We will release InterValue 3.0 which develop Turing’s complete smart contracts, implement cross-chain communication and multi-chain convergence on the basis of version 2.0.

2018 Q4: We will release InterValue 4.0 and its software kits. This version is highlighted by quantum-attack resistance by replacing the signature algorithm and hash algorithm in the previous version, it also supports anonymous privacy protection based on zero-knowledge proof and ring signature.From the releas of InterValue 1.0 in 2018, we will apply InterValue platform in some application scenes, such as medical industry, internet of things, IP copyright,culture and entertainment, public service, education and so on. We will explore the application of InterValue with the community and expand its application area.

About the token
INVE is the abbreviation for the base token of InterValue, and it is equal to 1018 Atom, that is, 1 INVE=1018 Atoms,Atom is the negligible company of INVE token, and it will be second-hand as the transaction fee for complex smart reduce and smart agreement based cross-chain transaction.

The total amount of INVE token is 10 billion, of which 6 billion is issued as mining reward through DAG mining and the rest is reserved for foundation, project development, project promotion and team building. The project fund-raising is planned to launch on Ethereum in Q1 2018, and the issued ERC20 tokens can
be converted into INVE tokens at ratio 1:1 when the main chain of InterValue is officially launched.

Intervalue will construct a brand new ecosystem completing changing our existing lifestyles,everything they promise is ongoing.

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