in blockchain •  5 years ago  (edited)

A Next-Generation Decentralized Platform built on the Blockchain.


As we all know it has been a little over a decade since the introduction of Bitcoin and the Blockchain as well.

With Blockchain simply being a transaction recording system , hence a (smart) ledger in it self.

The Blockchain is designed to be transparent, meaning anyone can see what is taking place in this smartly created peer to peer network.


Being the sole foundational building block of virtually every crypto asset created since the arrival of Bitcoin , there have been wins and loses.

And as the cryptosystem in general is still being perfected but with reliance in the resilience of an ever progressing technology age comes a breakthrough called "ProximaX, Blockchain reimagined and evolved".



What is ProximaX ? :

ProximaX is a next-generation Integrated and Distributed Ledger Technology (“IaDLT”)
development platform powered by blockchain technology called "ProximaX Sirius".

So to simply put it , it means ProximaX is an evolved and better service providing platform for Dapps (Decentralized applications) to build more efficient applications.

  • The native token of ProximaX is "XPX"

  • "The beauty of ProximaX is that it supplies you all the tools needed for any type of project in one place."


What are the benefits of ProximaX?:

They are...

  • High Scalability.

  • Staggering cost savings.

  • Transparent.

  • Highly secure.

  • Speed.

  • Easy to use.

  • Flexible.

  • Highly configurable.

  • 100% availability.


"The native token of ProximaX is "XPX"

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What are it's Core - services ? :

ProximaX is built on a Blockchain technology called "ProximaX Sirius" which helps provide the following core - services (plug-ins) below.

*1. Storage Capabilities and Supercontracts : *

  • It stores data in a collection of peer-to-peer storage device that is pre-selected by a network driven consensus algorithm.

  • They contain an encoded digital contracts with the obligation to reward for "work done" in the storage system.

  • Being a repository for Supercontracts it is designed in a way to identity "work done" in the blockchain by using the Public Infrastructure Key (PKI).

*2. Streaming : * Streaming on this platform is divided in two (2) forms.

(a). Storage /Pre - recorded Streaming - it uses storage as an entry point.
(b). Live streaming - Uses nodes to distribute & replicate data in real time.

*3. Sirius Database : *

  • It is mainly a private only service offering and not part of the public platform

  • It's use if for storage of vital document based info.


"The beauty of ProximaX is that it supplies you all the tools needed for any type of project one place".

Conclusion : USgKoryE83ixJYJrqadfzk5yVtfj1jSRAT7iHKXavt9NUAJN5kMwjkSxpe3Gqd1ZJpnQA1MLybyxq65b5n1rfQ.png

With ProximaX users can build ;

  • With ProximaX Start-ups & Fintech companies can adapt and build on the platform.

  • Social Media Platforms (Like FB, IG, etc WITHOUT infringing on privacy)

  • Streaming Services (Netflix, YouTube, etc)

  • Business Services (Google Sheets, Tracking Software, Wrike, etc)

  • In a case where the " Sirius Database " is allowed to be publicized , it could be used by law firms to keep vital information.

... I personal think in soon enough time it is mass adopted , because it come full circle in bringing solving virtually all the current speed bumps that the Blockchain currently encounters.

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