First 16 of 25 from the Remasteredd Series (5 editions each) CleanNFT's on Kalamint by OUTERGROUND

in blockchain •  3 years ago  (edited)

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If you like art, history and #nftart you might like this collection.

Breathing Life into Old Master Portraits

The Remastered collection Volume1 is a series of A.I augmented animation sequences by electronic artist OUTERGROUND. Derived from old Master portraits, subtle facial expressions breathe life into historical subjects, offering the viewer an imaginary glimpse into the past. Famous figures & self portraits sit alongside anonymous subjects by some of the very best artists from the Renaissance to the Victorian period.

Series 1: 25 animations in limited editions of 5 mime type: video - mp4 / 7 seconds

All remaining editions are available on OUTERGROUND's kalamint portfolio

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