Goals and Objectives of "Change the World Together" International Social Movement

in blockchain •  5 years ago 


The objectives of CWT are:

The first direction. Maintaining and strengthening international peace and security, the development of cooperation between states and governments. Removing all kinds of manifestations of ethnic hatred, any kind of extremism, Nazism and other inhumane behaviors. Addressing the issues of social class division amongst people - by implementation of methods, such as increasing the level of education of the population. Encouraging creativity and the creative principle in man in all meaningful ways. Intellectual and emotional preparation of people for the forthcoming changes.

The second direction. Development, promotion and implementation of economic ideas and solutions aimed at improving economic relationship among people, organizations and states. Facilitating the transition from a monetary-oriented to a resource-based economy.

The third direction. The interchange and promotion of new technologies and their use for the benefit of all people. Development and adoption of clean renewable energy sources. Promotion of environmental, technological and economic projects that contribute to the restoration of the environment and rational use of natural resources. Promoting environmental reconstruction of infrastructure, transportation systems, agricultural and industrial enterprises, into energy-saving and environmentally friendly systems that can meet the needs of all people.

The fourth direction. The implementation and protection of rights and freedoms, social satisfaction, in particular economic, social, cultural and other interests of all parties in the implementation of their economic and personal rights and freedoms associated with the Blockchain technology and other similar crypto-projects. Optimization and improvement of the global financial system.

To achieve the desired goals, CWT International Social Movement, in accordance with the government legislation, completes the following tasks:

Freely publish and distribute information about the goals of the CWT Non-profit and its work by any legal means.

Make contributions to the organization: organize and participate in conferences, festivals, seminars, congresses, round tables, press conferences, forums, meetings, public hearings. Provide educational seminars in schools, give lectures, organize symposia, congresses and other public events directed to achieving the objectives of the Organization. Send representatives of the organization to educational seminars, to establish partnerships with further implementation of various projects. Cooperate and maintain direct contacts with domestic and foreign public organizations, legal entities of private and public law, as well as 3rd parties to share and exchange experience with.

Organize and implement marketing strategies, social and other research to determine the level of interest from the public in the goals of the Organization. Acquire new methods of implementation of developments and products, created by CWT, into activities performed by legal entities of private and public law, as well as physical entities. Provide consultancy to the public, regarding the use of Organization's developments and products.

Participate in legislating the developments of legal acts, issued by public authorities, local authorities and ones that concern the issues that CWT deals with and responsible for, as well as other important issues of the state and public life. Participate in the work of consultative, advisory and other subsidiary bodies which are created by public authorities and local governments for interaction with public associations and making recommendations on issues related to the field of their activities.

Provide methodological, consultative and informational support and expertise to the public authorities, public organizations, charitable foundations and members of the Organization. Participate in the implementation of state regulatory policies in accordance with the legislations. Provide solutions for various issues of public life. Seek for necessary help and consultancy from public authorities, local governments and their officials, asking for suggestions (comments), providing applications and complaints.

Оrganize offices, protect the rights and interests of certain physical and legal entities and organizations in courts, as well as of other state authorities and local governments in accordance with legislation. Provide other forms of assistance.

Carry out other procedures, not prohibited by the legislation of the state, which are necessary to achieve the goals of the Organization.

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