Resource-based Economy

in blockchain •  5 years ago  (edited)

2965_7568.jpgToday, overpopulation, lack of energy, pollution, water shortages, economic catastrophe, the spread of uncontrollable diseases, terrorism and military conflicts threaten all of us. People suffered increased incidents of common threats that go beyond the boundaries of one state.

Our present system is not capable to provide a high standard of living for everyone and to guarantee environment protection, when the main driving force of capitalism is profit. And global bankers continue to ruin our planet for its sake.

The modern monetary system has a number of negative socio-economic factors. Money are no longer acquired to achieve certain goals, but have instead become a goal in and of itself, replacing the search for true values. Money deprived all other goals of their intrinsic value and significance. Money alienates social and cultural motivation, thus, paralyzing the will of man.

The economy of industrially developed countries exists ‘on credit’, disregarding enormous wearing of resource capacity of our planet. The economy of industrially developed countries there is a “credit” is not given the huge resource potential deterioration of our planet. One of the factors is the system of mass consumption of consumer credit, which received the green light from US President Ronald Reagan.

Eventually, man faced contradictions of his constantly increasing demands with the inability of the nature to fulfill them, without collapsing. In the 1970th the demands of man began to exceed all possibilities of the planet on the timely renewal of its resources. Now, according to ecologists, planet Earth needs 1,5 years to compensate for what humans consume in 1 year. Also in connection with the increasing population - grows the deficiency of other resources, such as food and fresh water. This puts humanity directly before the danger of a global environmental catastrophe.

Modern social-economic model is similar to an airplane flying in the middle of the ocean, which is about to crash. And only the financial elites have a parachute. But what about ordinary people? We need our own parachute… and it is called CWT.

CWT is the movement of ordinary people, striving towards a new social and economic model of society, in which the rights of the simple person are not simply declared on paper, but are implemented into reality.

We present a vision of the future from the perspective of how it could be, if we use all the available knowledge and technology to achieve a new sustainable model of economy. We suggest finding a new “path to development” of humanity. We call for a targeted approach for towards reconstruction of the social culture in which the old problems of war, poverty, hunger, as well as debt, the environmental pollution and human suffering considered not only as issues to be solved, but as issues that cease to exist once and for all.

CWT movement offers to work towards becoming a global resource-based economy in which we operate not with the money but with all the resources we have at our disposal - to create as fair and as efficient means of their distribution as possible. People need not the money, but an easy access to everything they need to live life.

The term “resource-based economy” refers to a model of economy where the growth factor depends on the use and exchange of resources. Ways to improve the efficiency of such an economy are possible through the technological development, including technologies that increase the efficiency in which we manage the resources. The term “resource-based economy” is well-known due to the the work of Jacques Fresco in the framework of his “Venus Project”.

Jacque Fresco wrote in his books: "With all the technology that we already have - we could eliminate most social problems. Is the modern technology incapable of producing the required amount of food, clothing, shelter, and other material benefits for everyone if we use them wisely, without abuse? What prevents us from achieving this? Technology rushes forward, but our society is still firmly holding on to the technological concepts and methods invented many centuries ago."

His words are true! Today we already have the access to incredibly advanced technologies, with which it is possible to provide free and easy access to food, clothing, housing and medical care to all inhabitants of our planet. It is possible to improve the education system, as well as to produce all the required amounts of energy that would create favourable conditions towards effective development of the social model of a new type, in which money, as a means of exchange - will simply not make sense.

The fact that consumption will lead humanity into a dead end became obvious in the 1970s with the economic crisis that took place. In the 80s people were already talking openly about the new “world model”, the main provisions of which were:

– Rejection of any kind of “pseudo-demands”, starting with weapons and drugs, including alcohol and nicotine, as well as luxury goods and items of fashion - excesses which are enforced upon us by advertising.

-- Refusal of usage of disposable items, due to an excessively high damage they cause to environment.

– De-urbanization / construction of villages, consisting of small houses. Distribution of plots of land, by means of which the city workers could diversify their meals with organic products. Universal transition to moderate eating habits and a balanced diet.

– Elimination of chemicals used in agriculture, the deployment of biological methods towards the protection of plants and animals. Transition to the technology, where washing and cleaning does not require the use of chemicals.

– Restoration of World's fuel and energy balance by increasing the use of renewable energy sources: solar, hydraulic, wind, geo- and hydrothermal power and other. Everything we talked about so far can only be adopted in a system where energy is extracted only by these renewable methods.

– Encouragement of people’s participation in solving of social (and global) problems. Reorientation of public consciousness in seven key directions: World perception, science, art, morals, law, psychology and religion.

– Personal development, human health and nature - must be the primary focus of what our community efforts are directed towards.

– Increase of the time spent by parents communicating with their children in regards to which we structure our leisure. The desire to make the family and community leisure, as well as the education of the younger generation - in a more meaningful and efficient way.

So which tasks is the International CWT Movement focusing on? There are many, but I will highlight our main priorities:

– A full transition from a monetary-based economy to a resource-based economy. Optimization and improvement of the global financial system.

– Elimination of all ethnic hatred, any kind of extremism, Nazism and other inhumane behaviours. Elimination of social class division and discrimination.

– The increase in the level of education amongst population. Encouragement of creative potential and the creative initiatives in the person in all its manifestations. Intellectual and emotional preparation for the forthcoming changes.

– Interchange and the advancement of the latest technologies and their adoption for the benefit of all people. Development and usage of renewable resources only.

– Promotion of the ecological, technological and economic startups and projects, which work on methods of restoration of the environment and the rational use of natural resources.

The monetary system, as well as economics, must be reformed. Although such reforms should be applied rapidly - they must at the same time be steady and progress exponentially at the same time. For example, one of the steps towards the reform - could be a cancellation of the fractional reserve and the lending interest rate in the banking system.

The purpose of the new social model is the activation of incentives which are not aimed at realization of limited and selfish purposes such as wealth and power. Transition to the resource-based economy will immensely change the system of our values. Having eliminated conditions which bring in us envy, greed and rivalry - our life will become much more meaningful. New incentives will induce people to self-realization and creativity. The success will be measured by one's own aspirations. In such circumstances, people will live longer, our lives will be brighter, happier and full of contentment.

If we truly care about the environment and humanity, we must review the social and economic processes that are responsible for most of our problems. With a reasonable and humane application of science and technology, people on Earth will be able to determine the right course for future development, while protecting the environment.

Today our problems are vast and global, both - from the perspective of scale and impact. They cannot be solved by one person. For the implementation of these plans it is vital for us to work together to propagate the interests of ordinary people. Only by means of joint efforts will we correct the mistakes of the past and provide a healthy and efficient environment for our children.

If we unite - we can do a lot together! We will change the world!

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