in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)


QUOINE and the Center for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance Limited (CCEG) are pleased to announce the listing of Seratio Token (SER) on QRYPTOS (https://qryptos.com).

QRYPTOS is QUOINE’s fully digital cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform launched in June 2017.

Seratio Token (SER) is the first issue of a resilient Ethereum token, compliant to UK regulatory frameworks.The unique feature of the Seratio token is the ability to capture the financial assets, microshares and provenance of transactions involving people, products, processes, projects and organisations. SER enables token holders to capture and transact both tangible financial and intangible non-financial value and impact they make, and most importantly profit from it in many different ways. For example, Microshares — purely non-financial value tokens — can be used to claim social benefits, such as loyalty schemes or discounts. #goodistrending

The Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance Limited (CCEG) is the organisation behind the Seratio Platform & Token. CCEG, a UK registered, independent not-for-profit entity, which span out of a UK university in 2013, is the global leader in the Movement of Value with over 100,000 members and academic partner offices in London, New York, Shanghai, Zug, Tokyo and Kochi.

The Seratio token and the philosophy of transacting intangible value has been in development since 2011. Its early beginnings was the ability to compare and understand an organisation’s impact on their communities and environment, providing the measures to support legislation in the UK, Europe and Internationally.

Seratio Blockchain Platform will be the home platform for SER Token & Altcoins (e.g. Women’s Coin, Student Coin, Black Coin), as well as for others (ETH, ETC). Platform development has started in March, 2017.

The Seratio Enterprise Blockchain Platform is an all-in-one Blockchain environment that enables beneficiaries to keep track of the value and impact they make, and most importantly profit from it in many different ways. The platform allows individuals & entities to earn, transact, spend, trade and monitor their digital assets. Precisely, their vision for the Seratio Blockchain platform is to unite and manage under three key themes:

  • Cryptocurrency (financial assets) linked to intangible value and sets of values. This kind of cryptocurrency aims to address such problem as lack of value-based tools and also assist token holders in their day-to-day decisions: how goods they consume reflect their care for environment for example.

  • Tokenised Currency (non-financial assets) linked to intangible value and sets of values. Non-financial tokens are called Microshares. They convey non-financial values & impact an individual & entity carries and / or creates. Microshares can be used to claim social benefits, such as loyalty schemes or discounts at the dedicated retailers. The aim is to promote community growth and alignment through supporting local ethical retailers for example.

  • Provenance (both financial and non-financial assets) traceability recording and tracking. This platform service is aimed at improving accountability and transparency. For example, supply chain provenance monitoring to ensure & incentivize enterprises and corporations to follow laws, norms and best practices related to environment, food safety, labour practices and etc.

Seratio Token (SER) an ERC20 utility token that captures both financial and non-financial value transactions simultaneously. This represents two important firsts:

  1. First ERC20 token allocation from the regulated market of the United Kingdom (UK).
  2. First time both financial and non-financial value will be recorded and transacted on a blockchain with mass adoption.

Project Track Record

2011- Social Earning Ratio (S/E) is created by Prof Olinga Taeed 2012 -S/E developed and tested at the University of Northampton and through international wiki-university collaboration

2013 — Not-for-profit Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance (CCEG) is founded

2014 — Speech at The Vatican who labelled S/E as“the fastest adopted impact metric in the world”, bringing international recognition

2015 — Seratio Ltd span out providing SaaS metrics to measure non-financial value supporting laws globally

2016 — CCEG announces its block of Total Value Blockchain 3.0 & Proof-of-(…) Metrics publishing 5 whitepapers in total

2016 — Internet-of-Value (IoV) Blockchain Alliance of Good (BISGIT) is established and launched at the CCEG Conference at the University of Cambridge 2017 January — Proof-of-Concept Platform Launch (http://blockchain.seratio.com/)

2017 February — CCEG Blockchain UN Lab established 2017 March — Seratio PaaS Architecture developments starts

2017 October — Fundraiser ends

2018 January — Seratio tokens issue to Seratio-Wallets

2018 April — Microshares issue

2018 July — Seratio Ethreum Platform Launch

2018 September — Seratio SDG Alt-tokens (Women’s Coin, Education Coin, City Coin

2019 January — Seratio SDG Alt-tokens (Faith Coin, Leadership Coin, Water Coin)

2019 March — Seratio SDG Alt-tokens (Fashion Token, Leather Token, Carers Coin)

2019 July — New Seratio 2-token Platform launch (integrated Microshare blockchain)

For more information, see www.cceg.org.uk

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/TheCCEG/

Twitter — https://twitter.com/theSERatio

LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/company/3102994/

WeChat: SeratioChina

Steemit/Blog — https://mypad.northampton.ac.uk/cceg/

Telegram — https://t.me/joinchat/ECIJnw1q-Ivywj2vYFe3tw

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Awesome. Thanks for the information.