10 Things to look out for, now - 1Q21

in blockchain •  4 years ago  (edited)


  1. Service of Industry and Information Technology: Accelerate the advancement of blockchain and different innovations in the field of mechanical Internet + safe creation

  2. Public Health Commission: Explore and study the application situations of blockchain in the clinical and wellbeing field

  3. The National Vocational Education Blockchain Joint Conference was set up

  4. Bank of China authoritatively dispatched the blockchain business monetary assistance venture

  5. The BSN Fujian Province blockchain spine network is authoritatively dispatched

  6. Xiongan's little scope test advanced RMB

  7. Jiangxi Province has manufactured an essential foundation of "blockchain + taxpayer supported organizations"

  8. Zhejiang Province Blockchain Standardization Technical Committee was set up

  9. Against tax evasion guidelines for the blockchain business will before long be presented

  10. Report: In the following 10 years, blockchain will achieve $1.76 trillion in development to the worldwide economy

Occasion translation:

  1. Service of Industry and Information Technology: Accelerate the development of blockchain and different innovations in the field of mechanical Internet + safe creation

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Emergency Management gave the "Mechanical Internet + Safe Production" Action Plan (2021-2023). The arrangement brought up that it is important to advance mechanical development and application advancement, quicken the reconciliation, development, and advancement of new age data advances, for example, the Internet, huge information, computerized reasoning, and blockchain in the field of "modern Internet + safe creation", and investigate new techniques for safe creation the executives , To advance the change of on location assessments to on the web and disconnected reviews, once examinations to ceaseless checking, and improve authoritative administration productivity.

  1. Public Health Commission: Explore and study the application situations of blockchain in the clinical and wellbeing field

The National Health Commission gave the "Feelings on Strengthening the Construction of the National Health Information Standardization System." The conclusion brought up that the normalization of 5G innovation application in clinical and wellbeing is energized. Explain the application situations of 5G in the clinical and wellbeing field, and quicken the improvement of 5G clinical and wellbeing application principles. Investigate and study the application situations of blockchain in the clinical and wellbeing field, quicken the examination and detailing of blockchain data administration norms in the clinical and wellbeing field, and reinforce the norm and guide the incorporated utilization of blockchain innovation and the clinical and wellbeing industry.

  1. The National Vocational Education Blockchain Joint Conference was set up

As of late, the professional instruction blockchain application master course and joint gathering debut meeting facilitated by the Central Audio-visual Education Museum was held in Hunan Automotive Engineering Vocational College. The National Vocational Education Blockchain Joint Conference was set up at the gathering. The joint board of trustees will be answerable for the normalized development of professional instruction blockchain, create professional training blockchain applications, and investigate the utilization of blockchain innovation to do proficient development, educator development, understudy learning, and understudy learning. Checking of development and different cycles; dispatching professional instruction blockchain advancement, and partaking in the development of public professional training blockchain.

  1. Bank of China formally dispatched the blockchain business money related help venture

As of late, the aftereffects of the offering of the Bank of China's blockchain-based modern budgetary help venture have landed, authoritatively opening my nation's state-claimed large bank's first blockchain application execution venture in advanced confirmation and other mechanical money related administrations, and plans to shape a total and proficient industry dependent on this stage gracefully chain. The Bank of China began the development of blockchain-based modern monetary help extends and investigated inside and out application models and situations dependent on blockchain innovation, which will quicken the execution of my nation's blockchain innovation.

  1. The BSN Fujian Province blockchain spine network is formally dispatched

At the Blockchain and Fintech Sub-discussion of the third Digital China Construction Summit, the BSN Fujian Provincial Blockchain spine network was formally dispatched. At present, 13 city hubs have been conveyed in the spine organization and 5 blockchain applications have been sent.

  1. Xiongan's little scope test advanced RMB

As per news on October 14, the computerized renminbi was formally disclosed in Shenzhen as of late. Notwithstanding Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xiongan, and Chengdu are likewise pilot territories for computerized RMB. Through field visits in Xiongan New District, it was discovered that generally, Xiongan's advanced renminbi is as yet being tried from a more minor perspective and taking things down a notch.

  1. Jiangxi Province has fabricated a fundamental foundation of "blockchain + taxpayer driven organizations"

It is accounted for that Jiangxi is endeavoring to make a productive and helpful taxpayer driven organization framework, and further advance the "Web + taxpayer supported organization", and manufacture the nation's previously bound together "blockchain + taxpayer driven organization" fundamental stage in the entire region. Clump administrations are taken care of without a permit, and the last mile of a bunch of strategies is opened up.

  1. Zhejiang Province Blockchain Standardization Technical Committee was set up

So as to additionally improve the normalization innovation level in the blockchain field of Zhejiang Province and better advance the advancement of the blockchain business, the Zhejiang Province Blockchain Standardization Technical Committee was set up on October tenth. The Zhejiang Province Blockchain Standardization Technical Committee comprises of 45 individuals. It is framed to advance the improvement of the blockchain business.

  1. Hostile to tax evasion guidelines for the blockchain business will before long be presented

The counter illegal tax avoidance guidelines for the blockchain business will before long be presented. A couple of days back, the Blockchain Industry Application Anti-Money Laundering Standards Forum led top to bottom conversations and trades on the substance of the "General Requirements for Blockchain Industry Application Anti-Money Laundering". Simultaneously, the organizations that took an interest in the drafting of the substance did pertinent reports on the spot, lastly together arrived at the foundation " The blockchain business applies the agreement of the Anti-Money Laundering Technology Alliance.

  1. Report: In the following 10 years, blockchain will achieve $1.76 trillion in development to the worldwide economy

A most recent report shows that if blockchain innovation is broadly utilized all around the world, 2025 will be a defining moment. What's more, by 2030, the use of blockchain will achieve 1.76 trillion U.S. dollars in worldwide (GDP) development (1.4% of worldwide GDP). As indicated by the report, blockchain will have the best effect on the Asian economy, with China, India and Japan being the fundamental nations receiving blockchain.

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