According to Oxfam the rich 1% made 82% of the wealth created in 2017. I just wanted to put this in perspective because sometimes things don’t really get to sink in my mind. I turned to google to look for what was the global population at the moment I was writing this article, according to the infonaut ion available we only 7.6 Billion people for now and we are expected to reach 11.8 Billion by 2100.
I did some maths and it turns out only 76 million people made 82% of the wealth created in 2017 but I didn’t make any penny of this 82% of the wealth instead I lost money off my savings account because my bank decided to charge me for withdrawing from my accounts. I don’t even understand why we still trust banks. Your money just sits there making pennies while they make the big backs. Its not fair.
To be honest with you, this discovery was terrifying to me, knowing that close to half the world population survives on under a dollar a day. What does the 1% do that the rest of us don’t do? How do they monopolise the distribution of wealth?
I hate the current global economic and political system because it only cares for the 1% because when you think about it, they control the banks and the policy makers and this is how we end up in a situation like this. I don’t have to explain this to you because I believe you know how your government is fucking you over more than I can explain.
So I thought to my self how can we solve this problem? The answer is so simple. Decentralisation of Global wealth and power. I want to take the example of Steemit. Look what this blockchain has done, we are able to redistribute wealth amongst each other however we please without limitation or a central power dictating what we can and can’t do.
They (the 1% and their politicians) can try to slowdown the process but BLOCKCHAIN is the future and it will conquer and deliver a decentralised global wealth economy which benefits and creates equal opportunities for everyone.
If you like what you see here and you have anything you would like to add. Be my guest. #steamit #blockchain #thefutureiscoming.