21st Century: A Lot Is Happening! Below Is But A Small Sampling - It is NOT an Accident, It Is PolicysteemCreated with Sketch.

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

21st Century Mass Deception.png

21st Century CHINA Embraces Leadership Role

Have you noticed how often A.I. (along with Brain chips and other digital-dna-human augmentations) is mentioned in the mass media and corporate sponsored entertainment?

You should note that top500.org reported:

November 2016
The 48th edition of the TOP500 list saw China and United States pacing each other for supercomputing supremacy. Both nations now claim 171 systems apiece in the latest rankings, accounting for two-thirds of the list. However, China has maintained its dominance at the top of the list with the same number 1 and 2 systems from six months ago: Sunway TaihuLight, at 93 petaflops, and Tianhe-2, at 34 petaflops. This latest edition of the TOP500 was announced Monday, November 14, at the SC16 conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.
After US and China, Germany claims the most systems with 32, followed by Japan with 27, France with 20, and the UK with 17. A year ago the US was the clear leader with 200 systems, while China had 108, Japan had 37, Germany had 33, and both France and the UK had 18.
View the complete list.

The Supercomputer Leader Is China_AccordingTo_wwwtop500_org.png
If I 'believed' in coincidences I would say, "Gee, what an amazing coincidence that China has supercomputers devoted to the blockchain's asset digitization and tokens!"

CHINA & IMF Are Implementing The Upgraded Version of the International Monetary System (IMS)

This isn't CHINA vs U.S. - This is a more resilient worldwide monetary system to control everything!

The Brain is the IMS trying to take over the world.

  • China has a leadership stake in several influential international consortiums (U.N., IMF, G20, BRICS, SCO, APEC, Pacific Asian Group, et al.)...
  • Created Asian Development Bank (AIIB)...
  • Modernized Military (Air, Land and Sea)...
  • RMB was accepted into the SDR (central banks' reserve currencies)...
  • Implemented Credit Rating Agency & international Financial Transaction ("CIPS" a SWIFT Clone for international funds transfer, making worldwide funds available in a more reliable redundant system)...
  • BRICS committed to internet nodes, again complementing the WESTERN dominant and reliant system ...
  • Amassed great gold bullion reserve...
  • Created the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE)...
  • Began experimental use of RMB/SDR bonds...
  • A leader in blockchain tech (and BITCOIN)...
  • Funding a massive central bank funded international economic Silk Road Development Project that has Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe, Middle East, and parts of Africa involved...

The economic zone model is engineered, and we see it deployed or in the early stages of being deployed worldwide. The zone model was used for the European (EU, aka Eurozone) economic bloc.
We see its likeness in the UNASUR, NAFTA, ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and elsewhere. ~Ronmamita

I research and blog these deceptive institutional schemes as part of amplifying awareness.
The comments below will include video sources and their expression of these big changes most citizens are unaware of.

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Blockchain tech can be used for Right or Wrong

Which is why we need to Amplify Awareness to reach enough individuals who know Right from Wrong
The IMS on the blockchain would usher in the next century of enslavement and that is doing what is wrong.

Title: Mike Maloney On Bitcoin & Blockchain Technology. Cryptocurrency Future?
Video posted 27 Dec 2016 by GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney)

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication ("SWIFT")

Below is the quote from Feb 28, 2017 by Martin Armstrong:

The average person out there may read these headlines that are written by people without a single day of real world experience. They seem to confuse clearing and investment and their analysis is always against the dollar. They try to create a myth that somehow the Yuan will kill the dollar, which is what they said about the Euro. CIPS v SWIFT is about clearing – not investment money and it has no impact upon parking money. The crisis in BitCoin has been created by money trying to escape China. More that 90% of the volume has been in China as it was being used to get money out of China into dollars – so much for CIPS killing the dollar.

Let’s set the record straight – SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) is by no means a U.S. dollar exclusive system. Visa International supports approximately 180 transaction currencies, thus enabling the processing of international transactions – NOT exclusively dollars all through the SWIFT system! Twenty-six currencies can be used in the net settlement between Visa International and the participating members, the choice of currency being decided by each member involved in the settlement.

Ever since China began to set up a competition to the Western financial institutions back in 2013, there have been countries in the East dealing with China who have begun to use the CIPS System. That makes perfect sense when you are dealing with China. However, that does not mean that CIPS can compete with the SWIFT System with regard to trade in the West. Japan joining CIPS is by no means to the exclusion of SWIFT.

The SWIFT is an industry-owned limited liability cooperative society set up under Belgian law – not US Law. It is controlled by its member banks (including central banks) and other financial institutions. SWIFT’s business is to supply secure messaging services contributing to greater automation of financial transaction processes and to provide a forum for financial institutions to address issues of common concern in the area of financial communication services.

SWIFT was founded in 1973 by 239 banks from 15 countries. Since then, there has been a steady increase in the number of financial institutions and countries connected to SWIFT. By the end of 2002, more than 7,400 financial institutions from 198 countries were connected. There are three categories of SWIFT users: members (shareholders), sub-members (ie subsidiaries controlled by members) and participants. Members can benefit from all the services offered by SWIFT, whereas participants only have restricted access to a range of services that relates to their business.

SWIFT participants include securities brokers and dealers, investment management institutions, fund administrators, money brokers and various other institutions, mainly from within the securities business. By the end of 2002, SWIFT provided services to 2,203 members, 3,079 sub-members and 2,183 participants. The average daily value of payment messages on SWIFT is estimated to be above €6 trillion. National Bank of Belgium (NBB), which is the central bank of the country in which SWIFT’s headquarters are located, acts as lead overseer of SWIFT, supported by the G10 central banks. The NBB is responsible for the day-to-day oversight relationship with SWIFT – not the Federal Reserve.

Visa International operates through SWIFT and it is a private association owned by 21,000 financial institutions worldwide. It consists of six regional divisions: Asia-Pacific; Canada; Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East & Africa (CEMEA); European Union; Latin America & Caribbean; and United States. Membership is limited to deposit-taking financial institutions and to bank-owned organizations operating in the bank card sector, such as Carte Bleue in France and Servizi Interbancari in Italy. The Visa International Base II system clears transactions and facilitates settlement. Visa International supports approximately 180 transaction currencies, thus enabling the processing of international transactions – NOT exclusively dollars! Members can choose to receive their transaction reports in any of these currencies.

Twenty-six currencies can be used in the net settlement between Visa International and the participating members, the choice of currency being decided by each member involved in the settlement. The necessary foreign exchange operations are executed with two banks, one located in London (Barclays) and one in New York (Citibank).

The attempt by China to set up CIPS to compete with the SWIFT System is political and not purely economic. This idea that Japan and China will not participate in SWIFT is absolutely absurd. That would mean even credit cards would not be valid in the West.

-End Quote-

We Can See The Changes Being Implemented

And we note the LOUD silence from mass media headlining everything except the new version (reset) for the international monetary system (IMS).
Change your U.S.Dollars into something tangible (unless you are a speculator). @ronmamita

Blockchain Tech is the world's savior?

Distributed Ledger worldwide internet-connected has some advancements for the legacy slave system too.
Thus it is a great challenge to use blockchain tech for decentralized, free source, free markets, competing currencies to defeat the evil empire.

Title: Understanding Blockchain technology
Video posted 08 Jul 2016 by Opus Consulting Solutions

The Money Masters Want Total World Domination

Just Like The Brain:

Title: Pinky and the Brain - Intro Theme (closed captions)

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