Blockchain Rise with FreeTON

in blockchain •  5 years ago 

Dear crypto community!
In 2018, we all witnessed the emergence of a new ray of hope for genuine decentralization of the web space with innovative ideas by Pavel Durov. At that momentous moment, the idea of the TON ecosystem was born.
After problems with the American authorities, the developers laid out free source code for the development of which took years of work of the best programmers in the world and hundreds of millions of dollars - this is a real gift for all mankind!
But the fact that the backbone of the developers of the original TON created the FreeTON team is encouraging. Now it is the main successor to TON technology.
FreeTON aims to become an ecosystem that will replace the regular web. It provides not only its own services and applications, but also something similar to sites, and with them something similar to a web with browsers. External services can be accessed in FreeTON through special gateways. At the same time, FreeTON will be easy to integrate into existing applications.
FreeTON will have many services, but the key service for end users, as expected, will be the TON Payments payment system and the associated crypto wallet. Together with FreeTON DNS (a system that helps to convert the addresses of the blockchain platform into a human-readable form), these are the most thoughtful services in the overview file. Almost certainly, the FreeTON Storage file repository will be launched. Bots will appear that work in FreeTON without human intervention. In the future, FreeTON services may be integrated into Telegram, but the messenger will not be the only mass application.
The FreeTON architecture delivers unprecedented transaction speeds of millions of transactions per second. Such volumes and speeds make sense only if hundreds of millions of people use the crypto platform at the same time.
All data will be encrypted using modern elliptical cryptography schemes. Encryption is also provided by the Fift programming language, specially created for FreeTON.
The principles of the FreeTON blockchain:

  • To transfer funds, the blockchain and smart contract are involved in it.
  • Usually, a blockchain is a list of blocks connected to each other, but in FreeTON it is something more. Nikolai Durov calls TON “blockchain blockchain” - in addition to the main chain, up to 2 ^ 32 work blockchains (workchains) are possible, each of which can be divided into 2 ^ 60 “shardchains”. This complexity is needed to provide millions of transactions per second. For comparison, in February 2019, the Bitcoin blockchain approached a record 4.7 transactions per second.
     A smart contract is a self-executing contract. Technically, in TON, a smart contract is a program with executable code in the Fift language specially created for TON and data.The smart contract does not work without cryptocurrency. While there are no real people with money in TON, therefore, a special entity test giver operates in the test network, issuing up to 20 Gram to everyone who wants to write and test their smart contract.
  • The file with the smart contract is sent to the Telegram Open Network Virtual Machine (TON VM or TVM), which then monitors its execution.
  • Everything happens as quickly as possible. A smart contract is written in the Fift stack language, but the program itself inside the TVM virtual machine is also compiled, turning into even faster machine code (TVM is a stack machine that works especially well with small similar tasks).
  • All this is very well encrypted using elliptical cryptography. More precisely, in two ways. The first is EdDSA25519, which allows you to issue tens and hundreds of thousands of signatures per second, which is important for the speed of the network (elliptical cryptography is now synonymous with the latest achievements in this area). The second scheme is Curve25519 for asymmetric cryptography.
  • Fift has built-in support for strong cryptography and the ability to work with the FreeTON blockchain platform. And thanks to the use of a virtual machine, a scalable system is obtained, which can be infinitely expanded and varied.
    It is assumed that external applications will be able to work through FreeTON, for this special gateways will be created between the TON ecosystem and the outside world. Hybrid applications that work both in TON and beyond can also appear (the so-called “fog services” or fog services).
    But as they say, every cloud has a silver lining, perhaps the decision of the American regulator will forever change the scope of the blockchain and raise it to hitherto unprecedented heights. From this moment on, the blockchain makes history!
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