in blockchain •  7 years ago 


The project, to be discussed today, is quite interesting, as the spectrum of activities is somewhat unique and unusual for current ICO projects.
The XYO Network is the first oracle protocol in the world, using which makes it possible to transact between two entities without centralized third-party engagement.

In other words, the XYO Network platform is a network that can decentralize the goods location system across all activities and provide them with a safe and transparent way to track each step.
The XYO network will be built on existing infrastructure, with over 1,000,000 devices circulating in the world that are distributed through their consumer business.
XYO Bluetooth and GPS devices allow consumers every day to do physical tracking beacons of things they want to track (for example, keys, suitcases, bikes and even pets). If these items are lost, users can freely view their location on their own smartphone. In just six years, the XYO network is capable of creating one of the largest Bluetooth and GPS cellular networks in the world.

The principle of operation is that the XYO system will provide an entry point to the connected device protocol, which will be quite safe and resistant to any attack.
This will allow users to have high confidence in location data and all of these will be supported by the cryptographic proof chain.

How does the XYO system work?

Sentinel online collects data in real time.
The bridge collects data from Sentinel Online adds it to the Evidence The origin of their chain. Then the bridge becomes available for archivists on the Web.
Archive/data collection from the bridge. Bridges continually send information to the archivist, which is then stored in decentralized stores along with a heuristic location index.
The Diviner poll selects user requests and sends Ethereum to a smart contract for the further formation

Diviner's answer collects data from the archivist extracting the archivist from the network.
Diviner formulates the best response upon request from the Archiving network.
Then Diviners offers a block on XYO MainChain containing XYO responses, requests, and tokens (XYO), paid through proof of employment.
Diviner returns the result to the applicant The XYO network component is rewarded for their work.

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Proof Location

Possibly provable locations have existed since the 1960s, and can even be restored to the 1940s with ground-based radio-field structures, for example, LORAN. Today, there are location benefits that accumulate a variety of media checking each other to create Location Proof through triangularization and GPS organization. Proof Locations can be understood as utilizing blockchain-capable properties, for example, time-stamping and decentralization, and consolidating them with blockchain, ideally mindful (s) devices that are ideally resistant to mocking. We mentioned the cryptographic location innovation domain as \ crypto-location. "In addition, like how the sharp contract shortages are fixed on prophets who utilize a single spring of truth, the crypto location framework faces the same problem.In the XYO Network, off-chain information sources move in reality as a particular kind of prophet we call Sentinel. the development that includes XYO Network is glued to locations and location-based evidence that hides parts of our framework to create an unreliable crypto location.


Sales Token

Given the ultimate goal of giving people who purchase an XYO Token in the middle of our current Token Sales period, all unsold tokens after the Token Generation Event is over will be burned; likewise the tokens purchased in the middle of the setting are transformed into unlimited, limited resources that benefit those who buy tokens in the middle of arrangements.

The XYO Token uses the standard Ethereum stage ERC20 tokens. To ensure the purchase of shielded XGA Tokens, we have held a third social gathering company to test our sharp contract audits to approve best practices.


Token details

Ticker: XYO
Token type: ERC20
ICO Token Price: 1 XYO = 0.0224 USD (0.00003 ETH)
Sold on pre-sale: 100% BONUS
Whitelist: UNTIL 7 MAR



Important links:
Website: https://xyo.network/
Whitepaper: https://docs.xyo.network/XYO-White-Paper.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3040825.0
Bounty Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3053801.0
Telegram: https://t.me/xyonetwork

MY Account BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1826382
ERC20 : 0xF9448Ed4f479c2c337092C98aDa5B0e71Ec01b00

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Great article, hope this project can become successful.