Bring Da Noise!

in blockchain •  7 years ago 

Many of the world’s financial and cultural elite fully understand your apathy. They know that you’re depressed and that you feel weak to what’s going on in the world around you. They actually construct demographic studies to discover and then prove, just how pathetic and simple you are. How gullible. How misguided.

Once the results to these studies have been fully collected and analyzed, they

Bring da noise!

Once they get you hooked, and finally convince you that you’re part of "the sheeple", they sell back to you your worthless desires priced in millions of worthless paper. You purchase your own apathy with an hourly pay check. They profit via inflation and other additional trivia to you’re already taxed income.

The insanity is that you turn around and do it over and over again.

You asked for women’s liberty. They funded it because they saw an opportunity to take control of your kids lives at an earlier age through daycare. In return, they profit with a second spending machine in the household who now also pays taxes.

Bring da noise.

So where do we go from here? Can’t you see that the richer they become(falsely catering to the "daze of your life") that nothing really changes.

Is it not time that we begin to administer our own lives? Our own paths without this elitist machine which runs our governments? In turn, our governments smitten with fruits of insider trading, corruption and pay offs, drunken us with social programs and regulation. The final nail in the coffin is inflicted with the invisible chains that bind us through central banks.

What about Freedom? Self determination? Purpose? (Get your Crypto)

Many refer to this state of mind as anarchy.

I’ve witnessed many react aggressively towards this term. They find it too offensive. Too dramatic.

I’m somehow inclined to agree with people like Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante and Doug Casey of Casey Research. We’re in the eye of the hurricane and it ain’t called Sandy.

I believe that the “presstitutes” who work for the large multinationals coupled with the power elite, have a vested interest in suppressing freedom . Thus, proper knowledge of what this word anarchy truly means is dangerous. They must maintain their power and wealth.

They require your participation in the fraud for it to survive. Your occupation is in career, TV, staged events, sports, fake two party political systems that imply democracy and, other ridiculous phenomena, which Prop things up with man made bubbles that leave you and your children detained in the Latest fads. The latest waste of time. You’re in a tailspin. I see your subway paranoia.

You compete with one another. Your obsession is debt. The pretence of wealth called credit.

You’re now a part of your own fake elite clique; the cool crowd.

You’ve lost that God given ability: Wisdom. You’ve lost the ability to develop your own ideas.

The stakes is high. Now you’re left to believe that anarchists are mask wearing thugs who appear at G20 meetings. yardremoveb.jpg

Awaken from the "daze of your lives" and Bring da noise!

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