Voltreum – The First Blockchain-Enabled, Borderless P2P Energy Trading Platform

in blockchain •  2 years ago 

Welcome every crypto lovers again for my latest Project review in the crypto industry. If you are new to this crypto world, I like to introduce you what are the basics and a short history summary about cryptocurrency platforms. if you already know about these basic things you can skip my first paragraph.

Blockchain Introduction

Everyone knows about the most famous coin in the world. yes, you are right, that is Bitcoin. Satoshi Nakamoto is the founder of Bitcoin.

If you think this Coin is like a vehicle, it needs a road to run. so every kind of vehicle needs its own path to run. Boats need Reservoirs like sea, river. an airplane needs the sky to fly. that’s so simple to understand what is the blockchain network. there are many networks right now like roads & many coins, tokens have like vehicles. you need to select the right vehicle and road to drive it. if you choose a car you can only drive it on roads, if you put it to the water, it will be sink definitely. That’s how Blockchain networks work. there are so many popular networks working in recent. so many will come. bep20, erc20, polygon, Solana, Tron network are some of them.

Innovation is the key to addressing global warming and climate change. Smart grids are one such innovative solution. Several countries have already switched to smart grids, while many more are expected to complete the transition in the coming years. Energy trading is one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to successfully adopt a smart grid infrastructure, generate non-polluting energy, and meet energy requirements. Currently, energy trading is mainly confined to smaller localities or neighborhoods. While such small-scale trading provides an excellent start to transition from polluting fossil fuels like coal to cleaner renewable energy, they are not enough to make a tangible impact amid the rising effects of climate change. Voltreum is a future-focused technology company seeking to democratize renewable energy (RE) trading over power grids, increase RE penetration, and create a more sustainable future by developing innovative, eco-friendly solutions.


The Voltreum Blockchain Technology

The blockchain technology that Voltreum uses heavily relies on a smart contract system. This technology allows participants to securely and efficiently transact renewable energy without third-party intermediaries. It also streamlines the process of verifying, validating, and settling transactions within the platform. Specifically, the team uses the Global Digital Cluster Coin (GDCC) protocol to support its operation. Voltreum selected GDCC because it offers a secure, reliable, and transparent platform for energy trading. It also ensures that users pay the lowest possible cost for their transactions. Lastly, GDCC’s distributed ledger technology supports Voltreum in providing data security, enabling users to easily track their transaction histories.


Voltreum A Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading System

Voltreum’s Volt-X is a new peer-to-peer energy trading system that enables users to buy and sell energy within their local communities. With Voltreum, people may exchange energy on the network in real time, enabling buyers to purchase power at optimal terms. The mix between localized distribution and microgrids will represent the core of this project. This platform will allow users to optimize their energy trading and exchanges efficiently.

"Volt-X," as their founders labeled the application, will enable people to use local energy resources efficiently. The technology can help everyone create value and reduce their total electricity costs. At the same time, it will ensure that producers get paid competitively for the energy they generate. Solar panels, wind farms, hydro plants, and other renewable energy sources will directly connect to the Volt-X platform. This will allow users to purchase electricity from various sources at competitive prices.


How Volt-X Works

Volt-X uses modern digital technologies like blockchain, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence for the smart, seamless energy exchange. The system consists of an app and a browser, both of which constitute the platform’s front end, which is visible to users. These users may be energy buyers or sellers.

Volt-X will help create a hyper-connected and decentralized P2P system based on a microgrid architecture in conjunction with standardized tools and blockchain-based smart contracts. This architecture can quickly scale to meet its community’s evolving energy needs. Each microgrid will connect small neighborhoods or residential units and enable them to exchange renewable energy that’s clean, locally produced, and easy to buy and sell – just like any other commodity. Thus, the microgrid will provide a near real-time, transparent, and secure system to generate renewable energy on demand. It will also monitor energy generation and distribution to maintain fairness and equitability in the trading system.


Who will benefit from Voltreum

Utility companies

  • Compliance with Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPOs).
  • Reduce carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality.
  • Reduce transmission and distribution (T&D) losses.
  • Expand capacity utilization without major/new infrastructure investments.
  • Energy arbitrage through peak/off-peak demand management.

Commercial & Industrial (C&I) consumers

  • Lower energy costs.
  • Lower burden of high tariffs for cross-subsidization.
  • Opportunities to sell excess energy to other C&Is or residential units.

Residential units

  • Lower energy costs.
  • Better control over energy expenditures.
  • Direct energy purchases from C&Is or other residential.
  • Less dependence on the tariffs and energy controls implemented by
  • private/state-owned utility companies.


What Does Voltreum’s Roadmap Feature?

The project’s roadmap already sees a “completed” tag next to many milestones. The initial due diligence, team formation, and project planning are behind us. The team has recently unveiled its MVP, which brought together many of the platform’s key features. Many potential customers are signing up for pilot tests, and the team is working hard on improving the platform.

With an upcoming seed round (12/25), the team expects to further strengthen its development roadmap. The goal is to make Voltreum a powerful multi-market platform with advanced features and services tailored to consumers and prosumers. Milestone after milestone, the team expects the project’s global ramp-up to happen by Q4 2023. It is not a long way off, and this journey will require dedication and hard work.


The VOLT Token

The Voltreum-enabled microgrids rely on the VOLT cryptocurrency to support the energy exchange across the Ethereum blockchain. Prosumers can trade surplus RE to other consumers at a mutually agreed price in VOLT. Next, blockchain-based smart contracts ensure the transparency and security of every transaction. As a result, all Volt-X participants can engage in trustworthy energy trading free of data manipulation. The VOLT token will have a maximum token supply of 1,400,000,000, with 3% of it available for seed sale.

Token info

  • Ticker: VOLT
  • Type: Utility-token
  • Token standard: BEP-20
  • Token price in USD: 1 VOLT = 0.02 USD
  • Accepted currencies: BSC, USDT

Token distribution:

  • Seed - 3.57%
  • Private Rounds - 7.14%
  • IDO - 0.40%
  • Dex Liquidity - 6.74%
  • Company Reserves - 17.86%
  • Airdrops - 0.71%
  • Treasury - 4.29%
  • MKT - 8.57%
  • RnD - 3.57%
  • Legal - 1.43%
  • Team - 7.14%
  • Partnerships - 2.86%
  • Staking - 17.86%
  • In-platformrewards - 17.86%



Voltreum provides a decentralized solution for smart microgrids, a developing market estimated to reach $63 billion by 2027. The company plans to spearhead the revolution of decentralized trading of renewable energy. This way, it should be an established market player by the time this trend reaches global adoption. Volt-X is Voltreum’s first solution to the growing challenges in the energy sector. The P2P energy trading system employs a bi-directional process motivating prosumers to save, trade, and share energy with significant monetization opportunities.

#Voltreum #Blockchain #Energytrading #P2Ptrading

For more information, please visit:

Website; https://voltreum.com/
Whitepaper: https://voltreum.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Voltreum-Whitepaper.pdf
Medium: https://medium.com/@voltreum
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/voltreum/
Telegram Group: https://t.me/voltreum_official
Twitter: https://twitter.com/voltreum


Forum Username: sumaiya01721
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2863274
Telegram Username: @shuvenkar77
BSC Wallet Address: 0x9a6144F33a3aB570765DB23981F28De52E6Fb143

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