Essentia Properties

in blockchain •  7 years ago 


Essentia is the name of a blockchain network providing organization designed for the next generation layer of interoperability and data. It is a multi-chained set of protocols connected for centralized and decentralized resources being masternoded. The system properties of Essentia use the platform for some direct and inherent connection with the system properties and peculiarities within the individual discussions to the document sections.

Trust Issues and Security

Essentia makes the system to be trust-less so that the users do not need to know about managing the user data or information to open. It includes codes storing availability encryption for decentralized storage resources and the framework makes sure to care about working perfectly with transparency in every step.

Ownership and Control

The user has the full control and ownership of data, privacy, content, wallets, identities, accounts or any other connected resources. As a sole entity, this can execute valid signing, verifying, encrypting and decrypting operations with the ESS-ID for the users in free dispose of the digital belongings in preferable ways. It is up to the user to decide the interactions with the third parties for resources and services.


The platform makes the resources available through the blockchain technologies based on the data and code availability into the decentralized storage. The users can access from anywhere from the store and backup them physically preferred places. The users will own and control their ESS-ID interacting with the intermediaries by accessing or disposing of digital belongings.


Multiple Blockchains

Essentia framework enables the cross-chain operations and transaction integrating the resources from different blockchains in the same secure environment so that the resources of Essentia nodes and bridges are responsible for the interoperability for different protocols. The users or machines can have easy and seamless operations for different blockchains selecting the controls over the service modules.

Flexibility and Scalability

The framework is customizable and fits in a maximum variety of use cases in smoother scale adapting exotic scenarios. The resources are accessible from anywhere with unique designs, resources and sharing modules.


The default settings and operations use stronger encryption to protect the memories and files of the dedicated hardware devices. The contents cannot be censored, erased or modified and data becomes persistent in the decentralized cloud implementing Privacy-by-Design approach to the layers.



As the Essentia IDs are anonymous, so it is up to the users deciding the eventual associates for their real IDs or set of data and metadata. The platform takes care of the components, modules and connects with the resources for secured and stronger encryption, cryptography and technological availability.


The framework has designed and developed for several modes that enable agent agnostic in primary and new levels of CLI or command line interface, headless using user interface modes. This checks and reviews the code adapting for personal use based open-hardware machines.


Essential works with language and host agnostics for building up the framework maintaining the functions and features. Language is suitable for implementation and the hardware can run the most host architectures operating system.

Fault and Future Proof

The framework builds on the minimal set of cryptographic operations of the sign, verify, encrypt, and decrypt executing seeds deriving extended keys. It also puts efforts and commitment to deploying decentralizing the ecosystem keeping the users at the center.

The Essentia platform operations and components also require to be trustable so that the offers can be finely grained completing the transparent control in every level.

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