in blockchain •  6 years ago 

Screenshot_2018-06-01-10-22-34-1.pngIt is no longer news anymore that the invention of Blockchain and cryptocurrency into the world stage brought into the world another face of globalisation. With these, statistics have shown that citizens of many nations travel, settled, own, rent or lease houses and other properties in other nations. This analysis called for revolution in the real estate management in such a way to bring about effective services. It is on the bases of this that Etheera platform was introduced . What then is the Etheera platform?

Etheera is the first decentralized global real estate platform, based on the Ethereum blockchain, that gives properties to purchasing, leasing and bed and breakfast offers. This platform is perfect for everyone and everybody, regardless of whether you as a private individual need to give a space to one night or longer timeframe, or whether you are looking whatever else.

Etheera likewise contemplates the real estate agents and experts of the business and offers an entire programming instrument which has coordinated conceivable outcomes and will coordinate all needs. Essentially Etheera is the answer for everybody.

Human innovation is advanced to the point that we were shocked by what we saw after research, investigations, tests and comes about because of existing arrangements offered by the market today. Organizations are working for the most part with arrangements gave locally which appear to be exceptionally constrained in their degree and can't deal with required procedures or as it were, various capacities as an across the board arrangement.
Every day business undertakings are still done physically, however ought to be mechanized with a specific end goal to evade hand committed errors and enable representatives to center around different procedures in order to be more proficient amid a similar day and age.

To execute Etheera's vision, we are propelling an initial coin offering (ICO) to issue Etheera tokens on the general population Ethereum blockchain. The tokens called Etheera (ETA) will be issued amid the ICO Timeline.The cost amid the ICO will be as the table beneath:

Begin 10/02/2018/10:00 AM UTC + 1
10/02/2018 - 16/03/2018/Bonus 40%
17/03/2018 - 31/03/2018/Bonus 20%
01/04/2018 - 14/04/2018/Bonus 10%
15/04/2018 - 30/04/2018/No Bonus
End 30/04/2018/10:00 AM UTC + 1

The ICO will be led at Ethereum blockchain and the Smart Contract straightforwardly, so to have the capacity to take an interest in the Etheera's ICO and get Etheera (ETA), you ought to go to the Etheera Website to see the Smart Contract Token Sale adress. Etheera (ETA) tokens will be issued as ERC20 agreeable tokens and you will require a perfect ERC20 Wallet as MyEtherWallet or Meta Mask.

Before the coming of our Etheera platform, the real estate management if faced with the following problems

1 To costly gateway costs. From a monetary outline, it powers the specialists to be significantly more restricted and he doesn't distribute protests wherever any longer.

2 Coming about because of the first point above, there are numerous matching open doors missing between sellersand intrigued purchasers.

3 Unsold or unleased properties consequently expand the void stands and acquiring just profoundly missed income that executes organizations.

4 Terrible system and connections between national merchants. Scaled on universal levels, it is essentially awful. Albeit all the time, purchasers are from different nations and not comfortable with nearby dialects.

5 Agents are so vital, on the grounds that numerous parts and procedures, for example, the value gauge of the property, visits, associations with banks and considerably more are compulsory and isn't possible by a robot.

6 As of now, the product devices and working instruments for intermediaries offer pretty much nothing, or it will require a considerable measure of individual apparatuses which should be joined in the every day procedure.
7 We are feeling the loss of the global across the board apparatus for the specialists that covers all needs in a single screen or program from beginning to end!

8 The same applies to the miners and searchers of items to purchase, to lease or for bed and breakfast bargains.
Below is how Etheera aimed at solving the above listed problems

Across the board: Global gateway + Software

Find instantly what you are keen on and what you are searching for, regardless of where on the planet. Perfect for dealers with a current client and property portfolio. The matching permits a pursuit inquiry about the entirety of merchants' system with their current clients and hunt demands and wishes.

Numerous coordinated apparatuses including CRM capacities, timetables, callbacks, visits and distributions, bulletin, inbox/outbox, including outer APIs and administrations, database with proprietors, miners, venture administration, dashboard, settings and access rights, import and fare of reports, archive creation, real estate gauges, global intermediary system and considerably more.

Convey and convey the ideal support of your clients with Etheera. Reports and insights for the proprietor or an organized settlement with the imminent of the procurement of properties to the rental or buy.
With this on Etheera platform, users can be able to;
》Advertise as an individual or organization
》 Search and discover questions in a global system
》 Search the correct merchant whom you need to offer a property
》Global buy, lease, bed and breakfast bargains
》 Different publicizing openings
》 Free or paid front pennant commercials
》 Easy value structure
》 Advertise without memberships conceivable
》 Pay with Bitcoins, Altcoins or by PayPal and charge card
》 No shrouded costs
》 Direct connect to the product with synchronization for the merchants


Etheera is intending to wind up a completely fledged global entry and programming answer for the real estate blockchain time and will offer four center lines of administrations:

Programming licenses/memberships:
The utilization of the product is principally proposed for all real estate experts. This cloud based programming won't be offered as a download or as an available item. The clients will have the capacity to adaptably lease the administration with month to month or yearly memberships.

Gateway postings/memberships:
Clients will have the capacity to adaptably pick between paying for posting a solitary protest or innumerable items with month to month or yearly memberships for every single upheld type. The posting costs will be settled and Etheera won't charge any extra expenses of progress or commissions.

Paid publicizing:
The entry will make space for premium postings, flags and included promotions, which will be extremely valuable to achieve more guests and better ad.

Third Party Service Providers:
Etheera will cooperate with third party specialist organizations to keep constantly greatest quality. This incorporates different outside API administrations for the product and installment suppliers.

Future contemplations:
For the future Etheera is thinking about growing the entrance with extra administrations, for example, auto purchasing and leasing, protection and safety measure administrations. This is an unadulterated vision for the occasion, however Etheera not have any desire to avoid totally.

Offered installment arrangement and support:
Etheera's installment arrangement will incorporate conventional items, for example, globally acknowledged IBAN, charge cards, paypal and installment handling, however will likewise bolster a large portion of the digital forms of money including Bitcoin, Dash, Ethereum and others. Over that, all administrations will be gotten to through a simple to utilize UI in excess of 20 dialects with live all day, every day bolster.

Etheera can affirm and certification to be recorded specifically after the ICO course of events on the accompanying trades:
1 ForkDelta
2 EtherDelta
3 CryptoDerivatives
Availble exchanging sets: ETA/ETH and ETH/ETA
Arranged market begin cost: 20x - 50x from ICO Price for each ETA

Etheera is taking a shot at assist assentions, specialized similarity and arrangements to be recorded on Yobit, Okex, hitBTC, Mercatox, Idex, Openledger, Coinbene, zb, Coss, Kucoin, huobi, Tidex, Liqui, Upbit, Poloniex, Binance, Bitfinex, Cryptopia and oth

Development and Marketing Plan
We intend to grow globally by joining forces with different organizations in the real estate space, obtaining contenders, and doing broad promoting. The showcasing channels incorporate the customary press/productions, web-based social networking channels (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), sentiment influencers, real estate meetings, and informal. Following is an outline of the conceivable development. It would be ideal if you take note of that all numbers are just projections based on our appraisals.


Token Holder Benefits
Every member of Etheera (ETA) tokens will be entitled of the Token Sale Bonus and Profit anticipated from the Exchange Platforms. The opportunity to be installed from the earliest starting point and gain rewards up to 40% on the token deal. After token deal closes, etheera will be recorded on various decentral trade platforms. Keep your tokens or offer them on trade platforms.
For more information visit :


Authored by Solman:;u=1903032
Public key: 0xfB83b7361ADaab3CE2418B50Fd316575c7445848

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