It's ALL a Truman Puppet Show ~ Everything is Fake. If you have 12:00mins to spare, I highly recommend you watch this video. Keep an open mind and think what would happen if it turns out that this was actually real. These 12:00mins could change your life!

in blockchain •  6 years ago 

It's ALL a Truman Puppet Show ~ Everything is Fakery Mind Kontrol.


Make absolutely No Mistake ....... #FakeNews is REAL

Regular readers of my Blog will know that for the past +24 months I have been talking about the garbage and vomiting diarrhoea that continues to be spurted out by the Mainstream Media about what is fact and what is fiction.

Despite the hurdles that lie ahead, I strongly believe that humanity is set to face one of it's toughest challenges yet.

A challenge not seen in over a Century as it comes face-to-face with facing up to reality.

Over the past +24 months I have published countless Blogs on how the future is set to undergo a revolutionary change.

This revolutionary change will be like no other seen and witnessed over the last Century..!!

In case you thought your eyes were playing tricks and you thought this must be a spelling mistake, I will repeat it.

.... will be like NO OTHER seen and witnessed OVER the last Century..!!

#Blockchain #Media

What is this change?

..... #Blockchain #Media, or if you like another terminology, #DistributedLedger Media..!!

So what is #Blockchain #Media?

For the last +24 months I have been trying to explain that in the future Mainstream Media will be decentralised and digitally run and held on the #Blockchain.

Despite the few who believe that this is total garbage to even begin to suggest, I cannot stress enough that this will happen.

Sadly, for those that find it totally absurd to even begin to start thinking that the thought of #Blockchain Media could actually happen, I have some very scary news to share. will..!!

Evaluation, Verification, Validation and Authenticity

In the future, ALL Media and I mean ALL Media will be challenged and it will be those stories that sit on a #Blockchain and proven for their: Evaluation, Verification, Validation and Authenticity that will be believed.

Those News Stories that are not on a #Blockchain will be simply disregarded and put to one side and in some cases laughed at..!!

How humanity copes with this change will be up to individuals

As I have talked about in the past, how humanity copes with this change will be simply down to the individual.

Some will say, that they knew they had been lied too and simply get on with their lives.

Some will simply disbelieve that they had been lied too and never accept the new reality.

.....and then there will be those that will accept the new norm and tackle their emotions as they begin to rebuild their belief in humanity.

If you have 12:00mins

Once again, if you have 12:00mins to spare, I highly recommend that you watch this video, keep an open mind and just think what would happen if it turns out that this was actually real..!!

These 12:00mins could change your life..!!

Thanks for reading and watching.


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Hi Stephen,

I watched this 11 minute video this morning about the Government Ponzi schemes in the United States. The first ten minutes exposes the Ponzi schemes and it ends with an offer. Even though it is an infomercial, it was eye-opening.

Posted 2 September 2018 by

I have a private pension, but just the same I took what I could as a lump-sum and the rest is a monthly pension.

Have a great week!
Steem on,

Hi Mike.

Great video.

I have been warning so many people that most retirement pensions won't be there when they come to claim them.

The money is simply not there.

All pensions are ponzi schemes and we all know what happens to ponzi schemes eventually.

I just wish people would switch off the TV and stop believing all the garbage being vomited out by the Mainstream Media.

Have a great week.


  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment


AmazingI love it! Gave up on the propaganda media ages ago try not to let if influence me with it BS. Wish more could see these examples. 💯🐒

i like your media news, thanks for sharing....
all the best, my friends....

The trouble is these aren't lies.

These are lies, built on lies, built on lies.

The gravity model of space has been debunked, and the electric universe model is far better at predicting things. However, what are we still taught in school? Einstein's theory or Relativity.

And, if NASA was actually doing ANYTHING that they say they are, then they would have to be using a whole different science then we are being taught.

Since we have space craft flying around, with some of them being from earth, then someone knows and is, as the song goes, "is lying to the whole human race".