Kim dotcom launching ICO : bitcache

in blockchain •  8 years ago 

Remember Kim dotcom ?
No allright i will cover for you go to itunes and watch it's Trending No.1 in Documentary section.


Aug 23 Kim Dotcom took twitter to announce his new platform called : Next week you can register and try the first feature set of and Bitcache. Then we're doing an #ICO to build our global infrastructure.

Next week you can register and try the first feature set of and Bitcache. Then we're doing an #ICO to build our global infrastructure.

Bitcache for Youtubers

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Thanks for the heads up. I'll look into it more.

Interesting! Will check it

Do you trust Kim Dotcom? I find him to be rather shady, but entertaining, though ^^

Kim Dotcom AKA. MEGARACER is a man of the people! A true internet hero, and a Call of Duty FFA god:P He does not need your $ :) He just wants to Welcome you to the good life:P Feel free to donate Ether, after he makes you shit tons of $$ 0xfF5113B05947C9C7416c0351371424dcd9D50774

I don't really like "men of the people", since they're mostly manipulating "the people" for their own ends.

Not this guy. Kim is a good family man.