EP 025 - Interview With Chris Jones And Blockchain Seattle 2018

in blockchain •  7 years ago 

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Show Notes

In this episode, I interview Chris Jones, Co-Founder of Blockchain Seattle 2018, and the President of The DragonScale Division of DragonChain. Chris is a really great guy, and I enjoyed getting to talk with him about the upcoming conference and his time with DragonChain. We talked about some of the key features of Blockchain Seattle 2018, some notable speakers, and a few reasons he is so excited for the future of blockchain technology. If you are interested in coming to the event, please look at the links below!

Honey Miner (Sponsor)

Follow Honey Miner on Twitter @gethoneyminer

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Blockchain Seattle 2018

Visit Blockchain Seattle's website and learn more about the conference!

Join me at Blockchain Seattle 2018 and get 10% off Early Bird General Admission with the promo code BSC2018Skyat https://tickets.blockchainseattle.io/!

Follow Chris Jones on Twitter @cjones2002

Follow Blockchain Seattle 2018 on Twitter @blockchainseatt


Follow me on Twitter @thecryptosky

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Check Out my website thecryptosky.com


Thank you for listening!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://thecryptosky.com/2018/08/ep-025-interview-with-chris-jones-and-blockchain-seattle-2018/

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