Access Network(ACX)

in blockchain •  7 years ago 

Access Network(ACX)



Access Network venture offers an answer, mounted on a brilliant contract taking a shot at Ethereum blockchain. The venture needs to make a system of advanced coin for day by day moment trade. In the meantime, with the assistance of blockchain trustless innovation, advancement group point to subsidize creation to serve microcredit request. The blockchain is for its tendency, fair, straightforward and decentralized. Erasing banks, the cash cost lessens and singular purchasing power increments.

The Access-Network was made by a gathering Atlas Money, a distributed branchless keeping money framework that has effectively spearheaded with virtualization of the way to entryway benefits in Senegal and Ghana. Map book consolidates Access-Network as its underlying trade in West piece of Africa, utilizing more than three hundred specialists and more than 1500 clients to wind up Access-Network trades and token proprietors, individually.

Access-Network is self-managing a token money related framework that enables members to characterize budgetary access for themselves. Joiners are boosted to make long-run an incentive for one and other by equitably dealing with the appropriation of the stage's motivating force pool. These cooperations are permitted by a canny contract measured suite, which self-alter and disseminate supports over the framework as indicated by the will of the stage. The framework comprises of 5 center layers:

• Governance Protocol

• ACX utility token

• Incentive Pool

• Off-chain administrations

• Decision Modules


The Access Network means to give monetary administrations which meet the necessity of the members without narrow mindedness. The Access Network likewise expects to expand the adequacy of budgetary info activities by monetary consideration.

Access Network stage is a blockchain based decentralized stage which makes a self-middle of the road money related system. The stage will plan a system that makes money related consideration for the underprivileged that are dodged by the conventional budgetary framework.

The stage Access Network won't just form an extension to meet the customary framework yet it likewise needs to build up a borderless exchange and installment stage for the members.

The Access Network will empower the client to start budgetary access for them. The stage Access Network acquaints a path with line up the enthusiasm of the group to tackle their issues. The stage is outlined and bolstered by the group who had a comparative enthusiasm for the blockchain innovation.

Standards of Empowerment

1.The principal human right incorporates money related consideration and access.

2.The principal human rights will be interminably created by means of motivating force biological community.

3.The biological system's choice will be similarly available to all members from the world.

4.The unprivileged who are maintained a strategic distance from beforehand enabled to shape and characterize said advancement.


As far back as Bitcoin seemed following the financial emergency of 2008, crypto and blockchain devotees have been idealistic about the potential for blockchain innovation to introduce a period of monetary efficiency and inclusivity. However, while a vanguard of technologists centers around planning dispersed cryptosystems to engage the general population, 2 billion unbanked grown-ups, that affect a sum of about 6 billion lives are looking out for the side-lines. For these individuals engagement is prevented by the accompanying:

• Financially, an absence of nearby trades blocks people from 'purchasing in' to crypto-systems

• Technologically, the absence of cell phones and web get to blocks people from for all intents and purposes using crypto-organize improvement and 'working in' to the crypto economy.


Map book Money is a P2P branchless keeping money stage that enables anybody to end up their own particular group miniaturized scale bank. Map book Money Agents go way to-entryway day by day to Atlas Money Users gathering stores, issuing withdrawals and offering microloans.

Map book Money is utilizing its portable managing an account stage and the borderless, programmable nature of cryptographic money tokens to dispatch the ACX Network, a self-sufficient token economy that boosts members in the creating and created world to make an incentive for each other. In doing as such, we mean to empower developing markets to jump created economies while keeping away from the way of inefficient and debilitating concentrated frameworks.

Members will use ACX in equitable basic leadership forms that immediate motivating forces towards ventures that contribute utility incentive to the environment. This will enable clients to ceaselessly define, cost, and reward utility as they see fit. A suite of brilliant contracts conveyed to the Ethereum blockchain will straightforwardly intercede this procedure, empowering different arrangements of partners to work together in a trustless way.

To adjust interests among creating world clients, engineers, and created world clients, ACX will be conveyed through the Access Underserved Exchange (AUE), Incentive Pool, and a Token Generation Event. Every part of this three-legged stool will give a basic access point between the ACX token economy and important partners in the worldwide economy. The AUE fills in as a fiat/crypto trade for underserved populaces in the creating scene.

Motivating force Pool rewards members who add to the Access biological system. Token holders will utilize trustless basic leadership methods to choose which undertakings to reserve and how to value them.

The ACX Token

Token Symbol--ACX

Token Suply--6,000,000,000 ACX

Type -- ERC20

Token Generation Event @ 27% -- 1,620,000,000 ACX

Access Underserved Exchange @ 27% -- 1,620,000,000 ACX

Incentive Pool @ 27% -- 1,620,000,000 ACX

Founders @ 12% -- 720,000,000 ACX

Advisors @ 4% -- 240,000,000 ACX

Community Rewards @ 3% -- 180,000,000 ACX






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Author: TheJohnMatch

My BitcoinTalk Profile:;u=1673694

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