
in blockchain •  7 years ago 



In the computerized age not all upsets have just happened. Leap forward of blockchain innovation basically changes the comprehension of cash as a customary installment strategy. An assortment of blockchain based cryptographic forms of money has begun to upset numerous territories from conventional managing an account, the distance to online installments handling. This is the place Bitcoinus come in.

Bitcoinus is a web based handling stage that offers customers an opportunity to take part in crypto-installment and a possibility for online business organizations to grow their installment choices. Bitcoinus incorporates just the 100 most dependable digital forms of money in its pre-modified capacities for spending. It is essentially an apparatus to make the most well known digital currencies available to any sort of business.


In the computerized age not all transformations have occurred. Leap forward blockchain innovation basically changing the idea of cash as a conventional strategy for installment. Different blockchain-based crypto security has started to disturb numerous territories of customary keeping money, all how to process online installments This is the place Bitcoinus enters The vision that has propelled us to make Bitcoinus originates from the phenomenal crypto elements advertise. The consistently expanding acknowledgment makes them equivalent to the worldwide monetary biological community. What it intends to us is that web based business units of any kind and scale will start to receive blockchain installment innovation This will require an inventive yet secure and broad installment handling installment benefit specialist organization. The market is developing exponentially. All gadgets stores and in addition real retailers where you shop today limit coordinating the blockchain based installment technique. This is the ideal time for Bitcoinus to develop and lead the advancement of crypto installments. We center around genuine B2B business forms that will be re-made by the requirements of the worldwide market. This is the bearing that Bitcoinus has picked and that is the means by which online business goes. We will guarantee that costs a wide range of moment and secure crypto possessions for people and organizations


Bitcoinus Platform and Solutions

The Bitcoinus platform will be intended to purchase products and enterprises. New arrangement based Decentralized systems are being produced to offer more than some other crypto-based stage today. We The group is centered around the quick selection of innovation in the worldwide commercial center that will make online installments utilizing crisis kripto when we discuss all worldwide monetary markets. Purchaser, merchants and early token benefactors will assume an essential part in this budgetary development autonomy in view of the connected blockchain arrangement.


More secure Payment Method

Credit and platinum cards are powerless against numerous threats when utilized for online installment. Since they go under a unified system numerous tricks can be effectively done. It likewise leaves the client presented to wholesale fraud.

Bitcoinus wipes out this sort of hazard in light of the modern Know Your Customer (KYC) qualities and controls blockchain based KYC to ensure that there is most extreme unwavering quality with the way client data is managed. This guarantees clients' crypto-resources are solidly ensured.

Snappiest Payment Method

By and by, the online installment exchanges take quite a while and are exorbitant. Bitcoinus empowers a quick and proficient route by utilizing a confounded calculation that deals with a portion of the procedures previously transferring to blockchain while remaining to a great degree secure. It is truly a single tick and merchant will get finances in 2 seconds.

Bitcoinus additionally decreases the ideal opportunity for getting global assets from weeks to a couple of minutes without issues like postponed stores, expound worldwide bank exchanges or passage disappointments. The exchange gets transferred to the blockchain of the particular digital currency that is being utilized for installment. It has no requirement for brokers and guarantees finish straightforwardness and a brisk strategy.

Least expensive Transactions

American Express has a 3.5% commission on exchanges, Mastercard has 2.4% commission, Visa has a 2.3% commission, and other Bitcoin preparing stages have 1% commission. Yet, Bitcoinus just charges 0.5% commission on all installment exchanges, in contrast with some other preparing stages, it demonstrates the most gainful for any client.

The minimal effort has works essentially being the most cheap alternative to conventional managing an account for e-organizations, urging business to utilize digital forms of money and bring its preferences to considerably littler organizations. The primary point isn't to win commissions however to investigate parts of the web based business world and discover places whose potential still isn't found.

Effective Transaction Algorithm

The installment calculation utilized by banks is greatly confused with numerous features and the hazard increments with each developing number of aspect included. This muddled procedure additionally includes a ton of cost as there are no less than 16 arranges in each conclusion to-end exchange.

Bitcoinus offers a low exchange expense just on the grounds that it utilizes less advances, which prompts lesser many-sided quality and obviously to try and lower costs. Rather than the repetitive 16 sages, in the preparing of Bitcoinus, there are just 4 phases.

A shopper needs to buy a thing on a web based business site or e-shop with a favored digital currency.

The shopper chooses the coveted cryptographic money (altcoin) for e.g. Bitcoin, from their wallet at the season of installment.

Bitcoinus continues with the installment.

After the exchange is finished, the customer and the dealer, both get told.


ICO Bitcoinus will be based on exciting crypto that uses the Ethereal blockade. BITS token will developed using the ERC20 market standard.There will be 65 million Bitcoinus tokens (BITS) created. Participants who are willing to support the development of Bitcoinus Project can do so by sending Ethereum to designated address They buy Bitcoinus tokens (BITS) at a rate of 1 BITS per 0001 ETH to be shipped to them. ETH-supported wallet


Token value



• 0% vendor exchange expenses when installment is done in BITS.

• Implemented dealer notoriety framework to guarantee secure exchanges.

• Most of the retailers of Bitcoinus are across the board long-offering.

• All real trades guarantee most extreme liquidity in BITS Tokens

• Maximum liquidity of BITS tokens guaranteed by exchanging every single significant trade.

• Bitcoinus group tokens bolted for 12 months — no advertise control.

• Online crypto installments industry development to blast in exponential movement.









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Author TheJohnMatch


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