in blockchain •  6 years ago 



The new thoughts are coming each day. Individuals need to put resources into the new ventures. We have the greatest device on the planet, and it is known as the Internet. The web is a huge base of data where we can do anything. Web has associated the whole world. One of these ventures is Goldiam, which is a development on the blockchain that looks to digitize the way toward mining Gold and Diamond making it less demanding to make speculations and get resources.


Goldiam is an advancement on the blockchain that tries to digitize the way toward mining Gold and Diamond making it less demanding to make ventures and get resources. The Goldiam stage is intended to deal with the issue of unpredictability in return rates of Gold and Diamond which is one of the banes related with gold and jewel business. This would pull in more individuals to put resources into gold and precious stone markets without agonizing over fall in rates when they need to auction. Since Goldiam is a blockchain fueled stage, it is sheltered, straightforward, and simple to get to and permit the trading of gold and precious stones to be made utilizing digital forms of money.

Goldiam has banded together with authorized gold and precious stone exchanging mates. Upon request one's gold or jewel could be dispatched appropriate to his or her address, with all the essential security and permit. The blockchain produces a savvy contract for each exchange made. This agreement can't be modified by men henceforth any blunder that happen in the reason for business exchanges is re-traceable. There is a unique stage on which gold and jewel are traded. The shrewd gold and jewel is the gold and precious stone commercial center on the Goldiam stage. It makes buy of gold and precious stone simple for individuals from the solace of their homes with no unique gadget or enablement regardless of whether they need it conveyed on their doorstep.

Goldiam is an innovation stage in light of the blockchain. With, clients can without much of a stretch take advantage of the gold and precious stone mining industry and make exchanges and interests in a simpler way utilizing a cryptographic resource called Goldiam Coin. Goldiam gives its clients some exceptional highlights which incorporate multi-cash acknowledgment, cash exchange, digital money trade, month to month remunerate for resource holders, unadulterated gold or diamond(s) delivery, and security. Another energizing news about the Goldaim venture is its proposed blockchain, since private blockchain would enable Goldiam to better give its clients as far as quicker, more practical and secure stage since private blockchains in contrast with brought together databases, are the cryptographic examining and known characters.


The investigation of market for Gold and Diamond opens a radical new world for the general population keen on them. The present Diamond exchange showcase is esteemed at around US $60 billion a year, with buyers acquiring stock worth US $20 billion every year. Just 5% of this US $20 billion market is bought for venture purposes. For UK speculators, Gold has topped the table 5 times since 2000 and beaten the FTSE (Financial Times Stock Exchange) all Share 10 times.

Advancing the distance from that time Gold in 2017 at that point reflected new unpredictability in the Dollar's swapping scale esteem, slacking household and all the more prominently abroad values yet rising 7.2% (information to 13 December) for US speculators. English financial specialists, conversely, saw Gold drop 1.4% as the Pound revived hard from 2016's Brexit-vote dive. The potential market of Gold has a turnover of US $700 billion, with Gold and Gold subsidiary speculations totaling 80% around. The staying 20% are adornments and mechanical utilize. Taking in see the present Diamond showcase turnover is around US $90 billion with a speculation estimation of just US $1 billion. By evacuating the market obstructions, we trust Gold and Diamond will turn into the main venture resources for brokers trying to fence money or get introduction to this elective resource class.

The blockchain upheaval is gunning for the Gold and Diamond advertise."

About US $27 billion of Gold changes hands each day in finished the-counter markets where settlements can some of the time take days, leaving value chance for purchasers and venders. Blockchain guarantees more straightforwardness, security and speedier arrangements. It likewise could draw in new members when financial specialists are souring on Gold-supported trade exchanged finances particularly in the event of

Jewel exchanging trade where they just offer B2B exchanges administrations making them superfluous for people or merchants.

"Computerized Gold would remove piece of the pie from other Gold instruments: fates, physical Gold bullion, Gold ETFs. Utilizing the innovation to exchange the valuable metal would make another road for where financial specialists can hope to discover esteem" (Ebele Kemery, head of vitality contributing at JPMorgan Asset Management)

It is anything but a shrouded reality that Bitcoin, (the primary instrument to utilize blockchain), has more than quadrupled in 2017 to more than $4,000. The digital money this year outperformed the cost of Gold out of the blue.

Asides the mining opportunity that Goldiam offers, there are three center undertakings bound on Goldiam.

•Smart Gold and Diamond

Goldiam has banded together with some respectable gold and precious stone organizations everywhere throughout the world to guarantee that its client's can without much of a stretch anad securely purchase gold and jewels regardless of whether it implies shipping the gold/jewels to the clients doorstep.

•GoldiamBox Wallet

This element will give compensate its clients on keeping the Goldiam Coins for no less than a month in the Goldiam shrewd stage. On the off chance that you should acquire more, you should hold more goldiam coins in your crate wallet.

•GlobeUnion Platform

This enables you to change over your GOL into fiat of any decision. At its center, GlobeUnion is an installment stage for relatives, laborers, and people everywhere throughout the world to pull back their cash in fiat or digital currency.

Goldiam is building its own particular blockchain in order to accomplish numerous reason which incorporate yet not restricted to:

• Security of information

• Decentralization: No single expert

• No outsider: P2P framework

• Faster exchange

• Users being responsible for their assets

Highlights of the Goldiam Platform

The Goldiam stage will be blessed with the accompanying highlights:

•Cash Transfer: Investors will have the capacity to send and get supports through the GlobeUnion

•Unadulterated Gold as well as Diamond Shipment

•Security: This is one of the key part of this undertaking. The best safety efforts will be conveyed in this undertaking to secure the framework and resources of speculators

•Month to month Reward: Reward for financial specialists who hold their Goldiam Coin in their wallet for no less than a month

•Know Your Customer (KYC): This is to keep in accordance with directions of different wards. This is important as a measure to avert cash clothing. Goldiam will keep in accordance with best practices to counteract suit

•Keen Contract: This will be sent in all exchanges inside the Goldiam stage. This is a method for guaranteeing straightforwardness and fast conveyance.

•Exchanging Platform: The Goldiam Coin will be tradable on trades and inside the Goldiam stage.

Advantage of Goldiam

•Multicurrency Acceptance

Regardless of whether you have BTC, ETH, or XRP, Goldiam acknowledges everything. in this way stressing for cash design isn't any a considerable measure of an issue.

•Cash Transfer

With our GlobeUnion stage you'll right now send and get money from any piece of the globe to any piece of the globe whenever.

•Digital money trade

Our Goldiam Cryptocurrency stage licenses you to actuate your coins changed to the next digital money or request as and once required.

•Month to month remunerate for resource holders

Gain coins by doing nothing. basically hold your coins, and secure your month to month compensate inside your money clip. Contribute and Enjoy!

•Unadulterated Gold or Diamond load

With Goldiam, you'll pull back the gold or precious stone whenever you might want and that we can deliver it to your entryway ventures next to the permit and everything required.


Goldiam deals with the insurance of your significant resources. along these lines it's protected inside the blockchain if it's inside the money clip and that we offer you with permit once pulled back.

Goldiam Token Supply

The total Goldiam token (GOL) supply is 32,300,000 and will be distributed as shown below:

Pre-sale 8,000,000GOL which represents 24.77%

Pre-ICO 8,000,000GOL which represents 24.77%

ICO 12,300,000GOLwhich represents 38.08%

Bounty 1,000,000GOL which represents 3.10%

Reserve 3,000,000GOL which represents 9.29%

Token Sale

The sales details for the Goldiam token is as shown below

Hardcap 17,000ETH

Softcap 2,000ETH

Price 1ETH=1,300 GOL

Pre-sale 20/03/2018-29/03/2018 with 30% bonus

Pre-ICO 30/03/2018-08/04/2018 with 25% bonus

ICO 1st week 09/04/2018-18/04/2018 with 20% bonus

ICO 2nd week 19/04/2018-28/04/2018 with 10% bonus

ICO 3rd week 29/04/2018-08/05/2018 with 5% bonus

Rest of the ICO 09/05/2018-18/05/2018 with no bonus

Token Details and Funds Allocation

Funds raised during the toke sale will be allocated as shown below:

Development and Support for Launching the Project 50%

Marketing and Promotional 25%

Team Advisors and Partners 7%

Legal Services 13%

Security 5%


Q4 2017: Preparing ICO project

Q1 2018: Pre Sale , Pre-ICO

Q2 2018: Main ICO, Launching our own blockchain Goldiam, Calypsum wallet and Goldiambox Wallet, Listing Goldiam on Exchanges

Sign Legal agreement For Trading Gold And Diamond Physically

Q3 2018: Start platform and app mobile to withdraw Gold and Diamond(s), Smart Goldiam Builder, Launch “GlobUnion” solution smart contract on the Goldiam blockchain

Q4 2018: Sign the contract with company VISA/MASTERCARD , Smart Goldiam Exchange

Q1 2019: Goldiam hardware wallet

Q2 2019: ATM + Shopping App smart contract

Q3 2019: Deploying smart contract "Open heart" on Goldiam blockchain, Goldiam Cryptocurrency Exchange.


Mourad Redjar – Founder and CEO

Mourad have a strong interest in new technologies, developer for three years, a great interest in crypto currencies, trader and holder since 2011

Nenad Balog - CTO

Nenad is a persistent, result-oriented, and avid learner having vast knowledge regarding principles of software engineering, latest development tools and techniques, and technical aspects of blockchain technology. He has bachelors in Computer Software and IT from University of Novi Sad faculty of technical sciences. He has worked for Serbian consulting network as a programmer.

Aleksandar - full Stack Developer

He is an end-to-end product developer. He is a full stack web developer who is fiercely passionate about the user experience and interaction of a product.

Nikola Miloradovic - Web/Blockchain Developer

He has a Bachelors degree in Computer Sciences from High Technical School of Vocational Studies in Kragujevac. He had been working as a freelance web developer for 2 years and has worked as project coordinator at Voluntary Organization Svilajnac -VOS. Nikola is cofounder and CEO at EduBar app and he is currently working as a front-end developer at Mirror code.

Zoran Loncar - Lawyer/Head Of Legal Deparment

Zoran has a PhD in law and 30+ years of experience in law practice. Specializing in many aspects of law from labour to corporate his recent interest in cryptocurrencies and blockchain has given him an opportunity to expand his already vast law skillset and be part of a project that aims to revolutionize the crypto space.

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Author TheJohnMatch


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