in blockchain •  6 years ago 




Cryptographic money has possessed the capacity to introduce a simple computerized contrasting option to fiat monetary standards. Offering frictionless exchanges and swelling control, speculators have been sufficiently judicious to include these monetary standards in their differentiated portfolios as a benefit, as the measure of the market does not speak to a foundational chance. Digital currency utilizes the utilization of cryptography that guarantees high-security forms and checks exchanges individual to every client. Subsequently, falsifying and mysterious exchanges are difficult to accomplish.

While this transformation is increasing wide acknowledgment, Zypcoin, a digital money in view of the Ethereum blockchain which will fill in as a medium of trade and utility token for the Zypcoin environment has arrived.


Zypline is a stage that opens the estimation of media organizations' immense substance libraries, in this way enabling them to bring hundreds or even a large number of titles to a wide scope of best OTT stages with at least exertion. The Zypline stage incorporates a full scope of ability enabling studios and systems to bring together all OTT tasks inside a solitary domain. The Key highlights incorporate secure computerized resource administration, different yield arrangements and compartments, adjustable work processes to help group handling, the capacity to collect complex composite media and support for numerous overall conveyance windows.

With the rise of the appropriated record innovations, brilliant contracts, and digital forms of money, ZYPLINE has recognized a noteworthy chance to offer its items past big business and SMB markets and plans to change its innovation and items for the gigantic underserved worldwide market of sole proprietors, home organizations, and craftsmans around the globe. Using only their cell phone number as an identifier, ZYPLINE can get them from their "Carport To Global Markets"; supporting and engaging these people to widen their scope and extend their system. It likewise includes a full scope of ability which engages the studios and systems to unify all OTT activities inside a solitary situation. The Key highlights incorporate secure advanced resource administration, numerous yield arrangements and compartments, adaptable work processes to help cluster preparing, the capacity to gather complex composite media and support for various overall conveyance windows.

Later on, Zypcoins will be the best way to build up online pages joined to a cell phone number. Clients needing to make their page on Zypcoin would be required to buy through the Zypcoin site, application, or through an endorsed ZYPSTATION or accomplice, who can exchange fiat to Zypcoin continuously and build up a ZYPLINE page in minutes.

Once the flyer web based business item is accessible to the worldwide market, Zypcoin will probably be the essential medium of trade, taking into account a consistent and easy to use encounter when acquiring through a ZYPLINE page joined to a portable number. The utilization of Zypcoins considers shippers and nearby business anyplace to acknowledge digital forms of money utilizing only their versatile number.The Zypwallet will permit clients of ZYPLINE and holders of Zypcoin to send and get see their adjust, see their exchange history, and the sky is the limit from there. The Zypwallet and Zypcoin fill in as the portal to the ZYPLINE biological system and stipends access to their worldwide system of clients and accomplices.

The Zypwallet will likewise enable clients to get rewards and limited time tokens through the Zypcoin Community Fund. The Zypcoin Community Fund will be utilized to boost cooperation in the biological community. Tokens are utilized to finance group activities and particular future advancements. Tokens will likewise be dispersed specifically to members in the Zypcoin organize in light of foreordained occasions and activities straightforwardly profiting the biological system.

Zypcoin will fuel the dispersion and development of a licensed and operational item and system with applications that are important to worldwide markets. One of the significant qualities and novel points of interest of Zypcoin is its adaptability and boundless potential uses inside the environment and in contiguous systems. Frameworks will be produced to circulate tokens in view of different commitments to the system. Also, client packs and guidelines will be accessible to advise all members of how they can profit the biological community and how Zypcoin can profit them.

Target Market Segment

Despite the fact that the web is by all accounts a noteworthy piece of everybody's life, it's difficult to envision that there are numerous organizations that are as yet not online on the grounds that no network access is accessible, or building customary sites is excessively confused on the grounds that it implies learning innovation, including specialists and spending month to month charges. This is straightforward for creating nations, yet it ought to be noticed that even in the US with all accessible foundation and support, GoDaddy reports that more than half of private companies don't have sites or Facebook pages.

Bank of America/Merrill Lynch has distinguished this portion as an undiscovered market of billions that speak to about $ 56 trillion E-trade showcase for billions of individuals principally without full web access.

The Zypcoin framework serves a vast market fragment that presently does not have an online nearness, which as of now represents around 45% of the world with no network access, in addition to a section that has web yet does not have the fundamental assets. Having an online nearness is a basic prerequisite available today - paying little heed to organization estimate - on the grounds that purchasers need to look into somebody or an online business before they call. In any case, for different reasons, the greater part of the worldwide workforce has no online nearness. Zypcoin takes care of this issue by giving basic online pages and E-business for "Rest of the world".

The most recent US government insights demonstrate that 54% of private ventures (16 million) in the US don't have sites; include experts and specialists (assessed at 55 million) and the numbers are significantly bigger. So making calls and, for instance, having a working clock consequently showed will be an intense accommodation and a big deal saver.

Everywhere throughout the world the numbers are higher. At display "casual work" is evaluated no less than 60% of all specialists around the world. While about portion of the 7.5 billion individuals on the planet don't have web access, despite what might be expected, there are in excess of 6.5 billion cell memberships.

This is a commendable and important market fragment. These experts buckle down and deliver items or administrations however have restricted access to innovation; yet significantly claims a wireless.

This is an unordinary minute and an uncommon opportunity. The best open door truly is the point at which the innovation achieves a vast outside void area showcase where the time has come. The worldwide casual market has turned out to be OK with innovation and comprehends its qualities and applications. ZYPLINE profits by this new market reality; this is the objective market and the sweet spot for offering Zypcoin tokens.


Zypline-Zypcoin's innovation works basically to meet and cross over any barrier that exists between the online business and was not on the web. This activity and a stage inside the Zypcoin innovation are lined to do everything conceivable from all entrepreneurs - new businesses and medium entrepreneurs. This is the longing that will prompt changes and increment benefits in the regions of business, accomplishments, exchanges, contracts and different openings. This is accomplished on account of the benefits of Zypline-Zypcoin innovation. In this way, Zypline-Zypcoin offers clients exact data at the purpose of call conveyance. This is additionally of awesome enthusiasm to clients who don't test different options in the business parts of certain new companies, and so on. What's more, it speaks to an unheard of level of purchasing choices for the client during an era of unmistakably characterized and organized buys. Along these lines, organizations can put commercials on approaching calls when supporters know about the best cost parameters previously they are replied. Consequently, it makes an expansion in client information and nature of administration for the entrepreneur and the purchaser. In the meantime, merchants and purchasers can show web connections and offer with business accomplices and families. Along these lines, in the outline; all calls will never be the same with Zypcoin innovation.

The rise of new advances is amazing, since the proprietors of telephones could control the substance. Hence, the innovation of advertisements just for cell phones Google will be an extra preferred standpoint. In this way, it makes an expansion in client information and nature of administration for the entrepreneur and the purchaser. In the meantime, merchants and purchasers can show web connections and offer with business accomplices and families. In this manner, in the synopsis; all calls will never be the same with Zypcoin innovation. The development of new innovations is amazing, since the proprietors of telephones could control the substance. Subsequently, the innovation of promotions just for cell phones Google will be an extra preferred standpoint. Hence, it makes an expansion in client information and nature of administration for the entrepreneur and the purchaser. In the meantime, dealers and purchasers can show web connections and offer with business accomplices and families. In this manner, in the synopsis; all calls will never be the same with Zypcoin innovation. The rise of new innovations is amazing, since the proprietors of telephones could control the substance. Along these lines, the innovation of advertisements just for cell phones Google will be an extra favorable position.


The way toward buying Zypline-Zypcoin tokens is straightforward. Clients can get to the web-based interface at www.zypcoinpresale.com as an initial step. Furthermore, clients should practice due constancy through messages and online courses. Third, the selection of SAFT (Simple.agreement for future tokens) and, at last, clients get portfolio refreshes. Along these lines, this makes a nearness and procedural activities for the purchase of tokens.


This is a cryptocurrency which is based on the Ethereum blockchain which will serve as a medium of exchange for the Zypcoin ecosystem. Zypcoin is an ERC20 standard token which establishes a common set of rules for tokens issued on the Ethereum blockchain. The borderless nature of cryptocurrencies allows for value to be exchanged within minutes using just a user’s mobile phone. Because of this, Zypcoin will serve to tokenize a user’s mobile number, and will allow the user to purchase supplies, services, and products within the Zypline network.

Zypcoin is built on the Zypline patented connection-engine platform which provides a one-step direct connection to any online page from any user-controlled index (e.g. mobile number). The user has total control of index assignment. Zypline is not a search engine and it is a connection engine.

The ZYPLINE platform plans to issue a new "app-token" in order to repurpose and upgrade existing applications and systems, and deploy a unique distributor/agent strategy that matches the needs and processes of the sector (each being a "Zypcoin" or "Token" ).

The owners of phone numbers have control of displayed data because Zypcoin does not aggregate generally available data that can be collected on the internet (which can often be inaccurate or stale). Rather it gives the owner of a phone number total control of what is displayed on callers’ screens when the caller places a phone call to their number. The phone number owner uploads or authorizes an upload of content to the Zypcoin server and functionally says: “if anyone calls my number, display this content on their screen”

With the introduction of the Zypcoin token, it will serve to tokenize a user’s mobile number, allowing them to conduct e-commerce, promote their business, send and receive real value, and manage their own personal wallet or profile. The result will enable this large and underserved market to benefit from the online business, product and service displays and to participate in global e-commerce with just their mobile number and without the expense and hassle of a website. The borderless nature of cryptocurrencies as well as the widespread adoption of mobile phones allows for unique opportunities which have yet to be fully explored.

This is a well deserving and valuable market segment made up of artisans and sole proprietors who work hard and offer products or services but may have limited access to technology. Most of them, however, own a mobile phone.


Anticipated Use of Proceeds

Product/Software Development (35%)

Much of the proceeds from the fundraising will go directly towards product and software development and includes funds which will help Zypcoin introduce, innovate and improve its product offerings.

Marketing (25%)

Marketing is an essential business activity which drives users and partners towards a business or product. This portion of the budget is reserved for expenses related to driving awareness towards ZYPLINE.

Operations/ General & Administrative (30%)

These funds will go towards the company͛s main operating expenses which ensure the continued growth and maintenance of the organization.

Legal & Contingency (10%)

This portion of the budget is allocated for unforeseen or legal expenses.


This multifaceted strategy will allow enable ZYPLINE to become a leader in this large open global market. The following outlines this plan and presents key milestones for its delivery:


Complete pre-sale and public sale

Close ICO activate network - distribute tokens to holders

Move appropriate consultants / contractors to permanent key staff

Hire additional staff: Development, M&A staff, BizDev and marketing executives

Marketing & Community outreach including commencement of Bounty Campaign

Update basic posting app & system

Network distribution and systems tested


Conduct pilot tests with selected distributors/agents

Set up biz dev units for key market segments

Official launch – register customers on the network enabling posting of business profile

Marketing Road Show and local street events

Develop acquisition targets


Rewards system for distributors and agents in place

Create advertising options for network and profiles


Create Supply channels to accept Zypcoin

Enabling distributor to buy supplies and services.

Test flyer ecommerce

Payment gateway integration

Test using ZypWallet (or partner wallet) to make purchases in field



The team currently has more than 120 years of experience in Telco, software, applications and digital communication system which combined create a powerful synergy that covers many of the technologies and experience of system responsiveness to users.




For more information, please visit:

Website: http://www.zypcoinpresale.com/

Whitepaper: https://zypcoinpresale.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/ZYPCOIN-WHITE-PAPER-4.9.18.pdf

Announcement Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3273210.msg34125974#msg34125974

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zypcoin/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/zypcoin

Telegram: http://t.me/ZypcoinOfficial

Author TheJohnMatch


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