Fun with Blockchain. Part 2. Funny and unexpected coin namessteemCreated with Sketch.

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi Steemit,

Welcome to fun with Blockchain Part 2.
This time: Funny and unexpected coin names (not applications)


** Memecoins **

Dogecoin - The original Memecoin! Inspired by the doge meme. Uses the Scrypt algorithm like Litecoin and there are billions of coins with no upper limit. Although it was a joke, it is quite successful

Turtlecoin - While officially being a secure and fast currency, which is absolutely true, Turtlecoin is a Memecoin inspired by the Ninja Turtles. The inofficial goal is to defeat shredder (of course). The coin is quite new and unknown.

Nyancoin - The website does not give much information apart from the coin being themed on nyan cat. Well! That's an application :-) If somebody has more information please post

** Christian coins **

Biblepay - created to spread the gospel. Masternodes are called sanctuaries. The website claims that Biblepay supports over 200 orphans. The money for that is coming from a fixed 10% allocation of each block.

Jesuscoin - "Decentralizing Jesus". Claims to be the currency of god's son and that it has several advantages over "morally bereft cryptocurrencies" The website is quite funny and worth a look. While i am not a 100% sure i'd say this coin is more a joke than a serious application. The coin is sin forgiving and saves from hell. well... as long as you are a... christian...

** Hard to get **

42 - For fans of "A hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" there is 42 coin. It is incredibly hard to get as there are only 42 coins to be created. Right now it's worth more than 25000 Usd per coin

Unobtainium - There are more coins than there are for 42 coins but there are still only 250.000 coins. The crazy thing: Mining all of them will take 300 years. So it is truly close to unobtainable

** Drug coins **

Cannabiscoin - A peer to peer currency for the cannabis community... Makes sense... i am waiting for Tobacocoin, Methcoin, Kokaincoin and Alcocoin. Oh wait... There is alcocoin

Alcocoin - "The most drunk ICO in the world"

Potcoin - Currency for the legal Cannabis industry.

** Bodyparts **

Vgina - Obviously for the porn industry

Buttcoin - Buttcoin is pooped

Tittiecoin - Tittie Island. Naughty but classy. Tittieisland is for TittieCoin foundation members, Investors and holiday makers. TittieCoin is the official currency to pay there. I guess we all understand what that means

** More sexualized coins **

Sexcoin - Obviously for the adult industry

Gaymoney - From the LGBT for the LGBT community

Wankcoin - Shall be used to anonymize the purchase of very special items

** Political coins **

President Clinton - Seems that this was to support Clinton in 2016. Didnt't work though.

President Sanders - Same thing as above. Didn't work either.

Trumpcoin - Tries to support trump. How? I don't know

Nineelethentruthcoin - From the members of the 9/11 truth movement.

Putincoin - The application is obvious i guess.

Putinclassic - There is a classiccoin for everything.

** Weapons **

Guncoin - The firearm industry wants to have a coin as well....

Revolvercoin - Although the name might lead to guns, it seems that this is for creative and startup industries.

** Foodcoins **

The vegan initiative - Not for you if you like beef or other meat. Not for me as well.

Eggcoin - The goal is to get good adoption and that everybody likes it.

Bbqcoin - No change to understand what the japanese website states. I thought it is for people that like beef but it is probably more something like a dating coin.

Potatocoin - Everybody in the Internet loves potatoes. Could even be a Memecoin.

** Celebrity coins **
Coinye (West) - My absolute favorite in terms of naming. Kanye West sued it to death as it's name was used to make fun of him. Check out the logo. It's awesome

Chuck Norris Coin - This coin was also sued to death as Chuck Norris didn't want to keep the Wallets safe. Too bad. He could have done it just because... Chuck Norris.

** Random crazyness **

Insanecoin - Insane coin. Insane fontsize on the website. Insane Masternodes. An insane rise of over 50% today. Just insane.

Evilcoin - They trust in evil. They are pure evil. The website is evil and the logo is evil. Even i am evil while writing about it

Useless Ethereum Token - That must have happened! This coin is totally useless. The logo is a raised middlefinger and the purpose is giving people money to buy electronics like tv screens. The website advises to not buy tokens.

Ethereum Classic Classic -The total classicception. As said: There is always a classic coin. After all it seems tjat this is not a joke.

Shitcoin - Truly "desensitized". Funny logo as well.

Crimecoin - Developed to be crime and black market resistant

Hodlcoin - Another joke. You shall HODL.

Fucktoken - For everyone that wants to give a fuck

That's it!

Link to Part 1:

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