Introduction to CryptoRome

in blockchain •  6 years ago 

Everyone has been asking for more information about CryptoRome and gameplay. Today, we are going to explain the mechanics of the game for the version 1 release, planned for the summer of 2018. Watch for a future post titled, “A Look Behind the Curtain”, where we will reveal some of the plans for future releases of CryptoRome.


Italia land being sold in the pre-sale

We are currently preparing for the land sale to sell off all land in Italia. The allocation of land units, which are unique, digital assets on the Ethereum blockchain will occur at the end of the land sale. Each piece of land has a unique combination of resources and soldiers it produces per day for use within CryptoRome.


Plots are the free land type for the game. This piece of land lets everyone participate in the game of CryptoRome. It has the smallest allocation of soldiers and resources, but can be improved through land modifications. Plots will be limited to one per Ethereum address and Google account. Our game servers will only use one plot per account during game play when calculating military might and resources for the day.


Villages are the smallest of the unique, digital assets in CryptoRome that will be available for purchase during the land sale. Villages create more soldiers and resources than plots. They can also be modified over time in the game, improving their production and strength as you play. Accounts can have an uncapped number of Villages in them. The total number of Villages in Italia will be capped at the end of the land sale; no new Villages will be created in Italia following the end of the land sale.


Towns are the next level of land type in CryptoRome. A Town is made up of 3 Villages and comes with a bonus on resource and soldier production over 3 individual Villages. Villages can be combined to create a Town and Towns can be broken into pieces to create Villages. This makes it easy for players to combine Villages in a way to maximize their Town values. Any improvements or modification made on a player’s land (which affect overall production values and military might) are made to the actual Villages that make up the Town, not to the Town asset itself. This makes the process of splitting up a Town fairly straight forward, as the improvements would follow only the Village land unit(s) that the player previously applied them to.


Cities are the highest tier of land within Italia for CryptoRome. A City is made up of 9 Villages in total and comes with a bonus on resource and soldier production over the 3 Towns that would go into making the City. Villages and Towns can be combined to create Cities. Cities can also be broken into the smaller land types to facilitate the modification of resource types to maximize value of a City to the player. Improvement and Modifications of the underlying Villages that make up the City will affect the City above appropriately.

Resources and Troops


CryptoRome has a number of resources that are used to facilitate game play. Resource production per day are assigned to your land cards when they are created. These initial resource daily allocation amounts can be augmented through land improvements and buildings as described below. Here are some of the resource types in CryptoRome and a little about how they will be used during game play:

Stone: Some building, roads, and siege weapons in CryptoRome will require stone to build.

Wheat: Soldiers need food when they do battle. Having a store of food will be necessary to maintain higher numbers of soldiers.

Soldiers: Soldiers are the prime resource for battle in CryptoRome. Every day, an allocation of troops is added to the players account ledger based on all the land they own, bonuses, and losses from battles for the previous day. See battle section below for more details.

Examples of other resources include, but are not limited to: Iron, horses, fish, wood, pitch, limestone, and sheep.
All resources, including troops, can be sold or traded among players in CryptoRome. A ledger of all accounting of resources will be written to the blockchain each day. Sales between players will also be accounted for as they occur on the Ethereum blockchain. These transactions will determine the taxes collected by Caesar and the senators for the day. See below for more details.

Land Improvements and Buildings

There are a lot of opportunities to upgrade your land in CryptoRome. Certain buildings and advancements result in creation of more resources. Players will also be able to create different types of soldiers that can benefit them in war and change the value of a player’s military might. A player’s weapons, generals, and soldiers all factor into the resulting military might of that player’s attacking force within each region.
Examples of improvements include, but are not limited to: mines, farms, soldier schools, archery schools, lumber yards, statues, roads, and aqueducts.

The 8 Wonders

During the land sale, we will also be auctioning off 8 unique wonder cards that give the holders of those cards an added bonus that affect all their land holdings or military might calculations. These 8 unique CryptoRome wonder cards are the only wonders that will ever exist in the game. More details about the wonders and auction of each will come as we release the cards. The players will receive these cards immediately upon purchase as opposed to the end of the land sale.

The Rest of Europe


The battle for the rest of Europe is where the magic of CryptoRome will occur. Players are given the opportunity each day to deploy their troops throughout the regions of the rest of Europe. They have the day to decide how to deploy their troops, with all battle being resolved at the same time each day.

The player with the most military might allocated to each block of land on the European continent is awarded the resources and benefits of that block for the day. The results of every battle are published to the Ethereum blockchain daily. This shows the immutable results of all the battles that occurred that day.

When deciding which lands to conquer, players may decide to target land that produces a resource needed to complete a building or upgrade. They may decide to target the land with the weakest defenses to gain the most land in Europe for the day. There are a number of tactics and strategies a player can deploy to improve their lot in CryptoRome.
So what does happens after the conclusion of battle?

The player that holds the most land in the rest of Europe becomes Caesar for the next 24 hour period (Italia holdings are not used in the calculation). Why is this important? Well, the taxes mentioned previously are paid out in part to Caesar the following day. This means that 1% of all resource transactions that occur in the following 24 hour period are paid to that day’s Caesar in ETH directly to their Ethereum wallet.

Senators are also allocated a portion of taxes for the day. The senators of each region will get an equal share of the 1% of resource transactions allocated to them.

How do I become a Senator?

The land of Europe is divided into 5 main regions. The player that holds the most land in a specific region is that region’s senator for the day. The regions are: Hispania, Germania, Britannia, Gallia, and Pannonia.
European Land: Multiplier Bonus for Consecutive Days Held
When a player conquers a piece of land in Europe, the daily resources it produces go to that player. There is a multiple added to land that is held for multiple consecutive days by a single player. This incentivizes players to defend the European land they have already conquered, as it gains them growing multiples in resources production.

Battle Mechanics

Battle results for a piece of land in Europe are calculated according to the military might of the units involved. Players allocate troops, weapons, and other bonuses to the lands they want to conquer or defend. Once a day, when it is time for all battles in Europe to be resolved, the player with the highest military might dedicated to each block of land in Europe will be anointed the winner of that block.

Battle is not free. In battles, troops will be lost in the process. These losses will be accounted for on the resource ledger at the end of each day to show the number of soldiers, weapons, and equipment a player has remaining.

Some items that players use in battle may be unique digital assets, such as siege equipment. Players might create these items and then want to sell them or use them in battle. These items come with a use counter. This allows the items to be used in battle multiple times, but not get destroyed until the end of the use counter is reached (i.e. end of life).

The Marketplace

What is a crypto game without a marketplace. The marketplace in CryptoRome is for players to trade, sell, and buy resources. They will be able to buy and trade resources with real ETH or by trading items. All transactions in the marketplace have a 3% transaction fee attached to them. 2% goes to Caesar and the senators of the day. The remaining 1% goes to funding the future development of CryptoRome as well as hosting of the game.
Players will be able to sell and trade land both through the CryptoRome marketplace and on third party services such as BitGuild.

Land Manipulation

We mentioned Cities and Towns being comprised of Villages above. Below is a small explanation of that mechanism.
Cities are made up of 9 Villages and Towns are made up of 3 Villages. All land modifications are actually done to the underlying Villages that make up the larger land units. This gives the player the ultimate flexibility to uncombine and combine land in the manner that best suits them, and maximized the value of their land.

Cities and Towns come with bonus factors over the stand-alone Villages, so it is recommended that players with enough Villages combine them to maximize the resources and soldiers they receive each day. This also gives players that start out with Villages the opportunity to acquire more Villages over time and to combine them to create Towns and Cities at a later date.

Also as CryptoRome adoption and popularity grows, City and Town holders will be able to break up their larger land types and sell of Villages to new player coming to the game for the going market rate.
Remember, the Villages in CyptoRome will forever be finite, dictated by the early adopters that purchase the land during our land sale, starting May 17, 2018 and concluding June 16, 2018.

Stay tuned as we release more exciting info about the game!!!

Land Sale Smart Contract:

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