You can now permanently sign, store and verify any file in less than 30 seconds!
You can now permanently sign, store and verify any file in less than 30 seconds!
What is this all about?
By visiting, you can easily create a digital signature which can be used to sign any file proving its provenance and also permanently locking the data in place. The data is permanently stored and made available to access using the secret link.
How does it work?
It works by generating a 4096 bit RSA key which is then used to cryptographically sign the file uploaded, this signature is then finger-printed (using SHA-256) and stored irreversibly in the Bitcoin Blockchain via a small transaction (Like this one, see "OP_RETURN 566572693a376534633763363235303634636666666338333537346137313732666137383436663 06633303532373033343137333062656539303038353766343735656264
(decoded) jEVeri:7e4c7c625064cfffc83574a7172fa7846f0f305270341730bee900857f475ebd"). This means you can prove the existence of any file, as well as proving ownership.