BrainerZ: The Knowledge-Based Blockchain Playground

in blockchain •  6 years ago  (edited)

Many of us love reading the newspaper. And ever since I was a child, I have made it a habit to read it every day as soon as I wake up. But it's not the news that excited me the most. It was that one section, which consists of some trivia and interesting facts about various things. If I found it to be very interesting, I preserved the cutting of the piece.

Time has changed, and the way people love testing their knowledge has changed as well. Now, we have trivia based apps where people can play and win by answering some right questions.

Several such apps are present in the market, but none of them are very reliable.
Also, the winning rate is very low, resulting in many users not wanting to play after a few days after becoming frustrated.

This needed to change if this less invaded space wanted to move forward.

Introducing BrainerZ, a blockchain based knowledge playground that solves the above problems and shows the industry a new way.

What is BrainerZ?

BrainerZ is a fun new platform, or rather knowledge playground, as they call themselves. In this new and exciting platform, people will try to compete with their friends as well as users across the globe in various games such as trivia quiz, peer to peer challenges, social riddles and much more.

The winners will be equally and fairly rewarded based on their performance, and not on a lottery, as is done in most of the quiz apps today.

Further, there is nothing hidden about BrainerZ. They are very open about the way they earn and do not have an edge over the users, as is the norm in today's world.
They simply connect the content creators with the users and share a part of their earnings with the users as a token of appreciation for the time they spent.

Truly, this is a new and an amazing concept that will take this industry to new heights.

How does it work?

For all these days, many of us played games. Sitting in front of the app at a fixed time, answering all questions and then getting them right. Every time, we expected to get that big prize, but in the end, all we got was either nothing or a meagre sum.
After a few times, most of the users become frustrated and stop playing the game altogether.

This was the story of trivia apps.

But with BrainerZ entering the market, this is all set to change.

Everyone will be rewarded equally and fairly for their performance in the form of tokens. No luck needed anymore.
Further, all the systems are transparent and nothing is hidden!

BrainerZ gives a whole new look to the industry, something the competitors need to worry about!

About ICO

The BrainerZ or the BRNZ token is the coin that is used to reward users for participating in various crypto games in the platform.

2 billion BRNZ tokens will be issued and will be sold in 3 phases :

  • Private presale - April 2018
  • Public presale - May 2018
  • Public crowdsale - Opens on 9th July 2018

The project is soft capped at $500,000 and hard capped at $ 12 million.


People from all generations love it when something challenges their brain and thoughts. Trivia and knowledge quizzes do exactly this. As a result, you can see that these games are loved by everyone - from 8 to 80. However, the number of apps providing these services is quite less and even then, none of them uses the true power of blockchain.

Biased reward systems, not guaranteed rewards, receiving no rewards even after answering all questions correctly are some of the issues that all users have faced at least once in their life.

For the less talked about the industry to progress, these issues had to be resolved.

Introducing BrainerZ, a completely customer-centric knowledge platform that rewards customers for their time and attention.

Their transparent winning amount distribution, earnings and everything else makes people fall in love with their platform instantly.

Further, everyone is equally rewarded, in a truly unbiased manner.

All this ensures a paradigm shift towards the customers in an otherwise new but biased industry.
Truly, BrainerZ is the future of the trivia industry!




ANN Thread:

ETHER Wallet Address: 0xb6cf3E7a9c0CAd8F8297d2Dc445c086994eB6E92

Written by yalsik.s


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