Multi-player Storage Tutorial
In this tutorial, we're going to build a decentralized micro-blogging application using multi-player Gaia storage.
This app will be a React.js application that is completely decentralized and server-less. Identity and storage services will be provided by blockstack.js
The app will be able to do the following:
Authenticate users using Blockstack
Post new statuses
Display statuses in the user profile
Lookup other users and see their profile and statuses
We will be using the following tools:
npm to manage dependencies and scripts
yo to generate boilerplate for a Blockstack React app
blockstack.js to authenticate the user and access Gaia storage
For experienced Blockstack developers, the TL;DR:
Add the publish_data scope to sign in requests
Use getFile('filename.json', { username: '' }) to read a file from another user
Use lookupProfile('') to lookup user profiles
Use putFile('filename.json', file) as before
Installation & Generation
First, install Yeoman along with the Blockstack App Generator:
npm install -g yo generator-blockstack
Next, create a directory for our application. We will call our app Publik:
mkdir publik && cd publik
Then, use the Blockstack React App Generator to generate a simple Blockstack app:
yo blockstack:react
After you respond to the prompts, the app generator will create all of the app files and then install all dependencies.
To run the app locally:
npm start
And open your browser to http://localhost:8080. You should now see a simple React app that you can sign in to using your Blockstack ID.
then, continue with these tutorial as followed :