The Case for GOOGLE: Changing Crypto for the Better

in blockchain2-0 •  7 years ago 

google crypto

This is not JUST about Crypto

If you are a frequent reader here at CryptoCriterion, then you know we are regularly in front of many important events in Crypto. None of this was or is by accident. It is not luck or some mystical use of a Ouija board. We don’t throw darts. We also don’t pick a new ICO every day (like some do) and then point to the one that worked out, forgetting the losers we also recommended that caused tangible harm to real people. We can do this because unlike the myriad of self-professed crypto experts or investment advice outlets, here we use age-old metrics of utility combined with an understanding of history to validate business models and predict events. This prophetic ability to foretell events, often days or mere hours ahead of their occurrence, or our ability to successfully pick the right emerging Crypto companies is only possible because we have a diverse group. Many of the folks here would be dismissed as being too old to know anything useful, or we’d be blamed as being part of the problem by today’s generation. This is Jon’s genius.

Recently we said that the big boys (and girls) were coming to Crypto, predicting that when they arrived they would come hard.


We have been recommending that the crypto community take charge since our inception. We preach against crooked exchanges and scam ICOs daily. We have predicted government and private business intervention as inevitable. We feel strongly that these controls are necessary for Crypto to evolve free of the criminals and opportunists that Crypto is plagued with today. Consider your options, a government, which if it ran a lemonade stand would have to sell 6oz. for $129 a glass, or businesses, whose entire operating model is governed by survival of the fittest. One thrives on inefficiency, the other on efficiency. Light Side/Dark Side. So who do you want in this game, Google, Facebook, Twitter or Good Ol' - "I’m from the Government and I’m here to help!"- Uncle Sam? We are most likely going to get both, however, the more of the Google's we get now the fewer of the Sams we may get later.
Google, Facebook and Others

A while back FaceBook weighed in and stopped crypto/ICO advertising. GOOD. Two days ago, almost on cue, Google followed suit, almost at the same moment COIN BASE and other crypto company executives were testifying before congress.

As of June, all companies related to crypto, investment advisors, exchanges, ICOs, etc. will no longer be able to buy Google “AdWords” advertising. Now, I think they went a step or two too far with the broad net, but I’m certain this is a needed step and that Google’s position will evolve.

I’m not advocating for Google one way or the other. I am an advocate for sound business. Hopefully, when the dust settles Google will look deeper and see that the people here at CryptoCriterion are simpatico with Google’s intent. Google may realize that it cannot be the controlling agent and also a fair arm's length information source for Crypto. Be assured that Google not only understands Crypto, but knows its future is inexorable. I believe Google’s intent is like a Hockey referee’s, “You guys can play, but I’m gonna penalize you for coloring outside the lines.” Hopefully, CryptoCriterion will gain some future dispensation from Google, because we are trying, in our small way, to accomplish exactly what Google is, protect people from bad actors and scams, move crypto and blockchain into what we call the 2.0 phase and facilitate commerce, social intercourse, political discourse and the free exchange of cultural interaction. So for now, Google enjoys 100% support here.

Google isn't the Problem, They are Helping the Solution

Google is not evil. However the control Google and others exercise over our lives seem anathema to our DNA. Many people may have mixed emotions about Google’s actions. I’m sure some are angry, worried or feel betrayed. Don’t. This is what you all signed up for, and it’s actually a good thing.

Every day, particularly in the US and EU, people somewhere are demonstrating to show their support for “Global/World” economy and governance. We all want a better world where people choose their own destination without the intervention of corrupt governments or bureaucrats. The world is changing. Global Economy, One World Government are not cliche’s. They represent a paradigm shift in humanism. Here is a truth you may have not as yet acknowledged. Governments are not global. In an ever-shrinking world, they are becoming smaller and smaller each year. And as this happens, they are becoming less and less effective and more controlling in their attempt to remain necessary and relevant.

The fact is internet connectivity gives all people the ability to rule themselves much more efficiently than a bunch of bloated and corrupt government trolls. So how can you have social continuity and universal rules and rights without a global government? Global Commerce. Business is the glue that binds us today. Honest. We all grew up thinking our vote counted. It’s pretty obvious if you are watching Washington DC, the EU, China or Russia that your vote means less and less every day. If you believe in a universal standard of human rights, existence and opportunity there must be some agent possessing some amount of control and power to facilitate that end.

We NEED a Middleman

Without a middleman, we are just individuals who share common beliefs. Even if it is truly us making decisions, there must exist some form of enforcement or ability to exercise that control. Realize it or not, businesses are global, Google is global, Twitter, Facebook and the internet are global. Every year, and more so thru crypto, commerce is becoming more globally integrated and interdependent with "we-the-people.” Every time you spend a Dollar, Yen, Yuan, Euro, Pound or Rubble, you are voting for business. Commerce is how people will exercise their control and make their voices heard in the future. It’s probably 50/50 Gov/Biz now and swinging daily toward commerce. Why? Because it works. Look at how quickly Google was able to act. Governments cannot get done the most basic things they all agree they want to do. The companies we support have vested interests in protecting commerce, which means protecting us from thieves when our governments prove to be inefficient or infected by the paralysis of analysis, or partisan hatred. Realize it or not, we require business to protect us from ourselves when we get off the rails. There is no malice in their actions.

Google is acting in what it believes is/will be good for all of us in the long run. I’m sad to say that we had our chance to get crypto right. What you are seeing is the acknowledgment that CRYPTO is too important to future world commerce to allow the wild west madness to continue. If you read some of our recent post we said that the giants would come and come like a pissed off parent when they did.

Cheers Google!

Good for Google. It will not be the last company to weigh into the digital asset/currency muck and mire. Understand that a company that delivers a product has more ability and need to deliver the best product at the best price using the best delivery methods than a government does. They also understand the importance of their customers. NO? When was the last time you heard or saw any company preaching hatred of any of its customers? Governments? Not so much.

I do not see Google’s actions as malicious controlling intervention or big brother’s manipulation. Companies like Google are aware of their social responsibilities and often have much more power to affect and protect our lives and wellbeing than our elected officials and our broken political process. Just think about it?

I have been preaching “financials, reports, processes, equity and prospectuses” for a while. Perhaps because of Google, we will soon see some standard method of valuation to separate out these pirate ICOs from the real businesses soon and smother them in their craddles before they can steal a penny. I hope to see a merging of IPO to ICO very soon. We’ve said countless times, 99.9% of the existing ICO Cryptos are scams. So how can Google’s actions be deemed an inappropriate overreach? We all need to thank them, I say.


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