TIM - The Blockchain of Blockchains: Powered by GPS

in blockchain2-0 •  7 years ago 


TIM is in Phase II pre-sale/ICO @ $.10. You may recall me saying in earlier posts that - IT IS COMING - or that we are only at the beginning of blockchain 1.0 meets world. Well, 2.0 may well be here.

Everything in crypto is speculative. You are gambling. We try to remove as much of the risk as possible, but our evaluations are made using the best information we have at the time. You should never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Gary's Business Breakdown

I’m going to tell you a story about a possible future. Please bear with me. If it was as simple as “Hey we have another document storage blockchain crypto you should buy,” we might do this in a few paragraphs. TIM requires an explanation. The more real, the more global a business model, the longer the explanation takes, and the more information I want to provide you.

This story may have a very happy ending. To help you appreciate what we’ve found we need to be certain you understand where we are today and what makes TIM different. TIM represents the future utilization of global blockchain integration of business and commerce.

Imagine walking around Death Valley with a metal detector looking for lost change. That is what trying to find a legit Crypto/Blockchain company is like today. With the consensus among the industry critics being that 99% of Cryptos are frauds, with 2000 plus Crypto companies to wade thru; you begin to get the idea.

During the Dot-Com craze, everyone knew there was gold amongst the dirt if you could just find it, or wait it out. We have been preaching patience, knowing that history would repeat itself.

At some point, people will just say, “enough.” This is when you see the evolutional change that alters our world. Like the dinosaurs, the days of the scam and neophyte run crypto companies masquerading as GOLD are coming to an end. As more real companies understand blockchain and integrate the tech into their businesses, the dilettante pretenders will find it harder and harder to gain traction.

Now is the time to look for real companies using blockchain as the tool it is, rather than a thing to sell into. The blockchain is a hammer, a wrench, it is not the Holy Grail, but it might well be a path/s to the promise land. The secret of blockchain is finding people who know how to leverage its largely unrealized potential to bring real innovation to existing products, services and demand. Real business models will utilize blockchain technology to attach value and utility to both old and new classes of consumer products or services that may have been historically beyond an individual’s reach or pocketbook. Period. 20-years ago the internet did just that. However, in its infancy, people did not understand what the internet was or would be, and therefore, they bought anything with ‘.com in’ the name. And lots of people lost lots of money. The Blockchain frenzy is following the same path.


One new company, TIM may be about to change all. We are preachers of utility as the first, second and third metric of a Crypto’s value. There may be thousands of legit companies building businesses on the blockchain. Sadly, they do NOT all translate into legit Cryptocurrencies; a lemonade stand may be a drink business, but it is not Coca-Cola.

I have long held that at some point real seasoned professional, experienced business acumen would meet blockchain and we’d enter into Blockchain 2.0. The amateurs are about to be thrown off the bus. Till now the mundane copy-cat cookie-cutter nature of blockchain companies has been reflective of what a bunch of 20-somethings understand about real global business and world economics, which is not much. We knew at some point a blockchain model would have to emerge that bound the company to the success of its currency and the currency to the company.

Today you create a crypto and throw it out of the boat to sink or swim. One of the fastest ways to judge the viability of a crypto is to audit the effort the owners put into building out their blockchain business, but you haven’t invested in a company, you want to see the support they provide for their currency.

All blockchain businesses require transaction confirmation in either miner or company node form. Miners are independents who service a crypto, process its transactions and get paid to do so. Company Nodes are hardware set up regionally or globally by the company or client to process transactions. With nodes, there is a hardware/infrastructure cost. With miners, there are transaction fees and the massive electricity cost. Before you invest in a crypto, perhaps you might ask how the owners are investing in their own company?

Recently we found TIM. To understand all that TIM can be you really need to understand what current Cryptos are not. Most people do not understand mining, transaction hash, nodes, 51% attacks, as an example. If you could point to a significant single issue affecting Crypto today it would be processing/transaction times and thruput. It’s one thing to build a crypto and claim 10-million transactions per second in a vacuum, however ensuring that the infrastructure achieves that promise in reality costs money.

The unexpected crash last week may have been a 51% attack. This happens when one miner or group of miners (China, NSA, US Military Intel) who process the transactions for a crypto manage to gain 51% of the confirmation power of that currency. They make it impossible for community miners to make money so miners abandon that crypto and the 51-percenters can then crash it. For every crypto that depends on mining, a huge player like, China or the NSA can literally reach around the world stealing transactions from small miners. This practice drives community support to other cryptos until a 51% attack is possible. Small miners are the backbone of the blockchain. When you hear about decentralized control, this is what it means, thousands and millions of independent miners verifying transactions and ensuring the viability of a crypto. This cannot ever happen to TIM.

Security must be the first prerequisite for any crypto. The fact that TIM has developed, not will, or might, but has developed a revolution in blockchain crypto security (geo-fencing) is an indicator of the commitment of the founders to build a giant. TIM went into development many years ago. And rather than being just one more rushed to market crypto, the TIM founders spent millions building and testing their model globally. And you’ve never heard about it. And if you were to read about it you might dismiss it out of hand when you read a white-paper that has been poorly translated into English. The TIM white paper can be hard to read. There is a myriad of grammar and syntax errors. In this global world, we need to accept that not every great idea may come from people who speak English as a first language. We had to read between the lines ourselves.

We all see the issues with hard and soft forks and mining consortium arguments about currency code upgrades. This is what happens when people who don’t know what they don’t know take an underdeveloped currency code to market. TIM has spent years working on their code. Jon has spent weeks auditing their code. When TIM hits the market, none of that should happen. TIM should hit the ground running and still be running 20-years from now.

TIM has written geo-tracking algorithms into their token that create Macro and micro triangular shaped digital virtual fenced mining territories around the world. These are built to protect the miners/nodes within those territories and thus ensure unheard of transaction speeds. TIM protocols know where every TIM token is everywhere in the world 24/7/365. No, you are not going to be traced. TIM is also anonymous.

Initially, the TIM system divides the world into 2 global Macro territories. As TIM grows we expect at least 10,000 micro triangular territories to emerge. Every TIM token within one of these territories is tied to that triangular territory until it’s used/spent and moves to another. Only the miners and nodes within that territory can process those transactions. If a territory is overloaded with transaction demand, adjacent capacity is brought to the fight, but only until the crisis, or bottleneck is remedied. While your TIM token resides in a territory, the miners/nodes within that territory are guaranteed the transaction and fees for every transaction that happens within their territory. TIM is akin to the very first, mining franchise system for blockchain. The huge players with billion-dollar mining operations like China and the US cannot reach into any territory and steal the transactions ever again. 51% attacks are no longer possible with TIM. This is but one genius of TIM technology. This was what sold me on TIM. A company has finally come along and its first priority is to build out an infrastructure that protects its currency and ensures that transactions are performed at its promised speeds.

Many of you have experienced slow transaction speeds with current cryptos. Did you know that based on the payout, miners get up every day and decide what crypto they will mine (support)? When enough of them move off your currency, you cannot buy or sell it. This cannot happen with TIM, and results in transaction speeds never achieved by any crypto, 100,000,000 - 200,000,000 transactions per second, scalable to billions per second.

TIM has a currency, a business model, a business, a financial and banking model, a business support model with a financially incentivized-franchised miner/transaction system. Now what, you ask? Now you bring the power of blockchain to virtually everything in every corner of the world. EVERYTHING - EVERYWHERE! TIM has the ability to adapt to and support virtually every current blockchain company/currency that can then run their own blockchain protocols within TIM and use the TIM currency for transactions. If you were looking for the first truly global transaction and settlement currency, TIM may be the first one that is actually capable of meeting that demand. First in-Best in. Bitcoin is not the biggest because it’s the fastest or best coded. BTC is the giant it is because it was FIRST.

The Nitty Gritty

1. Do you know what Alibaba is? Most don’t. Alibaba is the 6th largest internet company in the world. Nearly every manufacturer on the planet sells to other businesses thru Alibaba. Ready, it’s bigger than Amazon. You just do not know about it because it’s a Chinese company servicing retailer, B2B and specialized B2C commerce. Alibaba is so big its model is primarily bringing the power of manufacturing directly to businesses around the world. If you go to their site/s you will see the things you buy every day selling for 30% of what you pay at big box or online stores. Why, because Alibaba’s focus has been on volume. You can buy that $100 toaster for $27.00 but you have to buy 1000 of them. Try to fathom the import of this? Try to appreciate that Alibaba has sought a single consumer solution for years. TIM has partnered with Alibaba to bring those prices directly to you by seamlessly pooling buyers around the world in real time to meet the Alibaba minimums. This means you might want one toaster, and 999 other people around the world might want one too. TIM creates instant buying co-ops. It pools orders and then places an order for 1000 toasters with Alibaba that are then shipped to 1000 different addresses around the world for $17.00 each. No more middlemen. No more markups. You want a TV? You can bet that 499 other people around the world want one too.

2. TIM is right now partnering with cab companies in major cities around the world. Every cab partner has a TIM address. The TIM app allows commuters to see where available cabs are in real time and call one without a dispatcher or middleman. The cab driver will see where the TIM passenger is in real time too. Prices for TIM users are substantially lower than non TIM users. TIM cab partners will except TIM tokens or fiat from their respective countries. TIM may well create the largest private/public person to person transportation organization on earth. Think about the import of this for a moment? If UBER is forward thinking they too will partner with TIM, quickly.

3. TIM has partnered with UAV and drone companies. Its geo-tracking token allows for precise agricultural spraying (growing food for the world) and land surveying and site/facility security. The TIM token could also be the solution to the current wave of UAV/Drone to plane mishaps. Not only can governments require TIM code be built into every drone, the geo placement protocol can automatically enforce FAA and flight/no flight zones worldwide by actually controlling where a drone is able to fly. No-fly areas can be programmed directly into the TIM code and built into all UAV processors.

4. TIM is the first truly eco-aware and contributing blockchain foundation. The TIM token is run by a Non Profit foundation that is ecologically aware world-wide. TIM’s geoprocessing of transactions uses a small fraction of the electrical power all other tokens require, eliminating thousands of tons of carbon annually from the geosphere. It has plans to contribute and also allot specific amounts of its tokens to targeted geographic areas based on a population’s, economic status and an area’s geo-stress levels. This is not someday promises by TIM. These protocols are already built into its algorithms. Thru leveraging the proceeds from consumer and industry use, TIM and its TIM social network working in combination with other world charities and foundations will inject funds directly into areas and populations around government controls, maximizing the TIM financial impact and bypassing political corruption. TIM is the first medium to not only create a self-perpetuating revenue stream into depressed cultures, but it also provides direct person to person distribution. In Haiti, billions in Earthquake relief poured in from around the world. Virtually all of it vanished into the pockets of corrupt politicians and businesses. Ten years later the Haitian population is largely still homeless. TIM tokens can be used to directly fund individual wallets within a geo-fenced area. Thru TIM we can now target in-danger populations and provide direct funding on a person to person basis to make things as simple as food, clean water and shelter available in a crisis. We all think in terms of 70%-90% of charitable funds getting to causes as acceptable, TIM tokens go 100% - dollar for dollar - to that targeted need without the need for any international or local infrastructure.

5. Right now TIM is partnering daily with new global companies that share its visions for the world. I see TIM as having the potential to be the first worldwide settlement payment system that we all think LTC or Ethereum would become. With 8.5 billion TIM tokens eventually issued and an additional amount issued yearly to keep pace with the world population, TIM can become the first borderless PAY PAL type Blockchain consumer settlement crypto suited for world use.

6. TIM may be the currency the world has been waiting for. The TIM foundation actually puts a percentage of their profits from global activity back into the TIM market cap to support and stabilize the TIM token’s value. I believe TIM could rival Ethereum and LTC. The transactional speeds are unimaginable and unlike the others with huge claimed transactional speeds, TIM delivers. The transactional support infrastructure is built to maintain speeds. Think of the TIM geo-system as a wave of capacity rolling continuously around the world, the geo-areas are all active at different times each day. As activity in one geo-area increases, TIM pushes capacity into that area and that capacity then rolls around the world following human activity and demand. It rises and falls in real time, but always supports its own geofenced area first. It self-scales, drawing resources to geo-fenced areas in real time, making for seamless transactions. Right now you could use BTC, LTC, ETH or almost any of the other currencies to buy a car or for anything that is a time consuming purchase process, where a few minutes or an hour are not a concern. But as an instant consumer transaction medium, not one meets or can meet the demand or the speeds of fiat. While a car salesman might wait 10 minutes for your $50,000 transaction to verify, the guy at the 7/11 is not going to let you stand in line for 12 minutes to pay a dollar for a cup of coffee with a currency that has a $4 transaction fee. TIM is instant at all tested load levels and the fees are in thousandths of cents. For me, I did not expect to see this level of development or intellectual creativity for another few years. Remember what Ive said before, first in best in. When TIM launches the rest of the world may have two choices, try to catch up or just give up and join up. That’s how I see it.

All of this is happening right now. It’s not a vague promise in a deceptively written white paper. Although the TIM white paper is a translation into English and needs work. Don’t be a hater. If you are going to read the white-paper, and you should understand it is a translated document. Not every genius writes in English.

TIM has the potential to create and support an entire world economy. Right now we see TIM partnering with new companies daily. As more and more do, more and more companies will turn to TIM, not because they want to accept a cryptocurrency, but because they all will be running the business in TIM. Even those who do not enter into cooperative consumer discount agreements with TIM will accept the TIM currency, making TIM the first true world CRYPTO. Will this all come to pass? Only God knows, but TIM works today. It is the first Globally integrated blockchain, banking, finance, social media, human connectivity, B2B, C2C and C2B ICO that has been created and built for just about everything happening in human commerce and culture. It has a real business team doing the development before the launch. Wow, what an odd concept, actually starting a company before you start a currency.

TIM may be the first CRYPTOCURRENCY not seeking business and consumer support as a means to gain market cap, TIM is a blockchain currency built to support a vast array of business types and bring utility to the world.

Jon’s Tech Take

When coining our term Blockchain 2.0, we required specific criteria built into the technology that backs the ICO we're looking at. When looking at TIM, the best way to describe the blockchain is to call it the Blockchain of Blockchains. This is both literal and definitive to say. Yes, TIM actually allows unlimited side chains which actually make it a real blockchain within a blockchain with it's decentralized apps. Geo-mining is the backbone of this amazing, dual layer technology, and for once I feel like I can confidently say: THIS IS THE TECH. TIM is authenticated by nodes known as "Geo-Miners", these geo-miners work together to create an optimal transaction in every way possible, while at the same time keeping the network completely decentralized. These Geo-Miners use GPS and location data to localize transactions and can even be implemented on a cloud level, where data transmission speeds and network hops are minimized.

TIM's hyper-local D-apps (Decentralized Apps) are created to work with the geofencing and create localized, as well as nation-wide, or worldwide applications. These apps are dynamic because of geo-mining - the term coined by TIM to explain it's mining protocol. This creates a pseudo- smart-contract that is fee-free initially and can be resolved by the main network if all else fails.

TIM is based on Proof of Belongingness - meaning proof of stake, or mining power will never help you sway the token's potential. PoB is based on Proof of Stake but is broken down farther to prevent against nefarious activity. Nodes can be run for only 500 TIM, ($50 at the time of writing.) Micro-distribution networks will create a mesh layer that will create an immutable, future-proof, scalable network that is also backed by the core TIM nodes. Like previously stated, TIM can help large data centers and replace cloud computing standards by cutting carbon footprints from server farms with their geolocation features. This allows for minimal server-hop while transmitting data faster than ever.

TIMs pre-mine is 2 billion tokens, with a future sight of 65 billion. The block size changes over time to best accommodate the network. There is constant generation up to 65 billion, and that generation works by a method that not only naturally provides dividends; but also creates pump and dump security. The token will be released over a time period if not bought during the ICO or Bounty phase. This mitigates dropping the coin price or pumping it in the future.

This is exciting for us to see a GPS powered token that will eventually make some sort of impact on the world. It's up to YOU, the buyer, the investor, the holder, to make it a utility.


Check them out at www.talking.im

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://www.cryptocriterion.com/tim-blockchain-blockchains-powered-gps/
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