Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 06/24/18> Today would be a good day for reruns… and coffee.

in blockchainmemoryproject •  7 years ago  (edited)

Sunday is suppose to be a day of rest according to the way I was raised, we still had our normal chores that had to be done daily like feeding the chickens, collecting the eggs, and making sure the rest of the livestock was fed and healthy. If there were any sick animals we had to tend to them, but other than “normal” things it was pretty much get the normal done at the crack of dawn and then get cleaned up for church.

After church we would go back home and then wait on Mamma to get dinner ready, some folks call it lunch, but I’ve always known it as dinner. Supper is the evening meal just so we have our terms straight, I’m not going to try and change your mind on what to call your meals, call them anything you like, just remember to call me when it is time to eat.

I think we can all agree that the first meal in the morning with the bacon , eggs , toast and fried potatoes is called heaven. There isn’t a better way to start the day then with a taste a heaven. Now some of you might call it breakfast and if you are than you just ain’t eating the right stuff first thing in the morning, if you were, you would agree it is heaven.

When I reached the age of 13 I started drinking coffee and that added a whole new dimension to heaven for me, the orange juice was always good but when I got going on the coffee; the juice was second fiddle for me. I still drank the juice as Mamma was big on making sure we ate right, we had to have our daily dose of fruits and vegetables. That might be why I don’t eat vegetables now, but I still have a daily dose to share.

How many of you remember when coffee was actually brewed? That’s a pretty fair amount of you; I don’t have a lot of young folks stopping by here regularly so it doesn’t surprise me that over half of you have the memories of coffee actually brewing. My father was a railroad engineer and he had a house rule when it came to coffee, only women could use the cream and sugar in the coffee. If you grew up as a male in his house you were a black man just like him. Railroaders liked their coffee strong; I think his coffee would have eaten a hole in a Styrofoam cup if you tried to put some in one.

If he were alive today and went into a Star Bucks I believe he would have a heart attack on how they doctor the coffee up to taste like anything but coffee. Why do people spend $5 or $6 bucks on a cup of whipped creamed milk with cinnamon sprinkled over the top of it and then pretend they are drinking coffee? Those drinks have about the equivalent of a shot glass worth of coffee in them, and if you get the espresso maybe two shots. As a black man, I can tell you are really missing the boat when it comes to coffee flavor by drinking those phooffy ladies drinks.

I can remember it used to take about a good twenty minutes to brew a pot of coffee to the right strength for the old man. That old coffee pot was stainless steel and had the clear glass top right in the center of it so you could see just how dark the coffee was while it was perking, perking is short for percolating. The more the water perked and then passed thru the coffee grinds the stronger the coffee was with flavor. I know old @bigtom13 knows what I am talking about when it comes to perking coffee; I saw a picture of that percolator pot of theirs from one of his travel / camping posts.

While I am on the subject of coffee let me share a little secret with you, everyone thinks that the best coffee in the world comes from Columbia, I still remember seeing the commercials with Juan Valdez and his burro with sacks of coffee beans on its back coming down the mountain trail. Well I happen to know the family that, at least back in the 90’s, was supplying Star Bucks with over 80% of the coffee beans that Star Bucks was purchasing and it wasn’t coming from Columbia, that’s right, it wasn’t old Juan Valdez.

The family was the Leal family from Guatemala, and I know because I was supplying them equipment for their coffee growing operation and their fruit orchards. Every time one of the family members came to the Houston they would bring me the best coffee you could imagine. I’m not talking about a pound or two, they would bring me cases of one pound bags, and each case had 16 bags in it. My freezer was full of beef and coffee most of the time.

It has been a real long time since I have had a cup of brewed coffee, I honestly can’t think of a place that actually brews coffee any longer. All the coffee makers now just have the water pass thru the coffee grinds just one time and that is it, there is a lot of flavor being thrown away each day in doing it like that.

When I finally get around to finding a place in Pandora, Texas so I can open a box shop I might just have to plan on opening up a coffee shop along with it. I can tell you right now there won’t be baristas working for me when I do, but you will be able to get some real fresh brewed coffee, you might want to bring your own cream and sugar. The coffee will be in the $2.00 price range for a big cup, if you want cream and sugar that will cost you an extra $5.00. I think I just figured out how Star Bucks make so much money.

I started out this post to tell you that I was probably going to find some old rerun movies to watch since the rest of the family will be up at the church this Sunday afternoon helping set up things for Vacation Bible School that takes place this coming week. I kind of got side tracked with memories, in a way it was its own sort of reruns. I may have to forego those old movies and see if I can’t go buy a percolating coffee pot instead.

Until next time,



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The noon-time meal in the southeastern US is called "lunch" and the evening meal is "supper," at least by true Southerners. Whichever of the two is the biggest meal is called "dinner," instead. So, Sunday "dinner" was usually right after church in our household, but we had "dinner" on the weekdays in the evening-time.

I like "breakfast" so much that I sometimes enjoy it for supper, too. There's nothing like a poached egg, sausage links, fruit, toast-with-jam, and coffee for an evening meal! Yum! Or maybe pancakes, instead, with bacon and fruit. In fact, I might have to do that this evening, now that the idea is in my head!

That is amusing, that your father would only allow the women to put cream and sugar in the coffee. 😁

In our household, coffee was a beverage reserved for adults on a routine basis, and a very occasional "treat" for us children. And by "very occasional," mean perhaps only three times a year or so. And then, it was a CUP of coffee, not a mug as we mostly do nowadays. Remember the "cups" that held about half of what a mug holds? That's what we had. Mom put cream-and-sugar in it for us, so that is how I like it best today.

It was fun watching the old percolators. I was fascinated at how the coffee would "bloop" upwards into the little glass cap. It didn't take much to keep me entertained... LOL!

There is still an old percolator here. It's probably not the same one that was used when I was a child, but a newer one, I imagine. It's still in good shape, although I have not tested it to see if it still works. You are welcome to it, if you want it.

I remember the first time I was at the kitchen table about to have my first cup of coffee. Mom pulled the coffee pot from the stove and poured my dad and myself a cup and then she went back to tending to the cooking of breakfast. I got the sugar container from the middle of the table and put a teaspoon of sugar in it and then some creamer. I took my spoon and started stirring it to get all mixed good. Then my dad ask me, "Are you fixin that cup for your mother?"
I told him no, that it was for me. He then told me that if I wanted to drink coffee like a man I needed to give that cup to mom, "men in this house don't use cream and sugar".
So from then on it pure black coffee for me and my brothers. My little sister wasn't a big coffee drinker when we were growing up but she does drink a cup every morning now, with cream and sugar.
I will give that pot of yours some consideration if I can't find one here locally. There are a few places I will check and I think I can find one at a good price, I don't think they are in high demand any longer since no one wants to wait on anything any more, especially a cup of coffee.

just remember to call me when it is time to eat.

You've been talking to The Weasel again, haven't you. (Yeah, like I could get rid of him. Especially at mealtime.)

Why do people spend $5 or $6 bucks on a cup of whipped creamed milk with cinnamon sprinkled over the top of it and then pretend they are drinking coffee?

Because coffee smells and tastes like dog poo. I mean that. At least about the smell. Having never tasted dog poo I can only surmise. But that smell is enough. Enough to put me off it totally.

No, I haven't been talking to the Weasel, it must be that great minds and hungry stomachs think alike.
So what your saying is, there must be some kind of social status to sniffing and sipping cups of stuff that smells and taste like shit for some people, but in order to pretend to fit in, they doctor the hell out if so it passes their smell and taste test, did I get that right?

That's pretty much it. I realize I am well in the minority in my opinion on coffee (not the first time by any means!!) But I don't care for coffee. Or beer. (IMO they both smell terrible and taste worse. I'm totally serious about the comparison with coffee's smell and dog poo.) I have never spent one dime at Starbucks.

I am not a Star Bucks guy, the coffee at the Quickie Mart is just as good in my book as the stuff they sell at SB. Probably because I like mine hot and black, and I'm a cheap bastard to boot. The rest of the family likes SB but not me.

I don't drink coffee myself, no matter how it is being made, it just doesn't taste all that well to me.

That being said, I always find a speck of deep respect for anyone who takes a simple discipline and practices it to near perfection. The brewing of coffee and tea are such niches. I don't know why, but seeing a master at work here is somehow quite fascinating.

And I wouldn't want to drink that coffee anyway.

Top of the morning to you @paparodin thanks for dropping by, coffee could be considered an acquired taste, in our family it was pretty much a required taste as all of us were and are coffee drinkers.
Right now the only one in the current Papper house that isn't a coffee drinker is Shortie, she is only 10 and we don't want to stunt the runt's growth any more than she has already been. Her older sister by 3 years it caramel frappuccino drinker and is taller than her mother so if we stunt her growth it won't matter too much.
Have you had your taste of heaven yet this morning?

Since I started fasting about one and a half years ago, I hardly if ever eat breakfast. In a perfect world, my taste of heaven would be a cold shower after a long and hard workout session, but right now, I am sadly not getting much of that.

So I take the next best thing. I'm here.

Also, I didn't know that coffee helps someone grow tall. You are pulling my hair here, right?

We may have a misunderstanding of the word,"stunt", when you stunt growth it means to suppress or retard it, so it would be the opposite of what you think I was saying. With that said, I don't know if it does that either, I think it was just an old wives tale to keep the kids from having the caffeine at an early age and getting them even more wound up with energy than they might already have.
As far as showers go, the hot and steamy ones are my preference, the kind where the bathroom mirrors are fogged over with steam when you are done. Cold showers for me are only after an afternoon of work out in the hot sun to cool down and get the sweat and grime off of me.

Yeah, I really did misunderstood the word in that context. You learn something new every day.

The appreciation of a cold shower is something that must be earned, I feel. You need to have worked for it in some way to really get the best out of it. Hot showers I take every now and then, frankly only when I have been a lazy bum.

I figured as much so I thought it best to clarify it for you. It is so true that we learn something new each day, if we allow ourselves too.
Here we use the saying "pulling my leg" when we think someone is telling something that might be a little suspect with regard to being true. I haven't heard the "pulling my hair" one used.

I know exactly what you're talking about mr Papper, all those flavoured coffees just aint coffee - hazelnut, choc etc etc!
I cannot start my day if I have not had that one cup of dark roast coffee, just a dash of brown sugar & coffee creamer - not milk or cream as that dilutes it! I don't own a coffee percolator anymore, used a coffee machine up till a while ago but now use a little coffee plunger, give it a good stir, then let it brew before plunging to let the flavours out.
My mom said her granny always had a pot of coffee brewing on the old coal stove, she said that was the best coffee ever.
Coffee brings memories of my grandpa roasting coffee beans, that aroma was amazing but I was too young back then to drink coffee. Grandpa Saunders was the dearest man ever, I was heartbroken when he passed away on my tenth birthday so I never got to taste his coffee!
Strange how a cup of coffee can bring back memories, as do meal times, whatever we may call them, thank you for sharing yours here and bringing back memories!

A lot of good memories have been made over a cup of coffee in my life time. Dated a few of the waitresses that kept my cup full too, but that was long ago. I never have been around when coffee beans were being roasted. The Leal family invited me on several occasions to go see their place in Guatemala but at the time the country was in the middle of a civil war and I wanted no part of being there at that point in time.
Glad that I could percolate some memories for you, I have to get to bed, it is 1:40 AM and I need some rest. Have a great day.

We have a couple of roasteries in and around Durban, the best aroma ever! Have a great Sunday :)

Well , the family just cleared out for church and now I can start my day. Already have downed my first cup now I have to see where my taste of heaven is going to come from. I will have a great Sunday even if I do nothing but rest. Thanks, I hope yours went well too.

My favourite coffee these days is Java Monster Mocha Loca, served at about 33 degrees F. Nothing from StarBucks, I despise high fructose corn syrup. Monster uses sugar which is not nearly as harmful.

I do remember percolators though. Most of them were aluminium with a thick glass insert in the lid. No filter, of course, filters don't work so well once you poke the stem through the middle. The water would bubble up the stem and explode against the glass dome. It would find its way through the grounds and drip from the basket, taking colour and flavour back to the main water supply. Each time through the liquid would look less like water and more like coffee.

I wonder if that has any connection to the phrase "perk you up.

Cona was the end of civilisation as we know it.

Heaven is a traditional English breakfast. You will need paramedics standing by as you consume enough grease to lubricate an 18-wheeler. Bacon, fried eggs, sausages, black pudding, white pudding, fried tomatoes, and a fried slice. Said fried slice is bread which has soaked up enough oil to top up your engine if it's a quart light. Wash it all down with a huge mug of hot, sweet, milky tea. Has to be tea, not coffee. I think the tea somehow improves the odds of the paramedics bringing you back from heaven.

If you do survive heaven you should either go to work, best if it's on a building site, or watch at least three reruns.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


I am getting hungry just reading about heaven from your post , I'm on my first cup right now, and debating on whether to cook this morning or go to the buffet, but first I have to let the rest of the family clear out of here for church.

Dinner and supper are the terms I grew up with as well and still use them today

as for coffee its something I just have never liked, well I never have any hot drink at all

I have to have at least one big hot cup of coffee to lubricate the little pathways that signals to and from the brain travel on.

I used to rely on Coca Cola for that, but am surviving Ok these days with just water but some days it is a struggle

If you find one of the old percolating coffee pots, mind picking me up one? I haven't had one for about 10years now since mine got broken. I don't know how a stainless steel pot gets broken but it did. That was the best coffee to have in the morning, lack of course. Why pollute a good cup of coffee with sugar and milk?

If I come across one I will surely keep you in mind. I didn't get out to the store today and I haven't even looked online yet, we have rain in the forecast and I needed to get some mowing done otherwise I might just have to get a hay baler the next time I would have gone to mow.
The old percolator I grew up with had a copper bottom and the rest was stainless steel. I'm not sure who might have ended up with it once Mom passed away but it was a nice one for sure. I used to keep the old coffee grinds for bedding for night crawlers I raised for fishing bait, those worms loved that mix of soil and coffee grinds.

Thanks, @sultnpapper. I appreciate it! I have been looking here and have found nothing. And I sorely miss the taste of good old percolated coffee!

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