An example of the unfairness (a note to the future)

in blocked •  5 years ago  (edited)

Prievously I wrote about how the Patriots are not just a group of cry babies, but the libtards sometimes make it impossible to have a conversation. Libtards have gotten into positions of some authority and they will not let the Patriots speak but they allow other libtards to speak. Some clueless people still exist and I want to teach thoes people the truth.

Recently I was going to write a not and put the note on a 'social media platform' called facebook, however while writting the note the website sent me this message:

You can't share this link

http://bible /589.htm
http://bible /8269.htm
http://bible /7223.htm

Your content couldn't be shared, because this link goes against our Community Standards
If you think this doesn't go against our Community Standards let us know.

(of coarse I am not going to allow facebook to outsmart me)

And after abit of adjustments, I posted the following.

E phesians 6:12
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
(I dont want people to look to deeply into the following song) but everything is not what it seems.

In Daniel 10:12-13
12 Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.
The Bible explains that Daniel was praying about a matter (I think for 21 days) and the man might have thought that GOD was not listening to him. But then Daniel was told that GOD heard the prayer on day 1, and had sent that angel to deliver the message. However a demonic entity (know as the prince of persia) withstood and blocked the message from being delivered.
The truth is that the spiritual realm and the earthly realm do not always line up perfectly (not yet anyway...however when the Kingdom of GOD is firmly established on this earth ‘heaven and earth will be seemless’) But until the KING arives and knocks heads together like Moe, we are stuck with heaven and earth not always being alined.
While we wait for the transition remember that everything is not what it seems
To the demonic entity that is behind facebook, you became upset when I began to post scriptures (1 John 4:3). I have already fired a warning shot, in this note I am yelling right before I kick down the door and drag you out. I have a warrant for your arrest (Revelation 12:11) Do not think that I am ordering the complete distruction of the website (cause thats not how I roll!) Instead what is going to happen is that ‘users’ will find better alternatives to facebook, and the website will remain (but only as a shell) unlike the leftist thugs that are trying to erase history (by tearing down monuments) the shell of facebook will remain and future generations will mock the ‘facebook demon’ and they will say ‘did not that dumbcoff realize that no one can stand against GOD?)

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