RE: The Holocaust Denial Diaries - Entry #1

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The Holocaust Denial Diaries - Entry #1

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

thanks for all the video's showing piles of dead people with no proof of who they are or the context in which the filming was actually done. we know our own government loves to make propaganda films and they're good at because they have been doing it for a while. That narrator can say whatever he wants because there will never be anyone to contest him. It is well known professional directors were sent in to make anti-nazi propaganda while also hiding the fact that most of the deaths were due to the allied attacks, people like Alfred Hitchcock and billy Wilder. good luck proving those are all jews and that they weren't killed during the british and american fire bombing raids, or eisenhower's camps for the germans were they just let them starve, or the millions raped and murdered by the russians as they ran through with the support of the united states. The british especially destroyed not only civilian cities and labor camps but also all german supply lines effectively starving EVERYONE including civilian prisoners to death or dooming them to die from typhus since there was now no possibility of medical care and little to no hygiene.

It is you my friend who zero in on one or 10 points whereas I am looking at all points from an objective point of view with no stake in what truth i find. you obviously didn't watch anything i posted and you completely overlooked my point about all the other atrocities that get no special attention and certainly aren't protected by law or get a special anti-russian or anti-japanese or anti-native american shield.

also the little glass peephole you're referring to was on a gas chamber designed for delousing clothes and has been admitted by jewish authorities to NEVER have been used to gas people. you're so trapped by your own lie, you can't see because you don't want to be cause it would mean admitting you are wrong and for whatever reason you are incapable of doing that. And I didn't HEAR about the window i SAW it on videos of official auschwitz tours, photograph after photograph in context with detailed descriptions of where everything is. I also SAW your peephole, i didn't just read about. Things you can look up and verify through independent and even establishment sources. I don't just read stuff and go "oh that must be true" GOOD GRIEF MAN WATCH THE VIDEO's I POSTED.

you see you give me blatant establishment propaganda, and i give you independent journalism, interviews with eyewitnesses, and real forensic investigations. that's how i know i'm seeking the truth and you're just regurgitating official narratives pounded into to you by establishment institutions.

you may now proceed with calling me names and telling me about how stupid nazi liberals like me have no idea what we're talking about.

Incidentally I no longer subscribe to identity politics so i'm none of those things.

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