If you believe in God but not in Jesus where do you fit in?

in blog •  4 years ago 


The Jewish people rejected Jesus as their Messiah and most of them still don’t believe in him. They are still waiting for their Messiah, they do not realize he already came 2000 years ago. Unfortunately, when their so called “Messiah” arrives he will, in fact be the “Antichrist.”

we read the Old Testament scattered throughout are promises of the coming “Messiah” who will save people from their sins.

The New Testament is the fulfillment of God’s promises in the Old Testament and documents the miraculous life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Problem is most Jewish people don’t even know that Jesus was Jewish or that Jesus is their Messiah. They think Jesus is only the gentile’s Christian God, or the Son of God.

Jews that have found Jesus are often persecuted by their families and communities and many are even cut off, as people want nothing more to do with them. These believers in Jesus are called “Messianic” Jews.

Jesus did say “you will be hated for my namesake.

Jews do believe in God, just not Jesus.

It is very sad as “not believing” in Jesus is an unpardonable sin.

There are numerous scriptures that tell us that the only way to heaven is though Jesus.

Thing is we are all sinners in need of a savior, Jesus. He paid the price for our sins therefore making us righteous before God.

If we are not in Christ Jesus and reject him we must take the punishment for our own sins, so we are damned for eternity.

We need to pray for the Jewish people that they all come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

After the “rapture” of the church, so during the “tribulation,” God will go back to dealing with the Jewish people and praise God, the Bible tells us Israel will be “SAVED”

Jesus Christ himself will “SAVE” the nation of Israel when they finally “call out”to him and “recognize”him as their Messiah. Thank you Jesus.

God bless Israel and the Jewish people.

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