RE: What Is The Federal Reserve?

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What Is The Federal Reserve?

in blog •  8 years ago  (edited)

The IRS is beholden to IMF not the Federal Government. If we have a central bank congress and the US Treasury should run hit not a private banking institution. They changed the way our senate was elected and instituted an income tax. It is about to be merged with the central banks of Canada and Mexico. How do people think they make an economic zone? Europeans call us North America. AT&T plans just started to encompass North America. NAFTA was a framework not a finished product.

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Well this is an interesting reply, thank you.

You're welcome. I talk to someone with IMF. She explained it all too me. I've written a couple of articles with more details. The one titled Globalist explains. I could write a book with all the info she has shared with me. I'm just not very good at writing...

Oh wow ok, I'm going to read that post today. Thank you agian for the info.

I believe you should still write that book.