Helping Others Dreams

in blog •  7 years ago 

An action of About Nicholas Wheelock to help others fulfill there dreams whatever they may be. If it is just an individual needing help to fulfill there dream or it is an individual that is looking for an online community that offers free sourced information. Whatever your dream may be. About Nicholas Wheelock is the place to be.

professional blogger


Hi I am Nicholas Wheelock and I am a Professional blogger. I have been blogging for a little over 7 years now. First off i would like to give a special thanks to my fans and circles who help make my blogging a success. Second of all i would like to get down to the point with you exactly with what i do. I write book's that are free to read and free of charge combined i also freelance articles. I use the standard blogging method which is an over time blogging method and sometimes takes years to develop into a full fan based environment. Third of all I am a role model to encourage others to follow there dreams whatever they may be and to contribute to some of the worlds largest not for profit groups as well as helping others understand the importance of helping others too.I am strictly not for profit. Last but not least, I would like to thank anyone who reads this and i hope one day you will also be a fan.

  • 90 % of all donations go to helping others follow there dreams

What Your Donation Does

It helps low income families provide for there kids school items

It helps graduates with extra money for college

It helps business's with extra money to start there business

It helps families who cannot afford there home expenses.

It helps families with there medical costs who cannot afford there medical needs

It helps with anything and everything to help others follow there dreams whatever it may be

So, Why wait? Others need our help now.



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