In these days of incredibly heated political discord of right vs. left politics, it is widely assumed that at the left end of the scale is communism and the right end of the scale is fascism. In my opinion that is totally wrong because the definitions of each are still to be defined. The average American communist will say that communism hasn’t been implemented correctly and fascism is a total dictatorial control and centralized government. Both have centralized governments based on control, that makes them both on the extreme left.
What makes fascism slightly more to the right on the political scale than communism is that it lets some private corporations operate, whereas in communism, all industry is taken over by the state. Though some corporations fall through the cracks within communism because party members are so easily paid off, just take China for example. I guess you could say that China is a hybrid of both.
Fascism, as we have seen it operate, seems to lay its citizen loyalty based on race. In communism, the citizen loyalty is based off of party loyalty. Both have killed members of their own that are suspected of disloyalty. Again, you can make the case that China is a hybrid of both due to their Chinese genetic purity within its borders.
Another thing that communism and fascism have in common is their nationalism. Bertrand Russel wrote in his book History of Western Philosophy this:
“Communism, in theory, is far removed from such philosophies, but it driven, in practice, to a type of community very similar to that which results from State worship.”
There is nothing inherently wrong with nationalism, it unites people but that can also be very sinister as well. Communists and fascist redefine what it is to be a citizen of given country.
On the right end of the political scale we have no government whatsoever. In my opinion, that is what everybody should be aiming for but that takes substantial self reliance and responsibility and around the world the people are taught to shun at those two words.
Modern western communists are often described as anarchists which is a wild contradiction. They want to enact laws that force the individual to act certain ways towards underprivileged people but that requires massive government force. While those free in their private lives have the right to act a certain way towards somebody based on a arbitrary difference (like race) have not yet proven to humanity that we are capable of a world without government. The control communists want to have on peoples’ business affairs, too, proves that humanity is not yet worthy of a government-free society.
According to what I had laid out, there is no vice in being on the extreme right just as long as you know it’s based on personal governance and the golden rule.