Free Travel with Travala - Q2/2023 Marketing Bonus

in blog •  2 years ago 



Travala had again rewarded the user that have the highest tier, the diamond tier, which includes a Travala Tiger NFT with a percentage of the earnings from quarter 2 of 2023.

I've joined Travala on the recommendation of @trumpman, and I have to thank him for that, as I manage to travel and see the world with crypto.

Yes, crypto can be used for bookings, which for me is perfect, as it is a use case, that the crypto definitely needs.

Travala is redesign itself, the tiers will be changed and the upper tier, will certainly have some nice perks with it. Here I'm happy to have bought the NFT when it was still relatively cheap, compared to the price of today.


So, after doing the marketing tasks, which are a must for getting the travel bonus, I got the below message. Sweet, 158 travel credits, that I can use for booking hotels, flights, and activities. I tend to bring my wife and kid on holiday. We don't book the most expensive hotels, but try to get to some really charming locations.


I've noticed that the bonus has been increased by 30 travel credits, which means that Travala is getting traction. The higher the bonus, the more profit it has generated in the past quarter.

But that was not all, as I got a couple of days ago an e-mail from Travala team, that an additional bonus has been granted, for completing some extra tasks. These have not been very hard, and if I think, it was one of the easiest campaign till now.


The credits have landed into my wallet, and I think we will go for a weekend trip to Italy or Croatia, both very beautiful countries, that we enjoy travelling to.


How about you? Do you use Travala to book your travels with crypto?

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