Good by 2023, welcome 2024!!!
2023 was an amazing year, on so many levels, but I will talk here only about the chain related aspects.
In 2023, I've managed to meet again some fellows in here. It was real nice to see that @trumpman is still himself, and also to meet his juniors and his wife.
Meeting people from the chain is always enjoyable, as most of the time, they are even better than in here.
At a moment, during this year, I wanted to quit, just because of some moron. Well, I will not, and glad I didn't. I've learned that, if an idiot is hating you, no matter the demands they make, never give in, as if you change, they will find new things to demand. So, why bother? Keep on going and enjoy the free rent in their head. I'm a little sad in this thing, as I gave up my tracking posts, but will restart them in January, no need to give them up.
The assets owned increased pretty well in numbers, as most have been staked. Also, some projects went pretty well in terms of value, besides the increase in tokens count.
For 2024, I wish to use less time, but increase the interaction, by posting and replying more. Also, it is time to take profits. On all projects that I do, some percentages of the wins will be staked, but also profits will be taken. Nothing new will be invested from outside. I know, this is not healthy for the fast growth, but the world is big, I have a family, and they need me also.
Diversification will play a bigger role, and also the networking aspect. I've got some people in here, with whom I plan to start new ventures, behind the noise and the empty egocentric personalities.
2024 will the best, as long as we try to make the best of it! How do you see it?