Hey Steemians, throughout the archipelago:::
On tuesday Oktober 17 th 2017, a major crypto-currency exchange has announced to de-list BitShares for, to many surprisingly undisclosed reasons, followed by a significant amount of speculation about the reasoning and motivation behind this move and consequently, fear, uncertainty and doubt. A few aspects of what might have been seen as root causes need to be addressed:
Flawed Blockchain Code
Arguments have been maid that the BitShares blockchain is instable and comes to a halt on a regular basis. These claimes are unfounded. In the years of operation, the BitShares blockchain has had only two major consensus issues where the block production has been halted for only few hours in total. At no point in time were funds at risk.
However, they also represent a security risk for your funds. While some exchanges are better guarded than others, hacks are not an uncommon event in the cryptocurrency scene, and some like the recent Bitfinex hack have led thousands of users losing their savings. Some exchanges are simply incompetent or malicious, practicing fractional reserve systems that can either lead to a voluntary elimination of the excess instruments (Mt. Gox hack from June 2011), bankruptcy (the demise of mybitcoin) or a new investor bailout.
After having clarified this, further investigations with undisclosed parties resulted in statements of blockchain nodes losing connection to the P2P network and consequent loss of synchronization with the rest of the network. The root cause of this has been identified and a (non-consensus) patch is been worked on. The core developers have not been made aware of this issue by any affected parties and never experienced this rather rare event themeselves. Eitherway, the BitShares core backend code will be improved from the helfpul information and the excellent support of our decentralized development team.
What Is Bitshares? Should You Buy?
Nevertheless, we need to exchange our currencies. There are certain items and services that we cannot buy with Bitcoin (yet) and in order to acquire Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies, most people have to exchange it for a national currency. Furthermore, some cryptocurrencies like Ether or Bitshares have special features or tools that are not present in Bitcoin.
It is designed for general informational purposes only, as a guide to certain of the conceptual considerations associated with the narrow issues it addresses. You should seek advice from your own counsel, who is familiar with the particular facts and circumstances of what you intend and can give you tailored advice.
I am currently looking for marketers and promoters who are interested in being a part of this amazing and quickly growing team of Steemians.
It was announced late this week that BitShares (BTS) transactions have been opened up on China-based crypto exchange CHBTC. The company listed BitShares on 18:00 on June 8th and the following day at 12:00 on June 9th officially opened web client transactions, with mobile app integration will be coming in the near future.
BitShares is a blockchain of financial services and development platform, the system has built-in transfer, exchange, asset management, information transmission, information display, advanced multi-signature, feed input (collection of other system information ) and other underlying functions.
The BitShares platform provides a global trading network, with the decentralized exchange able to process 100,000 transactions per second. The BitShares platform itself is run and maintained by the BitShares community–an open consortium of individuals and organizations committed to providing universal access to the power of smart contracts.
BitShares is open-source software based on blockchain technology as used by Bitcoin. Unlike bitcoins, which do not produce any income for their owners, BitShares can be used to launch Decentralized Autonomous Companies (DACs) which issue shares, produce profits and distribute profits to shareholders.
I will personally be doing in depth research scouring the platform for those people who, time and time again, produce quality contents using talents that they have learned in life.
$ 64.3
alfa-good 50· detik lalu
$ 0 |
thinking at the time of writing the perfect idea. thank you to witness witness witness. @steemit @bittrex @bitshares
When I joined this site, I was getting upvotes from REAL people,
Many of us put up multiple posts a day, meaning we have multiple payouts/day. I know for a fact I am missing payouts --- and want you to be aware also on your end
I find it amazing a simple platform on these here interwebs is so amazing that it can not only change peoples lives forever, to simply be an outlet for others to share opinions all at the same time. I personally love Steemit for quite a few reasons, most of which stems from that same love for crypto currencies and freedom in general.
But I also wanted to share a practical affect on my life all because of Steemit just so people can see how well this stuff is actually working, now while I don't recommend cashing out, if you HAVE to, it's a very useful fund to have. A fund a that replenishes itself the harder you work? Thats the best safety net out there.... who needs a government to lean on when you can go tell your story to the world and the world will help you out??
then after few weeks, I am just getting upvotes from bots... I just don't understand why people stopped upvoting...
Is @Steemit working only with bots.
Like this, only people who have got lot of sp will earn more @money that those new comers. Disappointed, newcomers will stop working on steemit, and then how the site will grow???
Currently, all my earnings are coming from bots. My friends, who saw my profile said I am doing well and earning good upvotes.
As the excitement of Summer wanes and the winter holidays have not yet arrived, we need something to do on Steemit to pass the time.
You're probably thinking, "Aren't we already doing those things right now?" Well, sure...but if you really want to spice things up, try these simple steps to make your Steemit day much more interesting!
Log Your Account
First things first: Log into your account with your posting key. Never, ever, ever, NEVER sign in with your active key or master password - unless you like being phished and having your money stolen or losing your account altogether.
Once you're logged in, you're ready for some Steemit action!
TheI find it amazing a simple platform on these here interwebs is so amazing that it can not only change peoples lives forever, to simply be an outlet for others to share opinions all at the same time. I personally love Steemit for quite a few reasons, most of which stems from that same love for crypto currencies and freedom in general.
But I also wanted to share a practical affect on my life all because of Steemit just so people can see how well this stuff is actually working, now while I don't recommend cashing out, if you HAVE to, it's a very useful fund to have. A fund a that replenishes itself the harder you work? Thats the best safety net out there.... who needs a government to lean on when you can go tell your story to the world and the world will help you out?? infrastructure of steem steemit needs more nodes if you have the resources I would suggest you set you up.
Side Note: You might have also noticed your drafts are not getting saved or even posted and your work is lost.
This is again due to the recent DDOS attacks and nodes failing. Make sure to save your work. another fast way to make sure your work is not deleted is You can also right click on the post tab, top right and click "open link in new tab" That would open up a copy of your post, just in case the one you submitted did not post. you can than try again.
A leading provider in sub-prime Car Finance, The Asset Exchange offers competitive Car Finance,
A teaNxt is one of the first implementations of some of the technologies that are considered to be 'second-generation cryptocurrency' such as decentralized messages system, peer to peer exchange, multigateways or distributed asset exchange. Nxt is also able to solve perhaps the biggest shortcoming Bitcoin has through its capability to process transactions virtually instantly. Nxt is simply faster and cheaper than Bitcoin and provides more features than Bitcoin and all its clones together.
The price for a single NXT 'coin' still experiences a great deal of daily volatility, similar to Bitcoin. In order to help mitigate these daily fluctuations a mining pool has been created to help stabilize and increase the price of NXT.
Operating in limited beta test mode for over 30 days already, Hashrate has succeeded in already paying out to its miners the equivalent of over 15 Bitcoins worth of NXT. The long term effect of a continual infusion of BTC into the NXT ecosystem every day will result in the value of the coin increasing. Miners who look at their mining equipment as an investment could hardly find a better choice of mining pool than Hashrate - they will get a higher payout in NXT coins than any other pool would give them in BTC.
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Be the first to know!
Knowledge is power!
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Aww, man...after 12 hours, nobody has upvoted or commented on your posts yet. Well, except for those bots that upvote everything at 1% or those accounts that spam you with "follow me alfa I love you!" But where are all of the other users? You might be asking yourself, "Am I invisible?"
But I clarified them, most of the upvotes are coming from bots online....?
Holy Shit this is amazing and this is all from last year??? dude wtf why isnt the real dan more like this?
You received an upvote from @blocktrades valued at 92.10 SBD, based on the pending payout at the time the data was extracted.
Amazing job @alfa-good Followed...
thinking at the time of writing the perfect idea. thank you to witness witness witness. @steemit @bittrex @bitshares
When I joined this site, I was getting upvotes from REAL people,
Many of us put up multiple posts a day, meaning we have multiple payouts/day. I know for a fact I am missing payouts --- and want you to be aware also on your end
I find it amazing a simple platform on these here interwebs is so amazing that it can not only change peoples lives forever, to simply be an outlet for others to share opinions all at the same time. I personally love Steemit for quite a few reasons, most of which stems from that same love for crypto currencies and freedom in general.
But I also wanted to share a practical affect on my life all because of Steemit just so people can see how well this stuff is actually working, now while I don't recommend cashing out, if you HAVE to, it's a very useful fund to have. A fund a that replenishes itself the harder you work? Thats the best safety net out there.... who needs a government to lean on when you can go tell your story to the world and the world will help you out??
then after few weeks, I am just getting upvotes from bots... I just don't understand why people stopped upvoting...
Is @Steemit working only with bots.
Like this, only people who have got lot of sp will earn more @money that those new comers. Disappointed, newcomers will stop working on steemit, and then how the site will grow???
Currently, all my earnings are coming from bots. My friends, who saw my profile said I am doing well and earning good upvotes.
As the excitement of Summer wanes and the winter holidays have not yet arrived, we need something to do on Steemit to pass the time.
You're probably thinking, "Aren't we already doing those things right now?" Well, sure...but if you really want to spice things up, try these simple steps to make your Steemit day much more interesting!
Log Your Account
First things first: Log into your account with your posting key. Never, ever, ever, NEVER sign in with your active key or master password - unless you like being phished and having your money stolen or losing your account altogether.
Once you're logged in, you're ready for some Steemit action!
TheI find it amazing a simple platform on these here interwebs is so amazing that it can not only change peoples lives forever, to simply be an outlet for others to share opinions all at the same time. I personally love Steemit for quite a few reasons, most of which stems from that same love for crypto currencies and freedom in general.
But I also wanted to share a practical affect on my life all because of Steemit just so people can see how well this stuff is actually working, now while I don't recommend cashing out, if you HAVE to, it's a very useful fund to have. A fund a that replenishes itself the harder you work? Thats the best safety net out there.... who needs a government to lean on when you can go tell your story to the world and the world will help you out?? infrastructure of steem steemit needs more nodes if you have the resources I would suggest you set you up.
Side Note: You might have also noticed your drafts are not getting saved or even posted and your work is lost.
This is again due to the recent DDOS attacks and nodes failing. Make sure to save your work. another fast way to make sure your work is not deleted is You can also right click on the post tab, top right and click "open link in new tab" That would open up a copy of your post, just in case the one you submitted did not post. you can than try again.
A leading provider in sub-prime Car Finance, The Asset Exchange offers competitive Car Finance,
A teaNxt is one of the first implementations of some of the technologies that are considered to be 'second-generation cryptocurrency' such as decentralized messages system, peer to peer exchange, multigateways or distributed asset exchange. Nxt is also able to solve perhaps the biggest shortcoming Bitcoin has through its capability to process transactions virtually instantly. Nxt is simply faster and cheaper than Bitcoin and provides more features than Bitcoin and all its clones together.
The price for a single NXT 'coin' still experiences a great deal of daily volatility, similar to Bitcoin. In order to help mitigate these daily fluctuations a mining pool has been created to help stabilize and increase the price of NXT.
Operating in limited beta test mode for over 30 days already, Hashrate has succeeded in already paying out to its miners the equivalent of over 15 Bitcoins worth of NXT. The long term effect of a continual infusion of BTC into the NXT ecosystem every day will result in the value of the coin increasing. Miners who look at their mining equipment as an investment could hardly find a better choice of mining pool than Hashrate - they will get a higher payout in NXT coins than any other pool would give them in BTC.
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Knowledge is power!
Signup today for free to our Newsletter and be the first one to get notified on new Breaking Cryptocurrency Guides and ICOs!
Be the first to know!
Knowledge is power!
Signup today for free to our Newsletter and be the first one to get notified on new Breaking Cryptocurrency Guides and ICOs!
Aww, man...after 12 hours, nobody has upvoted or commented on your posts yet. Well, except for those bots that upvote everything at 1% or those accounts that spam you with "follow me alfa I love you!" But where are all of the other users? You might be asking yourself, "Am I invisible?"
But I clarified them, most of the upvotes are coming from bots online....?
Holy Shit this is amazing and this is all from last year??? dude wtf why isnt the real dan more like this?
In this video I show you how to create a wallet on the Bitshares Decentralized Exchange. Go here to get your wallet http://wallet.gobitshares.com
Thanks you. @bitshares
From @alfa-good

Blockchains analysed under the Decentralized Autonomous Company (DAC) metaphor reveals the importance of reducing transaction cost, increasing the speed of transactions and

Currently cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are traded at large exchanges, which follow the traditional logic of centralization, with a single point of failure for corruption,

information-theft, coercion, robbery, fraud and so on, and this is just what we have seen happen in the cryptocurrency space and for Bitcoin exchanges.
@Blocktrades is one of the most popular social media groups in Omaha with thousands of followers. Your support gives us the resources and motivation to continue doing.
already read the post that @ned send in the smt tag. I am very impressed with this one account. his incredible video postings make me more sincere. with what's already @ned talking inside a video you've heard. all of them will be achieved especially the entrepreneurs understand what is conveyed by @ned. thank you very much to say on @ned account and to all the community at @steemit go forward eagerly in the struggle.
because it's a lot of chatting with entrepreneurs preparing to get this new technology and this leads to some very important discussions.

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