Community steemit, the experience of several years in university teaching at the undergraduate level in the area of applied agriculture, has allowed me to reflect on the importance of creating science through research and in this way give practical meaning to training student, in addition to establishing alternatives to address the problems presented in the agricultural field.
Under these premises, it is necessary to highlight Giménez (2008), who points out that the research is carried out with the purpose of clearing a doubt, creating a new theory or solving a practical situation, bringing with it new knowledge either in the area of science or the social area.
On the other hand, when talking about agricultural research in most cases an experimental methodology is implemented, with the purpose of developing new methods that allow to increase agricultural productivity or improve the efficiency of a technique, these methods can be analyzed by implementing works in laboratories or field trials.
herefore, modern experimental research is based on research of a quantitative nature, one of the scholars according to this assessment was Galileo, who indicated that the universe is facing us speaking the language of mathematics, he pointed out that what is important it is the quantitative, that the colors, smells, sounds are subjective mere appearances that do not interest science; Within their contributions was the need to unify theoretical research and empirical research, Galileo implemented a method that is widely used in field research in the agricultural area, which makes them reliable and consists of the following:
*Starting from the detailed observation of an experiment, it is necessary to forge an ideal model of the experiment.
*The repeated repetition of the same experiment allows obtaining the average of the measured magnitudes, gradually introducing corrections before the different disturbed factors.
*The measured magnitudes are the starting point to formulate the hypothesis, from which the consequences will have to be deduced through logical reasoning.
*Finally, these consequences are then checked in the experiment and serve as an indirect confirmation of the hypothesis adopted.
With this method the hypothesis is accepted from the beginning as an assumption, whose absolute truth is revealed in the future, as the assumptions derived from the hypothesis agree with the data of the experiment.
Similarly, the arguments raised by Galileo are promoted by some researchers specializing in the experimental area, noting that all research should be grouped under the empirical model, since they disqualify the scientific character of the social sciences by analyzing a reality already raised They reiterate, that the social sciences have no scientific significance, because their method can not undergo any experimental verification based on experience and observation of facts when manipulating variables.
In discrepancy with the arguments raised, it can be noted that the experimental design can only be applied to a specific type of science, since in the social sciences the guidelines of the activities carried out by man are analyzed, and then they can be directed towards a vision more enriching.
To conclude, it can be said that when an investigation ends and the researcher has data on the object under study, a new phase of discussion of results is opened, whose purpose is to make a new partial theoretical foundation, it is said partial since the cycle of research closes momentarily, and eventually this theory will serve as a starting point for new research. For example, if agricultural science were to experiment with some natural components to implement a new organic fertilizer, and achieve favorable results, a new form of fertilization would be generated, generating a new method for its elaboration, which in the Future may be used in related research in the fertilization of crops for productive improvements.