Human life

in blog •  7 years ago 


I think you all are agreed with post??The whole life of a Man is gone to make a money but even then he is not happy because Human is not thankful to God.Whenever he got something he want
when even he doesn't has a cycle he pray he got it.then he want motorbike when he got it then he want car...ect so its mean human is not thanksful to God.

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well , I quite desagry. What it's wrong, it's the perception people give them self about money. You can find homeless people whom hate money, doesn't run after... but they are quite misarable. Instead others, have lot's of money and very happy. Money = tools, it's an idea, always existe and will so. It's not wrong or good, it's all depend how you use it. You earn only when you provide services in exchange of time, or energy put it to.

you are right but alot of people doing that..

That's lovely and right

thank you vinchee