Focus on the wildy important.
Act on lead measures.
Keep a compelling scorecard.
Create a cadence of accountability.
1. Spirituality (Zen Buddhism)
2. Bubs (My Girlfriend, Doggo and Kitty)
3. Fitness (Weight-Resistance Training)
4. Finance (Steemit Blog)
Effectiveness of the meditation:
Rating: 1-10
(1) Being the most negative
(2) Being the most positive
Today’s meditation was simple and it was pretty easy to enter the "buddha" state. I had positive physical and emotional effects but didn’t really feel a difference in my mentality. The physical effect was euphoric, like a warm blanket hugging my body, and the emotional effect was very euphoric something like an intense state of calm.
Summary of Stats:
Time: 16 minutes
Mental: +0
Physical: +2
Emotional: +2
Acts of Selflessness:
(1st Column) Quantitative value of act(s)
(2nd Column) Qualitative value of act(s)
I offered to run an errand and it turned into a treasure hunt for specific brands of products, somewhat frustrating but honestly that was self-inflicted. Sometimes I spend way too much energy on complaining about something when I should be spending that energy to solve the specific issue I'm facing. Loving on the pets was pleasant, they enjoy being brushed and petted (is that even a word?). Overall, I was glad that I could do something to make all of my bubs feel good.
Summary of Stats:
Time: 60 minutes
Selfless Act(s): 3
Quality: 28
Workout & Muscle Measurements:
Breakout of Exercises & Reps
Breakout of muscle measurements in inches, desired goal
Pretty self explanitory...I created a breakout of the exercises that I completed and the total amount of repetitions, respectively. I did these workouts with no break in between the sets and once I got to the end I was basically lifting to failure. I think my muscles hated that I haven't worked out in so long but I'm also excited about when I get used to working out and it becomes more strengthening than exhausting. 🤓 I use Strength Training Anatomy, 3rd Edition by Frederic Delavier Summary of Stats:
FinancePost Statistics:Quantitative Data (as of 2/2/2018): So my introduction post wasn't that great of a hit (only earning $.02 and roughly 20 views, but I think in the long run it will be worth it. This blog post took me a while to write, I think that I could plan my days better (only on days when I have to create a new format (need to finish weekly, monthly and yearly templates). Hopefully you guys enjoyed going through this and seeing some of my daily progress (that’s the plan, at least…). What would you guys like to see out of these posts?Let me know in the comments and I'll upvote it if I think I could apply it. Summary of Stats:
Final Thoughts:Accomplishing my goals: Easy. Writing 232 lines of content: time consuming. One of my goals should be to create a program that will just allow me to auto-fill my posts everyday, anyone know how to code? 🤓😂 Anyways, today was productive. I’m glad that I got to write out what I did for my goals today and bring some proof to my eyes. I’m on day one and I already feel the pessismistic side of my self going: “Why are you doing this anyway? Who cares?” and I just have to remind myself that it’s worth it. I’m better off working towards something everyday rather than spending mindless hours on social media. On that note, I have decided to do a media detox (no social media for the month of February). I know that technically Steemit is a social media site but at least I’m earning $.02 doing this! :) Would you guys like some tips on the goals that I’m working on? Sometimes I get idea’s that don’t necessarily pertain to my goals directly, but things that could help you out if you wanted it. Anyways, until tomorrow. |