Challenging Knowledge with Imagination!

in blog •  7 years ago 

Is imagination an ego trip over well-known theory? And why is imagination intelligence so important?

Here are 3 interesting sayings:

  1. Challenge is something that you think is hard to do – but we keep doing it because we want to succeed. 
  2. “The true sign of intelligence… is not knowledge, but imagination!” –by Albert Einstein. 
  3. “Those who don’t believe in magic… will never find it!” –by Roald Dahl. 

Considering that, and putting it together:

  • Knowledge is what we have been taught, heard or read about and understood up to a point, according to our own personal experience. 
  • Knowledge can have power, if well used. And if knowledge is left dormant, it is useless. 
  • Whereas imagination embraces knowledge and also includes the unknown, thus a new vision is born through the relationship. 
  • The acceptance of our new visionary thought, allows our imagination to fuel a WOW-inspiration. 
  • Imagination and inspiration therefore takes knowledge as we know it, to another level. 

Working on a notion:

  • If we are willing to think deeply enough, about how we could use that concept to our advantage, we realize there is a chance of coming up with a new concept. 
  • Once inspired with an idea, another idea tends to follow, then another and another, building upon each other, until you have an exciting new theory forming. 
  • How bold we are, to think further on a theory or thought process, and then turning it around to suit our project. 
  • The whole mental development process undergoes a transition of reigning in and sorting out possibilities and feasibilities. Its then up to us to follow through to make it work or not! 
  • Common sense isn’t always considered in the process, because imagination and inspiration takes over. 
  • Our success depends on our willingness, perception, consciousness, focus, skills and resources. And how strong our desire, how great your passion, belief, dedication and persistence.  

Imagination is about Spirit:

Since little children have recently left heaven, they use imagination to understand what they’re learning each new day that passes. And added to that, we often hear about how some children talk to their `imaginary friends’! 

Now that we are adults, with some knowledge, we use inspired imagination to write books and blogs. 

Composing, whether its music or blogs:

To dream up our story, we need to take time out to think it out. Philosophically, re-arranging words and sentences, until we bring those details, to conform to our premise theme… down to our terms! Making it our thing, the thing we want it to be. 

It’s up to our spirit and attitude, to produces the quality of the content. Whether, it is positive, a happy cheerful blog or something quite dynamic, dramatic and utterly fascinating and magical. 

So taking time out to think and dream is important. It allows our spirits to spin into other dimensions of thought. 

It’s to what dimension you take it; that will reach and touch the senses and hearts of people!  

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I like that you incorporated the important role that knowledge plays in the process of true creative and imaginative solutions.

I think many people are misguided by thinking that they only need to "dream big" and they will come up with something great magically, but the truth is that the scope of your knowledge limits your ability to produce something of value. Think of knowledge as the toolkit that you need to create that beautiful painting that you had in mind: the richer it is, the more possibilities you have at hand to make use of, combine and bring your vision to life.

Great post, @artguru!

The human spirit and imagination can overcome tragedy and terror and find in it the potential of opportunity. Even a disaster on the scale of hurricane can not obliterate imagination and hope.

Conclusion - we know so little , we can't even imagine the whole truth of the things, we can only try

This topic is worthy of attention and discussion.

What a beautiful imagination in the morning time you wonder you are wonderful my friend

You have some nice blogs on your own site. So it won't be long before others will find them too.

I like.

Image of nation, imagination.
Great article!

nice to see one true pic of life regard imagination, lets dig more to give clarity pic to our friends.

These thoughts are or should be the history of evolution of mankind! Thanks for sharing. follow resteem

It is true that success comes from Imagination, because imagination insists you to act...very nice post

Imagination is how you get inspiration for a lot of your own creations be it for work or as a hobby. I have a very active imagination at times and love it.

As an artist, I love imagination. Whether you re-arranging words or allowing your watercolour washes to flow into each other. its the same. Great fun.

it's really great you are right thank's for share this information and this discussion really we do the challenge to be the winner .. , I have upvote and follow you !

How about utopia ...?
What would you like to say?


Nice one @artguru

Perhaps imagination must work hand in hand with knowledge.

The more you learn of the world by taking in knowledge, perhaps through reading or talking to others, you learn more about yourself.

When you learn about yourself, your spirit goes up in capacity and with that, your imagination.

I agree. I find knowledge exciting, especially when I challenge it with imagination, then my mind is all powered up and excited. It's like taking an adventure down an unknown path.

Indeed. Key word is: Unknown.

Freestyle life. Learn everything. Imagine everything. Just freestyle it.

Great article, definitely worth the read. My point of view is that people who are artistic, are generally more intelligent than the average person. They have better critical thinking. (Or that is just my belief)

Mine too. It's because artists are willing to observe the things around them, that they can't help but do more research on what they have envisioned.

Great Work (Y)

Challenging imagination is what this world is all about and I agree to every words of this article. 😊

Yes! Taking time out to dream, I have come to believe, is so much more important than we tend to give it credit for these days.

Every single thing that exists in the world first started in imagination... from the tables we eat at, the planes we fly in to the big companies that are giants in the world.

I have been reading a lot of the works of Neville Goddard recently, and he is a huge proponent of the power of our imaginations.

Knowledge by itself is kind of static. It only becomes powerful and, as you say, a vision, when imagination is added into the equation.

Great post!

I agree. Love your input.

A pleasure to meet your blog @artguru, I love reading your writings, you are a great writer, I follow you, and I invite you to see my new post, where I share photos taken by me to different animals, I would appreciate if you leave me a comment with your opinion, greetings and hugs!

I really like your posts, maybe I'm interested in your post, I wait for your next posting @artguru

Here are 3 interesting sayings:
Challenge is something that you think is hard to do – but we keep doing it because we want to succeed.
“The true sign of intelligence… is not knowledge, but imagination!” –by Albert Einstein.
“Those who don’t believe in magic… will never find it!” –by Roald Dahl.

good post... I like....

Really i like your posts, Great post, @ rtguru!

Really i like your posts gooo @ibrahemm51

Sometimes you hear older people say "He / She's been here before" !! An interesting thought, as to why some people are instinctively knowledgeable about somethings - a deja vue theory.
Thought provoking blog. Thank you

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

- Albert Einstein

I think I have too much imagination, and sometimes I go too far and looks that my music or my writing are lunatic, mess, I don't know ahhahaha

If you have time please check this story of mine :-)

I'm not begging for follow or upvote here, I just want an opinion of someone I think is intelligent and say to me if I have skills to write and keep writing (You know, I'm a musician and Poker player, stocks trader). I just started to write a few days ago here on steemit, before that I used to write just some songs lyrics, but nothing serious.

Loved your post!! :-)


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Loved your post and left a comment.
Love your honesty in the way you write. Honesty is what appeals to people. They can relate to it.

woowow It's an honor :-) I'm really happy right now!!! I passed through so many s** in life but I 'm here and glad I am healthy and I can write in a positive way about all things I learned.

tks a lot

It means a lot to me your opinion :-)

want a coffee.jpg


It seems like "See the Invisible and Do the Impossible"

I can tell you, when I look back on life, I see that I have achieved the impossible. Well according to my circumstances. The reason I achieved so much, is because I never gave up, even when I wondered why I was still doing it! I supposed my imagination ran away with me... he-he!

Just because someone wrote something and it is often quoted does not make it the truth. In recent years, I have witnessed the plague of misinformation/disinformation being posted. As my mom would frequently say, "One lies and another swears to it."

Plato offered that human emotions worked contrary to human logic. Plato was full of it. A refined system of logic and eventually high critical thinking need emotional intelligence and integrity, as it drives intellectual honesty.

Children come into this world as great thinking machines, only lacking a refined system of logic. Their first communications are emotionally driven.

Sadly, the bigotry against children and the perpetuation of bad parenting and groupthink sends the child into chaos. Artificial imagination retards the original thought processes. Children quickly learn to wear masks. Facades and masks personify what ego is about.

One with a healthy inner child is confident and humble at the same time and has no need to prop his/her self up. Anyone who thinks that this is merely theory, then I give you Down's Syndrome children. They are vectors of unconditional love and it's contagious. The families that they are part of rank at the top of what humanity has to offer.

Many thanks for your input. It's good to have other people's point of view.