Wondering how you can start your own blog, and maybe even make money? Here is the guide you need.

in blog •  7 years ago 

Blogging has become very popular, with more and more blogs. Maybe you're still one of those that sit a little on the fence and do not quite know how to proceed. Based on that, we give you here the simple guide to how you can get your own blog, your own domain - and also maybe earn some money on your blog.
Before you start, find out what to blog about. Of course one can blog about anything but having a thought about the content will help on. Should you blog about your own life, a particular topic or are you going to blog about other news?

Find a place to blog

We recommend two places to start your blog with a background in control of their own content and the ability to earn money hemselves. There are several players in Norway that offers you a free blog platform, but few of them offer you to control the contents totally itself and the fact that you can commercialize freely on your own blog.

Blogspot / Blogger

This is Google's blog platform, and since it's Google's has two distinct advantages. The first is that you incredibly easily implement Google ads as you earn money, and the other is that you soon will be available for search. Blogspot has also the advantage that it works with most of the pinging, and that the platform is relatively simple to use. The seamless integration with photo service Picasa also makes the image base single will be available for you.

On Blogspot there are also very many extras you incredibly easy to add to your blog. The slight drawback with Blogspot is that there are many templates to choose from, and that it may be somewhat difficult to customize your look beyond the header and colors. It requires no technical knowledge to do just that. That is if you want to add other items you need to be happy to get some help.

This is by far the best blog platform in the world in terms of opportunities, and the platform is both Ida Wulff and Nette Nestea user. It provides a variety of customization options and control over your own site. It is also easy to make collecting blogs such as mammaer.com using Wordpress.
There are a number of templates you can use with Wordpress, and about as many widgets / extras. The absolute biggest advantage of Wordpress is that if you grow up and want to commercialize on your own blog, you can move the entire blog to your own website and have an even greater control of all content. Do you have a long-term plan to become big, famous and rich in blogging would we have chosen Wordpress.

Satistikksystemet here also very good, but it's the design that Wordpress rocker. Just look at the difference between Style Watch and Blog to Flickr . Both are made in Wordpress. In the beginning it can be a challenge to create their own designs, but there are so many templates when you start that there should be no immediate concern.

Own Domain

A special domain is very smart, and no matter which blog provider you choose, you can have your own domain. All you have to do is buy the domain you want and point it to your blog page. You do not need to buy any hosting in the beginning so long as you use a vendor. Web hosting costs extra, but it can also provide you with email addresses at your domain (so if you buy the domain commaregel.com so you can get the email [email protected] through the vendor).

There are many providers offering you to buy domain, and you have to pay anywhere from just under one hundred tag to just over among those who have the lowest price in the annual cost of your domain.

Examples of suppliers for only domain:
A provider of domain, email and web are One.com which takes 10 per month.
How to traffic

There to get traffic on your blog requires planning and strategic work. Some blog providers have well visited cover, and can be a reason to choose them. Although this may be a somewhat short-term election due. Traffic itself provides no money.

The first visitors of your blog should be your friends and relations, and the proliferation of blog posts by posting on Facebook, MySpace and possibly Twitter are easy ways to get traffic from these on. Your friends have other friends, so to encourage them to comment on your posts on Facebook can be quite OK at the start.
Commenting on other blogs is also smart, as long as you do it so you can actually concentrate on the content of what is written and not just promote your own blog. Add link to your own blog where there are fields for this (something most comment fields). To comment on matters of such Side2 and Manager will also provide you with traffic, as long as you remember to post your link to your blog. Have you written about something as it says on the matter is this is highly relevant.

Twingly is a service that allows you to ping your posts where you've linked to a case of, for example VG to come up in the case. This is highly effective as long as you actually have written about what's in the case. If you abuse this creates just bad feelings for your blog, and is certainly not something to recommend in length. Also make sure that you actually take the time to write long enough about the case is about.
Blog list , which we have, works a bit similarly. By registering where you get posts the list on a page and you can also come up on the Manager and Sides cover in blog fields contained therein.
Side2blogg is a separate blog magazine where every day picked out 10 blogs that have a direct link to his blog. By getting her blog where you can get quite a lot of traffic.

It partnering with major websites will also provide traffic. To get such cooperation need either to have a blog with good traffic, or to specialize in one area. If you are the only Norwegian blogger who writes about fashion in Ukraine may be you are more interesting than the one who writes about fashion here and there. The more specialized you are, and better you are at your site, the more interesting you are.

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