What is Manifestation?

in blog •  6 years ago 

The ancient understanding of how Manifestation works or how it can be used has been a mystery for many years to our current science and so-called specialists. They understand and have proven that Thoughts create or have an effect on the field that we call Reality or Matrix!

Now, what is a Matrix? Thank you for asking! :)
A Matrix is when a collective field is established a collective agreement or consensus reality wherein everyone agrees to undergo certain experiences but is not obligated to follow or agree with it!

Meaning in this reality we have on Earth, it is obvious that we all are living our own respective reality, so our own bubble, yet outside of ourself we at the same time live within a big colossal bubble that defines how our reality operates.

Manifestation in that sense is when the respective bubble of a person attracts something to them that reflects their state of mind or energy.

But I'm not here to talk about how people think manifestation works!
I'm here to talk about it and finally disclose and bring forth the actual mechanism on how manifestation works.

So if you don't wanna learn something life-altering i'd kindly ask you to close this post now!

Let's first establish some ground rules here!
Positive Energy = Integrative --> Internal --> Connection
Negative Energy = Separation ---> External --> Disconnection

The more you live life in a positive way the more positive lifestyle you will experience.
The more you live life in a negative way the more negative of a lifestyle you will experience.

Simple physics!

So manifestation happens when you are in a certain energy state that is allowing things to come to you right? WRONG!!!

When you manifest something you actually shift your consciousness to a parallel version of Earth that already contains what it is you want! You never! attract things to you! that's not how it works!

You need to understand that there is only HERE and NOW, The past and the future do not exist.
There's only a continual flow of Here and Now in which all things exist simultaneous, this also means re-incarnation is an illusion because all lives are going on simultaneously, but that's for another time ;)

As a result nobody lives in the same reality! By your focus alone you shift to an Earth that is representative of your vibration!

So let's say someone who fears the Illuminati and cabal and dark beings to one day take over the Earth will continually find information that confirms and affirms to them, that there is something out there (in their reality) that perpetuates that belief!!

Let's say someone like me who does not fear the Illuminati and understands the real thing going on, on this planet, i will never find things that reflect such a horrible perspective in my reality! eventhough it exists... i become immune to it! Literally!

So this is what is meant with "Change yourself! Change the World!" It is not that when you change yourself you change the world you are in, No! But it does mean that when you change yourself, then you shift your consciousness to an already containing Earth that is similar than the one you just left but this new Earth contains your new reality.

And let me tell you all this, you shift realities billions of times per second! This is what gives you the illusion of motion
Just like a filmstrip, frames when moved in rapid speeds, form a movie! Reality works the same way! But its just your consciousness that does the motions and flipping and bouncing from reality to reality! This is what brings forth the illusion of continuity in life.

So in order to manifest first imagine and feel what it would feel like if you were to have the object or money or girl or whatever without feeling the absence of it! And do this for 15 Min straight. And after those 15 min LET GO! utterly physically, mentally, LET GO.

Because it is in the letting go that things come to you! or better said you go to it! :D

So this means you are the only being utterly and totally responsible for what happens in your life.
Be responsible! Remember when something negative shows up as in a manifestation in your life, if it keeps occurring then that means its there to teach you something! Don't invalidate it! Work with it. Usually, when you respond differently to the situation or circumstances even though it may be the same, that is when you show life/universe that you have changed and then the not so comfortable manifestation has taught you something and will not happen again.

Negative emotions caries negative momentum which can happen in a variety of ways in your life, one way or the other you will experience what you are the vibration of at some point in your life. So be positive, Integrate both positive and negative experience within you. Grow from it and Enjoy Life!

And remember you don't go to the mirror and force yourself to smile! You have to smile first!! before the reflection of yourself smiles. Reality is like a mirror; Change yourself! Change the World!

Thank you for Reading!

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